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    Satre is offline New Member
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    Dec 2010

    Non-AAS Hormonal Issues

    I'm a 21 year old male. I have been lifting for about 5 years, of which the most recent 3 have been somewhat serious. I have not touched anything hormonal. I have stuck to whey, multis, and creatine. I am here because I have symptoms that look like a cycle ran without a PCT. I have seen a lot of doctors, but none of them have been helpful. Most of them just googled shit in front of me and prescribed it to me. This forum has a lot of good information, and thought some might be able to help me.

    I've had insomnia for the past two years. I was 210 @ 6'2 before the insomnia started. I continued weightlifting, after a deloading period, and playing rugby. I believe that the combination of not sleeping and continued training put me in an actual overtrained state. I took it easy for a few months over the summer, but my sleep never got better. I came into preseason and rugby hard. My sleep was getting really bad again, so I had blood work done. My test and estradiol were elevated. The doctor said it wasn't serious.

    About a year and a half later, I have developed gyno in my left pec, and my right pec has some weird fatty tissue on it. I have some weight around my middle that I never have had before. My sex drive is pretty dead. I got another blood test done. My test was ~1100 and my estra was ~60 ng/dl and my free test was low.

    I finally got a sleep study done, which my doctor said couldn't be the problem, and they diagnosed me with really bad sleep apnea. They said that the air passageway becomes obstructed in sleep, and the body freaks out and dumps adrenaline and cortisol. I think that years of stress and these hormones triggered an increase in test production. This prolonged exposure to elevated test has given me the same sides that would come with poor AAS use. I am on a Temoxifen prescript, but it makes me feel like shit.

    Does this causality make sense? Is my HTPA permanently thrashed? Should I switch to something like Letro or Aromasin ? What steps should I take with my doctor? Will I be able to run AAS later in life?

    Thank you for reading this wall of text. It seems like there is a great amount of knowledge on this thread, and I appreciate any help.
    Last edited by Satre; 12-04-2010 at 02:27 PM.

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