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  1. #1
    tallguy21 is offline New Member
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    would the military ever test for aas? or has anybody ever heard of them trying to?

    ^^^as the title states

  2. #2
    tdiddy is offline Junior Member
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    They WILL test you if they have suspicion. If your attitude changes, and you start getting into altercations....or your performance at work raises eyebrows. On top of that throw a 30lb weight gain in a few months and they will have a general idea. All depends on your Commander. If you are smart you will be fine.

    There are bigger issues for you my friend. CID. They are sneaky as **** and can be tracking your every move.

    Just cover your back and you will be fine

  3. #3
    crazy_rocks's Avatar
    crazy_rocks is offline Senior Member
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    yeah they may have your IP address and know your on here.

    but hes right. testing for steroids is not part of the regular drug test. when they wanna test you for steroids its a specific test. its not like if your being tested for weed and lsd that they might find steroids. it takes a completely different drug test to find it.

    DONT TELL ANYONE. word gets around so easy. you will have dudes in your unit asking you for the hook up. NOT GOOD.

  4. #4
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    thats about the only thing they dont test 4 ..g2g

  5. #5
    TopDogUK's Avatar
    TopDogUK is offline Junior Member
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    As Little said "They WILL test you if they have suspicion."

    I know a lot of people who takes roids and are in the forces. Its clear they are getting big quick but i dont think the commanders mind to much as they are getting stronger so will be able to perform better on the fitness side of things. If they suspect you are abusing them they might say something.

    Best thing to do is go for lean muscle gains, Will take longer to reach your goal but its not as bad as blowing up and being noticed.

  6. #6
    rebel70 is offline Junior Member
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    As already stated if they are suspicious of your new found physique and possible mood changes.Yet the normal test is for recreational drugs.

  7. #7
    crazy_rocks's Avatar
    crazy_rocks is offline Senior Member
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    ...although there was a commander in iraq who had his entire company tested for steroids due to the suspicion of a few. this is so very rare. a bad commander as well.

  8. #8
    bigno5 is offline Junior Member
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    Judging by the handful of mil guys I know....I doubt if they get tested. I swear one of those guys has snakes in his arms for veins.

  9. #9
    Johnyonemove is offline Associate Member
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    Suspicion is wrong or at least thats not what the requirements were when I was in a few years ago. They had to have legitmate probable cause "proof" that you were using AAS to tes.t you. You would know you were being tested for it, because they would tell you and you would have to fill up 2 bottles of urine. I know the military changes, but a few years ago those were the regs!

  10. #10
    tdiddy is offline Junior Member
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    Johnnyonemore you're wrong. I have been in since 2003. Now an Infantry Squad Leader. I have seen lots of big guys in my profession. Few have definately used gear for years. They come in the Army, grow for a few years, get into a fight, then next thing you know- they are on the first plane home. I have seen it. When I was in Korea I had a few guys at work who were pushing my buttons hard to get me to crack. They worked staff jobs and wanted to bust me. But I just smiled, played dumb about steroids , and went on my way. Then weeks later they were sending random dudes trying to get a confession.

    Bottom Line - Don't be retarded. Don't add to the negative reputation of steroids. Just get in the gym, lift, eat, sleep, and medicate. Keep the rec drugs, violence and criminal activity out of your life. Stay consertive with your lifestyle, and love everybody

  11. #11
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little View Post
    Johnnyonemore you're wrong. I have been in since 2003. Now an Infantry Squad Leader. I have seen lots of big guys in my profession. Few have definately used gear for years. They come in the Army, grow for a few years, get into a fight, then next thing you know- they are on the first plane home. I have seen it. When I was in Korea I had a few guys at work who were pushing my buttons hard to get me to crack. They worked staff jobs and wanted to bust me. But I just smiled, played dumb about steroids , and went on my way. Then weeks later they were sending random dudes trying to get a confession.

    Bottom Line - Don't be retarded. Don't add to the negative reputation of steroids. Just get in the gym, lift, eat, sleep, and medicate. Keep the rec drugs, violence and criminal activity out of your life. Stay consertive with your lifestyle, and love everybody
    well put.. the perfect low profile lifestyle.

  12. #12
    Johnyonemove is offline Associate Member
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    I was actually the unit drug tester and went to school for it while in and if you're buddies were getting popped for it because they got into verbal or physical altercations then they should have looked into a proper court martial hearing. I'm 100% sure that I'm right and they actually need probable cause, unless its changed since I've been out. You're right that a person should remain low key while using!

  13. #13
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    The miltary will do it if they want.Just step on the wrong toes.You will be tested.

  14. #14
    428scj is offline Junior Member
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    As mentioned, keep a low, professional, profile and you will be good to go as long as you are not living on a steady diet of Tren or something that is going to make you blow up quick. That will send a message and start getting you attention that you don't need.

  15. #15
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I hope you live off base mate!

    storing that shit in your wall locker is bad mojo

  16. #16
    H20poloCM's Avatar
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    I manage a gnc on base, and ive talked to thousand of soilder and they all say the same thing, the military has the appropriate test, but will NEVER run them, do to the shere cost to do so. As someone said above me, be smarter to keep it on hand if you;re in the barracs.

  17. #17
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by h20polocm View Post
    i manage a gnc on base, and ive talked to thousand of soilder and they all say the same thing, the military has the appropriate test, but will never run them, do to the shere cost to do so. As someone said above me, be smarter to keep it on hand if you;re in the barracs.

  18. #18
    Axehand is offline New Member
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    There are plenty of blokes in my unit that are obviously on steroids , yet to see them being tested though. I have been tested three times in my career in those three times it has been because they have been caught red handed or leaving evidence.

    Generally speaking the guys that are on steroids are usually the guys who are the top performers, not just physically but Soldiering too and the general opinion is neutral. Don't step on you're dick and you should be fine.

    Looking at doing my first cycle shortly, will be taking the lean mass, low profile option.


  19. #19
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I served with some huge dudes in the Army. They were never tested.

  20. #20
    tallguy21 is offline New Member
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    alright cool, I appreciate the responses everybody...what is CID btw? Are you all referring to getting on the internet and talking about steroids on their clock basically? I've been using my own connection from my iphone or a wifi hotspot to say what i'm asking on my computer...they still track it?

    and when you refer to "lean" gains would test/dbol be alright for that? I want to get bigger and leaner but not so dramatic....i'm already known around here as a big guy...I gained 30lbs since getting out of basic not too long ago, but they feed you alot better out here then back home lol...I personally don't refer myself as big btw..but w/my height they act like it's a big deal...

    i'm sure if I gained another 15-20 they'd be like wth, but I could always blame on it on my eating habits that everybody knows that I have anyways

  21. #21
    tdiddy is offline Junior Member
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    CID are investigators. They are military police who basically wanna do forensic work, set up stings, go undercover, and all that bullshit.

    If you think people don't get busted for steroids in the military you are straight up ****ing retarded. This is not to you tallguy21.....but to all who are saying you won't get busted.

    Just be smart, cover your tracks, and stay conservative

  22. #22
    428scj is offline Junior Member
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    Criminal Investigation Division - kind of the Army version of the FBI. They all dress in Civys, can grow their hair, and CCW.

    Tbol would be GREAT for what you are wanting to do. It is a very mild oral that you take that conversts to Testosteron in your body. It provides lean, hard gains, is VERY mild on your system, is easy to use and hide in the field, and provides strength gains as well.

    If you are 11B or something like that and in the field in the desert somewhere, you don't want to be pinning every day due to the very high risk of infection. Tbol is a great alternative. I have done it while deployed and will do it again. The stuff works.

    Good luck in whatever way you decide to go.

  23. #23
    tallguy21 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the respones...I appreciate the info

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