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Thread: First pin today

  1. #1
    Ozstrongman is offline New Member
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    Cool First pin today

    Started first ever cycle today. 500mg test enth and 400mg eq per week
    Age 33, 8 yrs training, 6'2 and 275lbs. BF is around 18%, only guessing, could be higher but I don't need to diet for comps as I'm not BBing. Just the same, I'm always trying not to eat too much garbage but with 2 jobs and 2 kids and wife that works, a lot of the time it's eat on the run. But being "on" I'll be making more effort to prepare some quality meals.

    Oh yeah, noob mistake. Set out a 23 and 21 gauge before drawing, but drew out 1cc from each vial with the wrong needle, when I was done realised why it was taking so long when I went to swap the smaller needle for the actual injection and noticed I did in fact already have the 23 gauge on the end of the syringe. I did know before I started that 23 gauge is actually smaller but it was a noob mistake not double checking what was what before I started. Anyway actual injection in glute in centre of outer upper quadrant of right glute went fine, I'm not in significant pain, needle went in almost painlessly, took around 30-45secs to inject, wasn't timing but I certainly wasn't rushing.

    Just thought I'd post an honest account of my very first and see what people have to say, hoping the journey will be friggen excellent.

  2. #2
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think you will find a lot of people saying you would have been better off just running the Test for your first cycle. On a first cycle the 500mg of test should be plenty to induce a highly anabolic state and if you run into any sides with two compounds on a first cycle you will not know which compound you have the problem with. Further running two long active life compounds will mean that if you do have sides it will take a long time for clearence.

    PS Wait for someone with more knowlege but its probably not too late to drop the EQ and maybe add it on the next go round.

    PS your high BF will most likely make you more succeptable to the sides.

    Ohh sorry, although my post may sound critical, I certainly do not mean it to be negative just giving my honest feelings.

    BEST LUCK on the cycle and I hope you achieve the gains you seek!

    Last edited by Far from massive; 11-24-2010 at 08:01 AM. Reason: Footnote

  3. #3
    lil_herc81's Avatar
    lil_herc81 is offline Member
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    Injection looks good. Slow release is best. I always rub the injection site afterward for a good 30 seconds to work the oil in

  4. #4
    Ozstrongman is offline New Member
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    thanks for the replies so far, did squats this morning and equalled best heavy weight PB of 195kgs for 5 reps, around 430lbs in old speak. As far as cycle goes, 2 guys I train strongman with have been on Test e and Eq for 2 months, the one with the most experience using AAS saying it's a good cycle for strength gains that won't cause too much hypertrophy and the anti-aromatising properties of the Eq can actually counter-act some sides of the test. At present the two of them are both on and have no sides. Of course, this doesn't mean I will have no sides I'm aware of that.

    If anyone cares to comment on this stack and whether or not the eq can/will actually negate any sides from just running test alone, feel free. I based my decision to go with this first time on the fact that I know these 2 guys personally and i trust them enough to believe them if they say they're having minimal sides and i train with them and can see their strength is progressing well. one is competing in a national DL comp next weekend looking like he'll pull 880lbs, 400kgs in metric.


  5. #5
    lil_herc81's Avatar
    lil_herc81 is offline Member
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    As you indicated, what worked for them may not work for you. It is always recommended to have everything you may need on hand before starting a cycle. So yes have AI,PCT and your gear on hand

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