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  1. #1
    tommysupra13 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010

    need help.. please only reply if you know what you are talking about thanks..

    I am 25 yrs old, over the summer I was on a cycle of test. (First 12 weeks test E, and last two weeks on test P). 500 ccs of test e a week.. This was my first cycle. At the end of the cycle I started PCT with clomid/novladex. And 1 HCG shot each week of 1000 IUs. I was only able to do the PCT for two weeks because it made me sick so I stopped it. After about a week my body went back to normal. It stayed normal for about a month. At this time I decided to take liquid letro because I was still retaining some water. I took about 6mls of liquid letro spread out over a week and a half. The water did go down, but a few days later I started noticing a pain in my balls. I figured the pain would just go away and the letro was responsible for it., but persisted for over a week. I finally went to the urologist and told him everything that I took. He examined me and said everything looks normal, sent me for a sonogram and when that came back he said it was normal too... Its been over a month now and the pain has not gone away!! It is not a constant pain. It comes and goes. Its in both of my testicles, it gets agravated sometimes when I bend over. It seems to me that my balls did not drop all the way down to their normal position. They also seem a little bit swollen. NOW ..WHAT SHOULD I DO? I have another 5000 IUs of HCG. Should I take it? If so how much should I take and on what schedule? OR should I go back to the doctor?? ANY advice would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    tommysupra13 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010
    So what should I do? should i start taking HCG even though i ended my cycle in August? If so can i take HCG by its self or do I need to take clomid/novladex wit it? keep in mind I ended my PCT early because the clomid and novladex made me sick..

  3. #3
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    I would probably seek a second opinion from another doc before running off half-cocked.

  4. #4
    tommysupra13 is offline New Member
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    Does any one else have any other advice?? this pain is not going away... any guesses at what could have possibly caused this? if i take HCG will it possibly mess me up more? any advice will help.. thanks

  5. #5
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    Ive had that pain before as well, turns out heavy lifting can squeeze the tubes in your testicles which end up causing pain. Sometimes it can have infection as well so many docs will give a simple antibiotic to be safe.

    The advice I got was avoid heavy lifting for a few weeks and it will go away. I took a break from lifting and it went away.

    Could be the same thing...

  6. #6
    smalltime7 is offline Member
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    growing pains and Im not joking

  7. #7
    tommysupra13 is offline New Member
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    growing pains at 25 yrs old?
    i have stopped working out completely, i havent been in the gym in almost a month because i figured lifting would aggravate it.. the weird thing is that the pain did not exist until after i took the liquid letro, which was about a month or so after i ended my cycle... post cycle i had no pain at all, it seemed like a couple days after the letro the pain developed. Does anyone think HCG may help this?? like i said i have 5000ius left and i ordered a dilutant of sterile water so i can dilute the hcg to watever amount i want. thanks for all the replies

  8. #8
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommysupra13 View Post
    I am 25 yrs old, over the summer I was on a cycle of test. (First 12 weeks test E, and last two weeks on test P).
    Who gave you the greenlight for this cycle? Unless you went on hiatus, you were overlapping test-E + test-P esters. kinda stupid.
    500 ccs of test e a week.. This was my first cycle.
    You need to work on dimensional analysis. You must have huge buckets full of testosterone if you were shooting 500cc of test/week.

    At the end of the cycle I started PCT with clomid/novladex. And 1 HCG shot each week of 1000 IUs. I was only able to do the PCT for two weeks because it made me sick so I stopped it.
    You should have reevaluated your doses like a normal person before complete cessation.

    After about a week my body went back to normal. It stayed normal for about a month.
    No it didn't and no it didn't
    At this time I decided to take liquid letro because I was still retaining some water.
    Because there was no AAS in your system anymore, the reason you were still retaining water is because you were FAT.
    I took about 6mls of liquid letro spread out over a week and a half. The water did go down, but a few days later I started noticing a pain in my balls. I figured the pain would just go away and the letro was responsible for it., but persisted for over a week. I finally went to the urologist and told him everything that I took. He examined me and said everything looks normal, sent me for a sonogram and when that came back he said it was normal too... Its been over a month now and the pain has not gone away!! It is not a constant pain. It comes and goes. Its in both of my testicles, it gets agravated sometimes when I bend over. It seems to me that my balls did not drop all the way down to their normal position. They also seem a little bit swollen. NOW ..WHAT SHOULD I DO? I have another 5000 IUs of HCG. Should I take it? If so how much should I take and on what schedule? OR should I go back to the doctor?? ANY advice would be greatly appreciated
    LoL. Sorry I can't give you advice on your groin pain but next time you should actually research or maybe not use steroids .

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