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Thread: Green Horn here

  1. #1
    Jamcojay's Avatar
    Jamcojay is offline New Member
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    Green Horn here

    I am currently 38 years of age large boned 250 pounds but 33% BMI I have little knowledge of body building other than college sports and fitness. I am looking to cut to a solid 200 as fast as possible. My blood work is normal for my age. I was looking at win50 but after reading all of the posts about cycles I would like to have a more experienced bodybuilder to lend a hand to a guy grabbing in the dark on how to find the proper dosages, the proper drug and is it safe to buy online.

    please help me reach my goal with a chemical/diet plan mixture to be a ripped 39 year old.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    htown21 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    most of the experienced guys on here are gonna tell you this.

    33% bf is way to high to start AAS. You should focus on cardio and diet. Go over to the diet section and post your diet and ask for critique.

    AAS is not going to help you trim down without getting your diet in check.

  3. #3
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    ^^ aggreed. 33% and AAS use is asking for all kinds of bad things to happen. BMI is no where near an accurate measurement of bodyfat, its an outdated system that only the military refuses to get rid of. Post up some pics and we'll give you your true bodyfat percentage. Also post up your diet and workout routines and i can help you out with that. I know you said you wanna cut down to 200 as fast as possible and i'm gonna give you the facts. THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS! Even the guys on here who are using AAS with great physiques didn't get that way overnight even with the steroids it still took each one of them 1000's of hours in the gym. So lets see some pics and a diet and a training routine and we'll help you refine it and after we get you to a lean 200lbs naturally if you still wanna cycle one of us will personally help you in your decision about what AAS would be right for you!

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