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  1. #1
    kizza234 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Diminished gains over time with Test?

    So, my first two cycles were relatively the same, Test E 10 weeks at 500mg and Test E 12 weeks with frontload 500mg. Both included winny 50-80mg for the last 4 weeks. The first cycle i used adex eod .25mg.

    My 3rd cycle was Test P 10 weeks at 500mg/wk only.

    My PCT included Nolva and Clomid as follows:

    cycle 1 40/20/20/20, and 100/50/25/25

    cycle 2 40/20/20/20, and 50/50/25/25

    cycle 3 40/20/20/20, and 70/35/35/35

    my question is it seems like my gains have diminished with each cycle. the first one I put on about 25lbs, the second put on 20, and the last one about 17 at the heaviest. not only that, it seems that on all the cycles, the second I start PCT my weight drops fast. I'm currently 2.5 weeks into PCT and i've gone from 220-210lbs.

    Does basic Test cycles only work well the first time??

  2. #2
    XxRydnxX's Avatar
    XxRydnxX is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009
    This is why it's pointless to cycle unless you diet is in check.No need to put your body at risk just to loose everything within a short period. That extra muscel needs to be fed. I was in your shoes, but it took alot longer than 2 weeks to loose size. I feel your pain tho, it's alot harder to up the calories while on PCT but its a must.
    Check out Marcus's thread.....

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