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  1. #1
    jennythemodel2 is offline Junior Member
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    Bodybuilding World is FULL of LIARS!!! Read this!! I need OPINIONS and tips

    Whats up guys. I read the user agreement and hopefully after posting this thread I don't violate any of the forums rules. If I do then please let me know and I will edit it to resolve the problem. In other forums I have had some threads abruptly closed and deleted because of mild and innocent questions about AAS. I know this one is very direct and somewhat insulting to whoever wants to wear the jacket, but if you're a MODERATOR and are thinking about closing my thread, LET ME KNOW what is bothering you and I will change it. Have the respect of talking to me instead of taking immature actions.

    I have been to many forums lately, asked many friends, trainers, and bodybuilders about AAS. I will tell you the conclusion after my short story. I will tell you why the bodybuilders I have encountered are liars. Keep in mind I don't want to offend anybody in this forum or that reads it. I also don't think that all bodybuilders like myself are jealous liars.

    I have been lifting for over 7 years. Am not 27 years old and have never used AAS. All I have used is protein and creating. The usage of AAS never crossed my mind until about 5 months ago.

    After over 7 years I feel that I have reached a plateau, that my metabolism is slower because I'm older, and that people have been lying to me ever since I started lifting.


    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 240
    Arms: 18
    Waist: 36
    Body fat: 22% fat approx.

    I'm very strong, and lift hardcore.

    As you can see, after many years of lifting and cardio I have gained a lot of muscle, but have NEVER been able to loose the fat. Every year I keep getting a little bit fatter and fatter. A factor of this is my businesses. I run a couple of small businesses and dieting is hard because I travel a lot, go to lunch and dinner with a lot of clients, and sometimes have to binge due to deadlines I have to meet. Sometimes I'm so busy I can't even take a piss. Fortunately I am able to go to the gym 4-5 days a week for 1.5 hours.

    "Why I believe the bodybuilding world has lied to me"

    I have subscribed to many forums where I asked one simple question.

    I have reached my plateau in muscle making. I can't loose fat that easy anymore, and I need something to AID in loosing fat without loosing muscle. What Steroids , pills, injections, herbs, or other stuff can I use to AID in fat loss and muscle retention.

    EVERYONE has laughed and told me that there is no magic pill. Even though they are huge, shredded, strong, and clearly it looks like they are cycling something they still DENY the fact of using steroids.

    They say that I'm just not dieting or working out correctly.

    I have also asked bodybuilders that I know personally who are again, shredded, very muscular, and roided out who DENY the usage of Steroids. They say they just diet and work out very hard.

    BS!! I don't believe that because I work harder than them in the gym. I lift very heavy, do super sets, increase the weight every week, and I actually sweat my AAS off (get it. lol) at the gym when I lift. Aside from that I do cardio and those liars don't.

    So, out of all of the people that have amazing bodies that I have asked about steroid usage, 60% deny they have used any, 30% say they have done one cycle, but it didn't even work for them, and 10% say they do cycles every now and then and it has worked out amazingly well for them.

    I have come to the conclusion that out of all the guys who have amazing bodies that I surveyed verbally that denied the usage of steroids; 25% are scared of the law, and the rest are just jealous pricks that want to be the only ones with a good looking body.

    They simply want to keep their secret to themselves.

    Magazines, TV, Movies, and everything you see about bodybuilding is fake. They say they are natural, but they are using lots of steroids.

    They are just natural at the time of the contest.

    So here go all the other people and buy supplements like crazy, try dieting, working hard, and never reach their goals. They don't reach their goals because they don't use AAS. AND if they do happen to get muscular and shredded they are going to end up with skinny arms. I have seen this many times. I see it all now. My mind is completely open now and I can see that there is really now way to have a bodybuilders body without steroids. Its impossible to have 20 inch arms, be shredded, and have a six pack that looks like rivers are running through it without steroids.... UNLESS you go to the gym 6-7 days a week, cardio every single day, diet every single day, have lots of money to spend on healthy food, and pretty much don't have anything else to do but workout and diet.

    That's not the case for everyone. I don't get paid for having a nice body. I have to go out and talk with people all day, fill out paperwork, go to meetings, travel, date a couple girls here and there, tend to family, etc. I have many responsibilities and if some idiot tells me that he is just naturally built that way thanks to his family genes, I'm not gonna believe it. Not anymore. Thats because I have worked out like crazy in the past years, have dieted as much as possible and have dedicated 40% of my life to bodybuilding and exercise and not even that way have I been able to accomplish what these dudes have.

    So, Am I lying to myself? Do I just have bad genes PERIOD? or is there a way to actually loose and keep the fat off while still making muscle? Is there a way of having a 32 inch waist, 20 inch arms, and look awesome while you hold an 8am to 5pm job? I ask because after working my ass off, dieting really good, and burning lots of calories every day I still haven't been able to look like this:



    I want to see opinions. Cuss me out if you want, but I'm tired of hearing all this BS that I have heard for years. Also, please tell me about side effects like hair loss, Alopecia, Gyno, female features, Aromatization, etc. Also, for those of you who know, please tell us what would effect AAS would have on people that already have lost some hair, have Alopecia, have Gyno, have Acne, or whatever else.

    Believe me. I have done my research... I know ephedrine might work, Anavar (Oxandralone), Primo, and other steroids might work. But what is your input? Everything says MIGHT, but nobody is willing to say that they have tried it and that it either worked great, or they had some problems.

    By the way, please don't PAST anything you got off another website that teaches about steroids. I have read it all. I know what they do, I know the side effects, I know about PCT, and everything that articles say about steroids. I have been researching for a long time.

    We don't want to see any of that anymore. Us guys that need advice DON'T want to see something like: Deca MIGHT make you some muscle and MIGHT make you lose some fat.

    We need to get opinions from the guys that have benefited from usage of steroids, supplements, ephedrine, and whatever you did to succeed or get closer to your goal.

    Oh, by the way.... After reading many forums I have seen these competitive Powerlifters who have horrible bodies, bad acne, ugly faces, and are bald give stupid opinions. Telling me that I'm doing it all wrong. Excuse me!!! The ones I have encountered are the ones with the worse bodies in the forums. So please, if you are a Powerlifter and think you have an amazing body with all your fat, DON'T even comment on this. We know its your job and that you want to be fat and ugly, but it wouldn't be credible if you gave us tips. Keep in mind that not all Powerlifters look messed up. Its only a large percentage of the ones I have encountered. I look up to many Powerlifters who have amazing bodies, and yes, a little bit of fat, but some of the other ugly pricks in the forums I have read or posted on get out of hand.

    Believe me, whenever I have an amazing body I am going to help everyone I can and not keep things to myself.
    Last edited by jennythemodel2; 12-06-2010 at 02:23 PM.

  2. #2
    standardIssue is offline New Member
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    huh? I'm not sure I understand

  3. #3
    jennythemodel2 is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for replying StandardIssue. Did you read the whole thing?

  4. #4
    Addictive's Avatar
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    They all are on gear.
    All of them.

  5. #5
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    I've been having a pretty horrible day...then I read your my day doesn't seem so bad. Thanks.

  6. #6
    jennythemodel2 is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you ADDICTIVE. Its good that you say that. I believe you. So, I want to look like that too. I'm NOT gonna compete or take anybody's job in bodybuilding or modeling. I just want to look good. It has shown that attractive people are more successful. Plus, every time I talk in front of a crowd and feel that I look good, my confidence rises and my presentations sound great.

    Oh, I forgot to say that I have even worked with personal trainers. The ones I have contracted are a bunch of liars as well. They are clearly on roids. You can tell because of the massive amount of muscle, how shredded they are, and by looking at their jaws. I ended up bonding as friends with a few of these trainers and they still didn't admit they did Steroids . Well, one of them said he did one cycle once and it was when he was younger, but he really didn't know how he looks so good nowadays since he eats anything he wants. Whatever!!! lol.

    For those of you who are, please don't keep this to yourself. How do you expect to be a leader if you don't want to create a large group of followers. I would know about being a leader. I own a couple companies and have great people working for me. We never have trust issues, problems, arguments, etc. Its because of me.

  7. #7
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    My opinion. Take it for what its worth.

    I spent several years with your same attitude and workout program - lifting my ass off 5 - 6 days a week with a sub-par diet and inconsistent cardio. Even tried AAS and still didn't get where I wanted to be - always maintained 18% bodyfat.

    I haven't cycled now for 18 months but during this time have gotten my diet and cardio spot on . I am as strong now as when on AAS, have as much or more LBM, more vascular, look better, feel better, and maintain 12% bodyfat.

    It took me years to get it through my thick head that diet and cardio are the most important part of reaching your goals - not AAS.

    You probably don't want to hear this but if your goals are realistic and you're not reaching them, then you need to re-examine your diet and cardio - diet being the most important part to BB. At 22% there's no way your diet is anywhere close to where it needs to be.

    Go to the diet section and ask for help, there are a bunch of guys there that really know their stuff and can get you going in the right direction. Good luck!

  8. #8
    Addictive's Avatar
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    To be honest, if you take roids for personal benefits.. how is that cheating? Your not in a competition with anyone.
    They say they don't to protect their reputation, if you've put years into your career and one simple lie will keep bringing the income, and the truth would take you out of the career, which would you do?

  9. #9
    Matt's Avatar
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    Why do i get the feeling theres an ulterior motive to this thread??
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  10. #10
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    steroids are illegal

    so when you ask ppl if they use them..... THEY WILL SAY NO

    its not personal. they arent lying to you cuz they dont like you, or cuz they want you to stay fat

    they are saying it cuz they dont want to ruin their lives by going to jail by talking to the wrong person. not knowing of that is you... then they wont give you a straight answer

    as for losing bodyfat...

    look in the diet section and read up on different types of cardio

  11. #11
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    My opinion. Take it for what its worth.

    I spent several years with your same attitude and workout program - lifting my ass off 5 - 6 days a week with a sub-par diet and inconsistent cardio. Even tried AAS and still didn't get where I wanted to be - always maintained 18% bodyfat.

    I haven't cycled now for 18 months but during this time have gotten my diet and cardio spot on . I am as strong now as when on AAS, have as much or more LBM, more vascular, look better, feel better, and maintain 12% bodyfat.

    It took me years to get it through my thick head that diet and cardio are the most important part of reaching your goals - not AAS.

    You probably don't want to hear this but if your goals are realistic and you're not reaching them, then you need to re-examine your diet and cardio - diet being the most important part to BB. At 22% there's no way your diet is anywhere close to where it needs to be.

    Go to the diet section and ask for help, there are a bunch of guys there that really know their stuff and can get you going in the right direction. Good luck!
    Very good post btw.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  12. #12
    jennythemodel2 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Nooomoto. Thanks for reading everything I read and replying. I'm guessing you're in a similar situation as mine. I'm sure many people who read this forum are in the same situation as mine too. I am one right now. I don't think anybody follows me in this forum yet, but I KNOW the people that need truth are out there. I KNOW there are lots of guys and girls out there that have been lied to quite a bit and have worked their ass off without seeing results. I hope you follow my journey in finding the truth about AAS and how we can use them to benefit us.

    Most of us have felt alone, useless, like your families gave us bad genes, and almost at the point of giving up. As I have learned with business..... Giving up is not an option. You might have to give up the way you do things to reach your goal, but you should NEVER give up the hope of reaching the goal. You should never stop working. Just find another way to get to your goal.

    That's what I'm doing now!!

    I will achieve my goal of looking like any of those guys from the links I posted, and I will help those other people that don't have amazing bodies to do so as well.

    Hey, maybe one day we could all take a group picture at Ipanema Beach with our new abs and huge arms. I will get you all some super hot Brazilian girls to hang out. haha.

  13. #13
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    steroids technically dont burn fat... so in that sense they werent lying to you

  14. #14
    Brawn's Avatar
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    I think OP should post pics of them self as is sounds like a steady case of body dis-morphia. If you work as hard as you say and your diet and rest is a sorted as it could be you should be in very good nick. maybe not like the fitness pros in the photos you uploaded but no slouch.

    Put your pic up and let others judge if you are as lacking as you believe you are.

  15. #15
    jennythemodel2 is offline Junior Member
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    There is no other motive for this thread Matt. I'm pretty good at writing even though I don't take the time to revise, so it might seem someone wants to market some sort of product. Not me. I'm here because I want to get muscular and shredded and this might be the only place to ask for advice right now.

  16. #16
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    than just run a cycle and quit running your mouth if it doesn't work for you blame it on stress, diet lack of sleep or training just don't blame it on us

  17. #17
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Why do i get the feeling theres an ulterior motive to this thread??
    crossed my mind as well

  18. #18
    Natureboy71's Avatar
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    Diet it probably more important than the AAS in my opinion. If you don't have the time to eat right no amount of training and AAS will matter. If you think all these guys only got that way by AAS then you are dumber than you sound. If you don't have the time to eat right ect ect because of your job then quit crying and stop working out because you will never get to this "level" that you seem to feel you have been robbed of. You are definetly nothing new. No offence, but you asked for it.

  19. #19
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
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    I feel your pain dude, never done cycles and retarded nervous to touch syringes. I was annoyed people point me to directions, but this led me to lift harder. In my gym I may lift as heavy as these middle-aged juice heads, there's Boston for ya.

  20. #20
    S8jack3d is offline New Member
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    A couple of things stand out in your post and I mean no disrespect. You said you dont have time to diet but you have 1.5 hours a day to workout. That sounds like an excuse to me. You can cook a whole weeks diet in a few hours. I know many people that do that. Diet is 90% of the equation. The old saying "you are what you eat" couldn't be truer. No matter how hard you workout or how much cardio you do, if your diet isn't dialed in then you're just wasting your time.

    I've trained for nearly ten years and I naturally got to look a lot like those pics you posted but just a litlle smaller. It can be done. Another big ingredient is genetics. This one you can't control but everyone is different. I have a fast metabolism so the margin for error for me versus others may be greater. I guarantee you if you ask what the most important factors are for the perfect body is, an informed person will tell you diet and genes. Anyways, good luck in your endeavor. Just my 2 cents.

  21. #21
    Littleirishman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    than just run a cycle and quit running your mouth if it doesn't work for you blame it on stress, diet lack of sleep or training just don't blame it on us
    Thats the best answer you got so far IMO.

    Everyone is reffering you back to diet and what not, even though you asked not to be as you read it all . . .

    Do a cycle and see how it works..

  22. #22
    jennythemodel2 is offline Junior Member
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    Sgt. Hartman,
    First of all. I take it you served our country and want to thank you for that. Its great to feel protected. My father is a veteran and my late grandfather was too. So thank you.
    You are very right. Dieting is the most important thing. The point that I want to make is that I know that. I also know it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. I have plenty of dedication and knew what I was getting into when I started bodybuilding.

    One of my questions that everyone has misunderstood is: What if there is something that I can take that can help me increase fat loss by only 10%? Maybe even 5%. If so, that would benefit me and other people quite a bit. In one year you will have lost a lot of fat if there is such a thing.

    I don't need a magic pill that will just simply make me shredded and good looking. I need something EXTRA to AID me in loosing fat. Even if its an increase of 5% in my metabolism.

    After so many years in fighting obesity, thousands of people have looked for a LEGAL answer to that. Nobody has found an answer from what I know of, and if they did, the government made it illegal. I don't want to get into any consistencies here though. I just know that for us who have slow metabolisms, long work days, and families to tend to; there has to be something that will simply AID in losing weight and retaining muscle.

    I have lost weight successfully, but have lost plenty of muscle too. I DON'T want to loose muscle anymore and don't think I can go on a massively strict diet due to my job and relationships. I have done it successfully for a month or two, but guess what.... A month is not enough to get shredded and sometimes I have lost 10 through 15 pounds, but then gained 5 again or something.

    I know all about insulin levels, all about how fat is deposited in the body, about how many calories approx I need to take, how many carbs, how many grams of Protein I need, but I can't simply put everything in my life and business to get muscular and shredded.

    I doubt that because of being successful I'm going to be fat forever. That just doesn't set in my mind.

    Are are some actors so shredded. I know some of them work even 15 hours a day when making a movie. There is not time to study their script, act, and still have time to workout and diet. There is no way. There is no way that by having a good diet and workout program an actor can go from skinny to muscular in a matter of two months. Or an actor go from Fat to Shredded in a matter of months.

    There is no way, and if they did it naturally we would be able to see some mean looking bags under their eyes.

    I have been working out really really really hard for years and have never looked like any of these stars.

    Some of these Steroids to make you look bloated and if you don't do your PCT correctly you might loose all the muscle you made and gain all the fat you lost if in fact you did loose any, but recently I have read about Primo, Anavar , Ephedrine, and other stuff like Tren and T3.

    I have a friend that works out way less than I do. He is huge and shredded. He denies the usage of AAS, but has confessed to me that he has used Ephedrine without any side effects and claims that its his secret to losing fat. He does do a diet that looks ok, but not as strict as the ones I have done or the ones I see posted all over.

    For those of you who know about these types of chemicals and illegal compounds, what do you think. Do you think a mixture of Ephedrine, Anavar, Primo, and a well prepared PCT will make you look awesome?

    I really don't know, but I want the truth here. To the guys that have done cycles or used ephedrine, Phentermine, or even Crack please say something here. Give us your experiences.

    I can't stand seeing guys at the club who have awesome bodies, no work ethic, respect, and are total dicks while I'm still looking average. After so many years, and having so much muscle, I still look like a guy that clearly lifts weights and is in somewhat of good shape, but STILL look average.

    Whats up with these guys that are tall, have huge forearms, huge arms, and shredded bodies who just go to the gym to mingle with other guys and girls? I don't see them work as hard as I do. I come in before them and leave after they do most of the time. Aside from that I lift either the same or more weight than them. There is something out of order there and I want to know.

    Oh, by the way.... Its nearly impossible to get a hold of any steroids where I live. I would have to go to a border town or go to another country MYSELF to get AAS. Small town mentality maybe. Where people just keep success to themselves. Can't be that, because its a problem in the whole world.

  23. #23
    jennythemodel2 is offline Junior Member
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    MBMETC. I'm not blaming it on you or anybody else. Its my own fault for believing what I hear and for encountering selfish people. You are not at fault of anything. If you have an amazing body I congratulate you on it, but I'm not blaming you. Plus, if you are doing cycles please tell us what you're doing so we can all see. Most of us don't even know each other and probably won't see each other in person.

  24. #24
    Natureboy71's Avatar
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    "Whats up with these guys that are tall, have huge forearms, huge arms, and shredded bodies who just go to the gym to mingle with other guys and girls? I don't see them work as hard as I do. I come in before them and leave after they do most of the time. Aside from that I lift either the same or more weight than them. There is something out of order there and I want to know."

    Genetics is most of it. Lifting more weight or longer could be your overtraining for what crap you say you eat. Everything you have said is relatively simple but I really don't think you will ever get it because your looking for some conspiracy that isn't there.

  25. #25
    jennythemodel2 is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for posting. I know it seems as if I'm making excuses AND yes, that is what losers do to make themselves think they don't need to work harder.
    I know it seems like a bunch of excuses, but its not. I think I look pretty awesome how I look now. My back is large, my traps are lifted, my arms are huge, my legs and calves look great, BUUUUUTT, I don't look veiny, my forearms are not large enough even though I have tried many training methods, and I don't look like the guys you see on TV.

    I do have time to work out 1.5 hours a day, but as you know, diet is a 24 hour a day thing. I can't eat what's on schedule if a client of mine takes me to dinner or if I take them. There might be a salad with chicken or something, but its not what I had on schedule.

    AND YESSSS, I don't sleep what I should be sleeping. Due to the fact that I work A LOT, go to the gym, have family to tend to, and still work some more at night, I end up going to sleep at 1 am or so. Then I wake up at 6:30. That might be the problem right there. We never know. That is why I need an aid.

    S8jack3d, you mentioned that you can cook a week's worth of food in a couple hours? Please tell me what you're cooking because I want to know. It would greatly benefit us to know that we can just carry a little lunch box with our lunch every day and not have to cook anything for a whole week. It would even be better if it was cheap. Any little cut in my expenses will help me advance in the business world.

    We want to see this recipe. See, this is the type of thing I want people to share. Simple things like that can make a difference.

    And, I am going to do a cycle. I just don't know of what. If I want to experiment on myself I will do it without anybody discouraging any more than what they already have. I would like to know what is recommended though. For fat loss and muscle retention AID.... Please see how I emphasize the word "AID." I don't want a miracle pill or steroid .... I just want an aid. Something that will aid me in losing fat by even a small percentage. There are a lot of us that want that... Not just me.

  26. #26
    smalltime7 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Why do i get the feeling theres an ulterior motive to this thread??
    my thoughts exactly

  27. #27
    jennythemodel2 is offline Junior Member
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    What kind of other motive are you guys talking about. Do you think I want to sell you something? That I'm a cop, an investigator, a woman trying to find out if their man is cheating, or what? lol. I don't understand this really. I'm just a normal person trying to get input and trying to look and feel good. I don't plan on competing or making money off of my body in any way, and much less am I trying to sell people anything. I'm not trying to score drugs either. Like I said, I can simply go close to the border or to another country and get whatever medicine I want. Plus, they would have more of a variety instead of waiting for a local supplier to get whatever he can.

  28. #28
    smalltime7 is offline Member
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    so do a well planned ketosis diet do a clen /t3/test cycle and cardio and poof shredded!

  29. #29
    jennythemodel2 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Smalltime7. Ok, I like this. I have done a ketosis diet before. Very effective. I just lost a lot of muscle, but now that gear is in the picture, I won't be worried too much about muscle loss. Should people do the cycle before or after the ketosis diet. Hey, thanks for the straight answer.

  30. #30
    Newyorkrockstar's Avatar
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    for someone that doesnt have any time you certainly write alot you say you cant diet you cant even take a piss? well then i would say thats the problem YOUR DIET CUZ YOU CANT YOU DONT HAVE TIME at the end of the day i manage a multi million dollar buss. and if i have the time to diet and train from going to meetings training new brokers and managing assets, maybe you should get yourself alittle higher in the pole at work so this way you can take some time to DIET and i have a question .. do u take medication?

  31. #31
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I think the people lied to you to because they were trying to help you. That is if your have lifted wieghts for 7 years and are 6.1 and have 18" arms and 22% bodyfat then the use of steroids , growth, thermogenics etc. are not the majic bullet that is going to transform you into a "hotboi" ( taken from the first pictures URL). While you will certainly see gains from steroids a cut up, model type physique is not the likely outcome. Certainly genetics play a huge role (without good genes it does not matter what you put in place you will never measure up to what a guy with good genetics and everything else in place can achieve) after genetics diet is #1 with cardio/workout/sleep all taking second place and then in 3rd place are performance enhancing drugs.

    A 27 yr old guy with 22% BF looking at the 23 year old personal trainer and asking him if he uses juice is about as insulting as asking a great surgeon if he thinks being Jewish is important. Its really super tough to achieve that kind of look even for those who are genetically gifted and there are no shortcuts. Go to the members pics section and look at all the members on here who use AAS and notice how few of them really have the washboard abs you and everyone else would love and then keep in mind that the ones who are posting thier pics are the 5% of people who look good enough to feel posting pics is justified, and it should become painfully clear that AAS is not a secret bullet that these guy you spoke with are hidiing from you.

    Good luck,
    Last edited by Far from massive; 12-06-2010 at 05:40 PM.

  32. #32
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    My opinion. Take it for what its worth.

    I spent several years with your same attitude and workout program - lifting my ass off 5 - 6 days a week with a sub-par diet and inconsistent cardio. Even tried AAS and still didn't get where I wanted to be - always maintained 18% bodyfat.

    I haven't cycled now for 18 months but during this time have gotten my diet and cardio spot on . I am as strong now as when on AAS, have as much or more LBM, more vascular, look better, feel better, and maintain 12% bodyfat.

    It took me years to get it through my thick head that diet and cardio are the most important part of reaching your goals - not AAS.

    You probably don't want to hear this but if your goals are realistic and you're not reaching them, then you need to re-examine your diet and cardio - diet being the most important part to BB. At 22% there's no way your diet is anywhere close to where it needs to be.

    Go to the diet section and ask for help, there are a bunch of guys there that really know their stuff and can get you going in the right direction. Good luck!
    Hands down agree. Before I got my diet in check, EVEN WHILE TAKING AAS, i was 218 lbs with a 36" waist and prob about 18% (or higher) bodyfat.

    Now years later, with diet in check, Im 230 lbs, with a 32" waist and I do NO, ZERO, NADA cardio. It is ALL about diet bro. btw im 6' tall.

    Bottom line is, you can take all the AAS, winny, anavar , DNP , T3 you want, but if your diet isnt in check, you will remain fat. Period.

  33. #33
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennythemodel2 View Post
    Thank you for posting. I know it seems as if I'm making excuses AND yes, that is what losers do to make themselves think they don't need to work harder.
    I know it seems like a bunch of excuses, but its not. I think I look pretty awesome how I look now. My back is large, my traps are lifted, my arms are huge, my legs and calves look great, BUUUUUTT, I don't look veiny, my forearms are not large enough even though I have tried many training methods, and I don't look like the guys you see on TV.

    I do have time to work out 1.5 hours a day, but as you know, diet is a 24 hour a day thing. I can't eat what's on schedule if a client of mine takes me to dinner or if I take them. There might be a salad with chicken or something, but its not what I had on schedule.

    AND YESSSS, I don't sleep what I should be sleeping. Due to the fact that I work A LOT, go to the gym, have family to tend to, and still work some more at night, I end up going to sleep at 1 am or so. Then I wake up at 6:30. That might be the problem right there. We never know. That is why I need an aid.

    S8jack3d, you mentioned that you can cook a week's worth of food in a couple hours? Please tell me what you're cooking because I want to know. It would greatly benefit us to know that we can just carry a little lunch box with our lunch every day and not have to cook anything for a whole week. It would even be better if it was cheap. Any little cut in my expenses will help me advance in the business world.

    We want to see this recipe. See, this is the type of thing I want people to share. Simple things like that can make a difference.

    And, I am going to do a cycle. I just don't know of what. If I want to experiment on myself I will do it without anybody discouraging any more than what they already have. I would like to know what is recommended though. For fat loss and muscle retention AID.... Please see how I emphasize the word "AID." I don't want a miracle pill or steroid .... I just want an aid. Something that will aid me in losing fat by even a small percentage. There are a lot of us that want that... Not just me.
    AH HAH! this is my to the motive.

  34. #34
    S8jack3d is offline New Member
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    I cook 5-7 lbs of chicken at one time, cook veggies and portion as needed. You can grab a few to take to work and eat several small meals throughout the day. Getting fit is not a part time job my friend. It's a full time job with three kids. You have to be 100% devoted to getting in shape. I promise you if you get your diet dialed in, you will see results without the use of any aides. I did it, I'm sure you can as well. I think you need to sit down and really think about this and if you want it, hire a nutritionist to help with your diet. I'm not sure if you've heard of a fitness model named Jamie Eason but she said she saw a huge difference after getting with a nutritionist and getting her diet in order. Google her name and check out her website. There's recommendations on there on what you should buy at the grocery store and gives some good recipes.

  35. #35
    Rizdizzle is offline Junior Member
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    Diet and Cardio are the most POWERFUL drugs you will ever take. If you are 22% BF and consistenly getting fatter year after year then its obvious your diet and cardio are nowhere near where they need to be.

    Go here and post your diet include all meals and macro' im sure the boys who hang in the diet section can steer you in the right direction

  36. #36
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    I would do more cardio i priortise your stomach if u want the washboard abs and go on a horrible new age low fat high protein diet and you will be well on your way to "hotboii" lol

  37. #37
    07sandiegomuscle's Avatar
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    My 2 cents is to get your calories in check, keep your workout in check where it is, and take some clenbuterol .

  38. #38
    bbh90 is offline Junior Member
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    ill have to agree that the OP here is rather frantic and is definetly missing a couple big pieces of the picture as to getting into the kind of shape he wanted i have to agree with everyone else that your diet will play a huge role in how cut you are its the biggest or only role in that somewhat so if you dont have a good diet then you will never achieve this look your going for and sleep is another huge factor of course you need sleep to let your body grow and sleep actually plays a role in how much fat your body is gaining or losing

    that being said

    i think its unfair to say the OP isnt right about one thing and that is that the people everyone wants to look like the big and shredded guys 90% of them are taking steroids and 100% of the ones on it wont tell you which i do think leaves people frustrated and confused with their progress as well as wondering whats wrong with them that wont allow them to achieve the physique they want

    although ya these guys you want to look like they do use steroids to get where they are but thats not without everything else as well and that would be diet sleep training lifestyle (such as how much you drink smoke ect)

    so really no ones wrong here but i think the reason your getting so much negative feedback OP is that the fitness models and stuff they dont look that way just because they use roides that may be a big part of it but all the other parts are just as big you see so even if you did do a cycle but you dont have your sleeping and diet in check you wont look the way you want which is why everyone on here is being so condesending its not that your wrong its that steroids should be the last piece of the puzzle not the defining factor in achieving your goal

  39. #39
    smalltime7 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennythemodel2 View Post
    Hey Smalltime7. Ok, I like this. I have done a ketosis diet before. Very effective. I just lost a lot of muscle, but now that gear is in the picture, I won't be worried too much about muscle loss. Should people do the cycle before or after the ketosis diet. Hey, thanks for the straight answer.
    if you lost muscle on ketosis your protein was not up to par.

  40. #40
    smalltime7 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by smalltime7 View Post
    so do a well planned ketosis diet do a clen/t3/test cycle and cardio and poof shredded!
    honestly bro your BF is to high for these I was just saying what you wanted to hear!

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