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  1. #1
    bbh90 is offline Junior Member
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    HRT/TRT in younger men more common as well as less libido common

    i know that a lot of us have been noticing more young men in their 20's needing HRT/TRT as well as more young men having a less strong libido than in previous times

    since a lot of us are aware of this what do you guys think the reason is? with my knowledge i would have to think that all the pesticides plastics hormones in meats as well as higher stress levels i also think that possibly for a lot of the people who have decided to have such a hard partying life style that could be a possible reason but these are my ideas for why there is this sudden rise

    what do you guys believe to be the problem?

  2. #2
    K_PIN is offline Junior Member
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    I agree with the reasons you say and also extremely young people jumping into aas with no education and doing cycles that make no sense at all. I know lots of people that started while in high school.

    Rec drug use and the types of drugs being used is probably a factor as well.

  3. #3
    arizona32's Avatar
    arizona32 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm on TRT at 34. For me, I think it was high levels of stress due to work. I also think Effexor (anti depressant/anxiety) I was on for 10 years contributed. But, I agree with you that the majority of the problem is chemicals/hormones in food and our environment in general. We live in a much less natural world than our ancestors.

  4. #4
    fossilfuel7's Avatar
    fossilfuel7 is offline Member
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    I agree with those reasons for sure.

    I am 28 and just had my Test level tested last month and was kind of shocked to find that my Test level was a senior citizen level of 312..... with 400-1200 being the age dependent range.

    My sex drive is ok..not great but ok I guess...and I was benching over 300 until my nagging pec finally strained 3 months ago.

    That is actually what prompted me to check my Test level because I have felt that my recovery has been poor for a number of years it's hard to tell how long my test level has been low.

    I have never cycled either..but figure it's time to at least start TRT.

  5. #5
    bbh90 is offline Junior Member
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    interestng responses guys KPIN surprisingly there were not many people in my highschool who did steroids during highschool but there was a period of time shortly after graduating that it seemed there were a lot of people trying them most of the people were just the retarded people though that dont even work out and litterally starting working out and taking steroids on the same day ill never understand what inspired them but none the less im sure you could have guesse the outcome was they got some gains nothing special i wouldnt say since htey didnt know how to diet or work out then just losing it all after

    Arizona 23 i think that a lof of the medications we are given such as antidepresants and such could very likly be a cause idk this is somewhat a sensative subject for me as far as doctors handing out medication because i know they hand out pain killers and adderal like candy to kids all the time i personally know multiple ppl who have died from overdose of pain killers but they were only about 22 and getting perscriptions for bullshit reasons they litterally just said they had back pain and the doctor gave it to them they didnt actually even have back pain and same with adderal i dont know anyone who has died from it but i know a handful of guys 1-4 years out of highschool that were perscribed it by their doctor and it just turned into an addiction in which the doctor took no account of and now kept perscibing them the adderal now a few of them have CNS damage from the adderal as well as a good deal of other problems it just irritates me a lot how the media is so influential and makes steroids out to be terrible when i know plenty of ppl who use steroids and as well as plenty of ppl who use pain killers or adderal and the pain killers and adderal are causing lots of serious problems while most of the people i know who do steroids as long as they know what they are doing are fine and even the ones who went at it less wisely than i would myself are better off than the people who get into the pain killers and adderal
    but how is the TRT doing for you? as far as a life change whats your experience? i know some ppl are not very keen on it because they consider it not being in control but in my opinion id rather take a shot and feel the way i should than live everyday with the feeling of low test levels

    Fossilefule7 yes i think those reasons would have to have a significant impact i honestly think that those things are causing far more problems than we even know yet and not until our generation gets older will we start to get the full wrath of how they have effected us becuase of this reason i try to buy my fruits and veggies organic but the meats are just to expensive to buy organic all the time but yes your situation is a very good example of what im talking about i mean just as you said you never would have expected to have such low levels at this age how are you feeling about going on TRT? i think if i was in your position i would probably save some of my sperm at a sperm bank just to be safe and then be very excited to be feeling younger again and be better suited to achieve my goal physique as well as just the everyday better feeling

  6. #6
    fossilfuel7's Avatar
    fossilfuel7 is offline Member
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    For me, I started noticing a drop off at 23 in everything including sex drive and recovery. I know I have been under way more stress than most guys our age because of life, job, and financial worries and trying to run multiple businesses. I was also one of those guys that had a facial hair 12-13 and had a raging sex drive as I am a well seasoned 28 IMO. I still did not think my Test level would come back that low....but hey, it's 2010 and everything is f***ing whatever lol.

    As for doesn't really bother me if I have to take it...especially at only 150-200mg per week. I am not starting until January.
    My IGF level was just under the middle point for age dependent it wasn't that great either.

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