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  1. #1
    Li Bert is offline New Member
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    oral only cycles - i know we hate them - but the UK boards like them

    everytime an oral only cycle comes up over here, or for any board thats in the states, i see the flames a mile high and people always telling them read more and add test and so on. but over on the UK boards, these guys seem to like these types of cycles. espically dbol and winstrol cycles. even the mods over there approve of them and give good advice, but they never say bad things about it. am i missing something here?

  2. #2
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    seems to be 2 compeltely different beliefs/understandings from what i can other cultures and countries there is an opposition to the american beliefs that heavier, longer, and harsher cycles provide greater gains...from what im bringing off other boards like the UK ones your probably talking about are that moderate/low doses and shorter/less harsh cycle produce longer lasting gains, which is probably why they advocate the use of orals only, you can keep the doses low, keep a good diet, and gain a nice solid 5-10llbm...

  3. #3
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    personally i woudln't do an oral only cept maybe winstrol , but even then ill probably throw some eq or a bit of test...just have differnet beliefs and opinions on cycles is all...

  4. #4
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by djdjdjddjon
    seems to be 2 compeltely different beliefs/understandings from what i can other cultures and countries there is an opposition to the american beliefs that heavier, longer, and harsher cycles provide greater gains...from what im bringing off other boards like the UK ones your probably talking about are that moderate/low doses and shorter/less harsh cycle produce longer lasting gains, which is probably why they advocate the use of orals only, you can keep the doses low, keep a good diet, and gain a nice solid 5-10llbm...

    Makes sense.


  5. #5
    FCECC2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    under some plywood sheets
    the difference is very large...

    i suscribe to a french forum in december and the difference between DOSAGE is absurde...

    french BBs advise: pyramid deca for 8 weeks at 150mg then peak it to 300mg and start taking dbol at 20mg/day for 4 weeks then lower deca to 200mg til the end. Clomid for 6 weeks.

    U.S BBs advice: start with 1-6 dbol at 50mg/ed,1-10 test 750mg/w, 600mg of EQ/w, drop A-bombs in the middle, finish with fina 100mg/ed and winny 50/ed . Clomid, Clen , HGC...

    ok ok i dramatize the thing but for the frenchies, 400mg/w of deca week and 500mg/w of test is still a huge huge cycle...

    this was the first forum where i took the infos, and i can tell you that difference between culture is HUGE in the AS world!!!

    Last edited by FCECC2; 02-26-2003 at 07:00 PM.

  6. #6
    tt333 is offline Senior Member
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    I dont care what anybody thinks, try an Oral only cycle and see if it works for you. If it works then great then if it doesnt you know that you might have to tweak your cycle. Back in the 50's they were doing dbol only for up to 11 weeks and loving it. Some of the bodybuilders back in the 50's had great bodys. Do research for yourself to find out.

  7. #7
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    hope the english arent too attached to their livers...

  8. #8
    Billmister's Avatar
    Billmister is offline Member
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    oral dbol and oral winnni?... ouch... your liver will take a beatting from that. I wouldn't do that. specially togething at the same time

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