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  1. #1
    Depfreeman450 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    New Cyp and Winni cycle and a PCT question.

    Age 32
    Years Training: 12(non-stop)
    Previous cycles:4
    Height 6'2
    Bodyfat 9-12 ( you can see all my abs but still have a layer over the top)

    Last cycle was Sust and Tren E. Sust at 750mg a week and Tren at 500mg a week. Dr. keeps a check on all my levels and says he will give me Tamoxifen when needed. So PCT is not a problem.

    In the past I done Test E with Anavar , the above Sust and Tren E, Just test for my first cycle and Test 400 once before.

    I am about to start Cypionate and winstrol (25mg pills) I am planning on doing 500mg Cyp a week and 50mg of Winni a day split into 2 doses. What can I expect from this cycle or with the other cycles under my belt can I include something else in this cycle. I have never had any issues at all on cycles. No high BP, no acne, no gyno, no libido issues, no erection problems. Tren E did make me sleep weird and have night sweats but that is normal.

    Also my Dr. who is very familiar with this stuff says not to take PCT unless you have problems post cycle. He knows my cycles I take and still feels like it is sometimes better to let your system start back on its own and he says it generally will in 2-3 weeks. He did say just to pay attention to my body and at the first sign of problems to go on PCT. I have been off cycle about 9 weeks and have lost very little weight off my last cycle and no strength loss. Can some people actually go without PCT and be just fine? Everyone's body is different.

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    UK Get in the diet forum!
    IMO your doctor is giving you bad advise

    PCT is required if you want to recover as quickly and fully as possible

    Also Nolva only for PCT is not best

    Check out the PCT section and look at Swiftos PCT Q&A thread

  3. #3
    Depfreeman450 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I would think that to but I have had no problems without PCT ever before and had lost very little gains that I have made. Maybe he is right in saying that some peoples bodies do fine without it.

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