I'm 32 about 170 lbs and 10% BF. My diet is lean and I avoid sugar and alcohol. I feel like I'm what you call a "hardgainer" but I'm down to my last 6/7lbs of fat that I would like to lose and I'm having a helluva time doing it.
I have run a couple cycles of Methandrol before I knew what I was doing and got good results. I ran my last bottle of it about 3 months ago, and didn't have a lot of weight gain at all. I noticed some firming etc, and I wasn't worn out in the gym ever...the purpose of my cycles is typically for cutting.
My current cycle consideration is this M-drol 20mg, Epistane 1pill whatever that dose is, Tamox cit 25ml, Animal Stack and Flex, and Cycle Support 4 pills. Daily...
I have a feeling Mdrol is going to be a real b****. I'm reading all these great reviews from the 12yr old's, but when I take ONE pill it makes my right nipple super sore almost immediately and makes my liver hurt. I have a bottle of Sustarol as a substitue if this falls apart, but I'm seriously considering cutting the bs, and moving to real gear.
Is Mdrol typical in these symptoms I'm referencing and should I just try to stick it out and let my body get accustomed to it?
Is Sustadrol a viable alternative at all or is it a total waste of time?
I would rather do PH's than cross any legal boundaries, honestly, but from a health perspective, if it's going to be just as rude on my body, or not, hopefully, I would rather have the real deal. Perhaps an Anavar or Dianabol cycle wouldn't mess with the liver so much.
Is real gear worth the risks?
I feel like the results from PH's are pretty lame. Especially after the ban. That Methandrol was some clean stuff and did impress me. I never slapped on 20lbs of muscle, but I did gain 4/5 and keep about 3 on a 4 week cycle. I was always eating to manage fat gain as well. No 10k calorie ice cream diet.
I would appreciate a good recommendation, having no experience with real gear. My biggest concern is from a health perspective as I don't want to look great in a coffin.
If not real gear, then please recommend me something I might be able to actually buy that will do some good!
