Just need opinions for this cycle:

Week 1--------- 500mg Test E/w
Week 2--------- 500mg Test E/w
Week 3--------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 4--------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 5--------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 6--------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 7--------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 8--------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 9--------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 10-------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 11-------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 12-------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 13 --------350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 14-------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Week 15-------- 350mg Test E/w +Proviron 50mg/ed
Normal PCT protocol: Nolva , Clomid
As you can see i am doing some front loading, and trying to have stable "high" levels from week 3 to week 15...
My goal for this cycle is to make dry, lean gains(i know this is mostly diet dependent,but the cycle has part here too) so i added Proviron.
And the low dose of Test: As i said i want to make lean gains, not to bloat as baloon, i am kinda estro-sensitive , and this would be my second cycle, so the dose is just right for me and my goals.
Before i start the cycle i will post FULL cycle, pct, stats, diet plan... if you need stats my stats you can see them in my older posts, now i just want some opinions about this idea.

Thanks for the opinions.