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  1. #41
    TheTitan101's Avatar
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    Thats awesome bro. You definately sound like you have done your homework! I've been reading for past 2 ish years and one of my gym buddies that started training after me is halfway through his second cycle...

    I've been happy to keep reading and gain knowledge. My training is definately there and and taking in big calories... my time will come in 2011

    I'm up in Brisbane. I'm definately subbing to your log wanna see you smash some big numbers. Share some of your lifts?
    Will try and get some post numbers up!! haha i've been on here for ages ready but only just signed up.

  2. #42
    in2shape's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTitan101 View Post
    Thats awesome bro. You definately sound like you have done your homework! I've been reading for past 2 ish years and one of my gym buddies that started training after me is halfway through his second cycle...

    I've been happy to keep reading and gain knowledge. My training is definately there and and taking in big calories... my time will come in 2011

    I'm up in Brisbane. I'm definately subbing to your log wanna see you smash some big numbers. Share some of your lifts?
    Will try and get some post numbers up!! haha i've been on here for ages ready but only just signed up.
    yeah man knowledge is power !!!! glad 2 hear you reading along

    update : been on hols and have eaten like sh!t and havent trained at all and been drinkin 6-12 beers everyday (4 days so far) useless i know .....

    off it 4 next 2 days then new years on again ..... cant wait to get back from hols and start eatin training not drinking right again its burning me knowing ive got the juice runnin in my vains

    nipples are still hard (sounds horny lol ) gear turns me on hahaha and getting a few pimples here and there but noticed face is oily as fuk , i do have an oily face tho apart from that all good ...

    this is 3rd week in hope i havnt done to much damage gains wise by all the drinkn and partying over xmas new year hols

    fuk i just wanna be back training now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #43
    in2shape's Avatar
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    siked myself up yesterday and whilst camping did 200 push ups (huge pump !!) and 200 rows (lol used my 4wd ute side bars and rowed this way worked a treat !!!!)

  4. #44
    dallasha is offline New Member
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    Hey , I am also located in Aus, so hard to get gear through customs.
    Interested to see how you go.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by dallasha View Post
    Hey , I am also located in Aus, so hard to get gear through customs.
    Interested to see how you go.
    got nolva thru ar-r bout 3 weeks wait still waiting on clomid tho ....

    actually pretty sore today in chest /rear shoulder and lats yest w/o did the job !!!!!!!!!

  6. #46
    cshults is offline New Member
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    Best of luck bro, Ill be sure to follow along to see the grand finale!

  7. #47
    TheTitan101's Avatar
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    Don't lose focus mate, keep up the training and get big!

  8. #48
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    well back from hols and have put on some weight ie fat from above bad diet no training and grog .... in gym tomorrow and gunna fuk sh!t up !!! nips are still hard all time and face is puffy as fuk and ive been sneezing and have puffy eyes runny nose like hayfever sypmtoms could this be gear related ?? gunna run adex tonite .25 e3d see if it cuts some bloat have some antihistamines too oh and 1ml tonite and 1ml tues nite back to normal protocol and get back training !!!!

  9. #49
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    clomid arrived too

  10. #50
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    will have shot tomorrow 1mltest cyp ... still feel like sh!t .... took .25 adex ( used 1ml oral syringe and pulled back to just under the .3 mark - hope thats right ) it literally put me to bed flaked out is that <<<< dosage right in brackets ?? it did stop the sneezing a bit tho albeit minimally .......

    im guessing this is all estrogen related sides ???

  11. #51
    Fit N Fun is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by in2shape View Post
    ok just had another ml of test cyp today sticking to the 3.5 days apart theme ....must of nicked or gone thru a vain as this time there as quiet a bit of blood where as 3 previous shots were fine.. no probs tho ...
    Checking your pin technique is correct.

    Before you inject, you need to pull back on the plunger to see if you can pull blood into the syringe, you should see air bubbles as you pull a vacuum, if you see blood you need to pull out the needle and repeat in another area to miss the blood vessel.

  12. #52
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  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fit N Fun View Post
    Checking your pin technique is correct.

    Before you inject, you need to pull back on the plunger to see if you can pull blood into the syringe, you should see air bubbles as you pull a vacuum, if you see blood you need to pull out the needle and repeat in another area to miss the blood vessel.
    yeah i did this bro id say i nicked a vain on way in ... it worries me tho those bubbles is that air thought its not good to inject air ?? no the importance of aspirating thanks for lookin out tho man

  14. #54
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    no its not good to inject air but your injecting the air that you have already drawn out so ur g2g man

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by in2shape View Post
    siked myself up yesterday and whilst camping did 200 push ups (huge pump !!) and 200 rows (lol used my 4wd ute side bars and rowed this way worked a treat !!!!)
    WTF is this?

    No offense personally bro but reading this thread made me feel like you really shouldnt be cycling...

    Also, why didnt you have your PCT present before starting your cycle?

    So many things wrong with this cycle, you should have listened to the many others that advised you NOT to start this cycle.

    Good luck bro.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    WTF is this?

    No offense personally bro but reading this thread made me feel like you really shouldnt be cycling...

    Also, why didnt you have your PCT present before starting your cycle?

    So many things wrong with this cycle, you should have listened to the many others that advised you NOT to start this cycle.

    Good luck bro.
    that is whilst i was camping as it reads i did 200 push ups and rows , pretty simple really ??? trying to stay active whilst away and do some form of anaerobic w/o

    mind reminding who said dont do it ??

    and i did have pct ready b4 hand as i stated earlier twice !! i was jst waiting on more to see how ar-r went i made sure i had pct b4 i started cycle , thanks for your concern ....

    care to share whats wrong with cycle that is apparently so bad ?? with sooo many things wrong ??

    kill me 4 drinking and eating over the christmas new years break 1 week outta 10 gunna kill me pfft please if thats all you got save it !!!!

    thx BRO

  17. #57
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    No pct, pushups and drinking kind of clued me in.

    An argument is not what you should battle but rather your choices while cycling.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    No pct, pushups and drinking kind of clued me in.

    An argument is not what you should battle but rather your choices while cycling.
    do u read dude ?? i have pct thats 3-4 x ive said that now in this thread !!!!! clomid /nolva/ a-dex- even clen

    push ups/rows arnt good ??? i was simply trying to stay active and do something active/ anaerobic to burn calories etc

    next your going to tell me kineasology is a harry potter movie

    your right about the choices i make whilst cycling
    Last edited by in2shape; 01-03-2011 at 08:25 PM.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossapplecart View Post
    no its not good to inject air but your injecting the air that you have already drawn out so ur g2g man
    derrrr i didnt think of that hahaha thx man

  20. #60
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    ok so back in to training properly now and taking 1ml thurs 1ml sunday and will keep it this way thru out rest of cycle ..... have noticed , well i didnt but when my mrs was givin me head yesterday and went for the grab shes like wheres ya nutz gone ??? had a feel and they are real small !!!! i had big balls b4 and she loved now not so much lol ..... getting pimples in strange places to like on either of my sides just above short line on ribs , obviously getting oily and from gear also face vbery oily , no bad dreams of late , still strong as fuk in gym did chest trys yesterday

    flat db 5 x 8
    inc db fly 5 x 9
    inc db 5 x 9
    cable x 5 x 9

    double dips with 10 kg plate on lap 3 x 9
    tricep pds 3 x 9

    back and bys today

    anything i can do about my nuts ???

    oh and been horny as fuk to mrs loving my work wind blows past my pants and im hard as a rock !!! if been giving it to the mrs 3 x a day every day and strill jerkin off once or twice a day horny as hell ....

  21. #61
    koku69 is offline New Member
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    im about to do my first stick too.
    i figure if addicts can jab themselves, i guess i could too.
    and i feel intramuscular is a little less daunting then shooting up into my vein.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by koku69 View Post
    Im about to do my first stick too.
    I figure if addicts can jab themselves, i guess i could too.
    And i feel intramuscular is a little less daunting then shooting up into my vein.
    wtf ??!!!

  23. #63
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    hows the cycle goin?

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    hows the cycle goin?
    still at it bro ... training eating away thx 4 asking im over the sides now mostly just getting pimples here n there face is bloated and oily as fuk strong as in gym though a little bloated round gut too nothing major though every1s been commenting , all natural man just keep training i say hahahaha

    did shoulders yesterday with byes

    sh db press 5 x 9
    db lat raise 5 x 9
    rear ddb flys 5 x 10
    5 x 8 db shrugs

    ezy curl 5 x 9
    standing alt db curl 4 x 8
    standing cable curl 4 x 8

    my shoulders really hurt me in every movement i did i dunno if its the heavy weight im pushin or coz i had xmas off but they click and grind etc might have to do with the pumps during , dunno , tendons bones dunno ... i look pretty mean after a session tho lol ... bit of muscle soreness still lingers no where near if i was training natty tho .... um what else can i report took adex at 1 stage .25 and didnt use again as sides (thought was getting test flu again and bloat in face subsided alot) was just an alergic reaction to pollen tho so stopped it ... um nup bout it eat sleep work train eat sleep work train same ol same ol really except im a big k-unt !! lol

    off to do another 1ml tonite (now) and bed then back and legs tomoz

  25. #65
    TheTitan101's Avatar
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    keep up the good work! how much weight are you up?

  26. #66
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    bout 4-5 kgs this is end of fourth week mind u only trained for 3 of those on aas anyway.... expecting next few weeks to be the big gain weeks as every 1 says 4th on wards really kicks in .... my gear is ugl so could also be underdosed ??? who knows ... noticing big difference in mirror and also in weight amounts im lifting etc little bloaty still back legs tomoz woo-hoo thx 4 chimin in ; )

  27. #67
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    Get some bloodwork in week 5 or 6.
    When u ordered from AR-R did they send u a email saying they have sent it and did u get a tracking number?
    I got the email saying thankyou for ordering but I haven't got a email since.

  28. #68
    rombus is offline Banned
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    LOl...sorry to say but hurts like a bitch. It is just luck whetehr you hit a nerve or not.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by rombus View Post
    LOl...sorry to say but hurts like a bitch. It is just luck whetehr you hit a nerve or not.
    My injections have never hurt. Just a little prick up front, but nothing after that. Check your placement... they shouldn't 'hurt like a bitch'.
    Good luck my friend.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn View Post
    Get some bloodwork in week 5 or 6.
    When u ordered from AR-R did they send u a email saying they have sent it and did u get a tracking number?
    I got the email saying thankyou for ordering but I haven't got a email since.
    um yeah got email but then had to ask 4 tracking number number which they gave on 1st order 4 nolva but didnt get on clomid ????

    both arrived tho out 3 weeks or so the delaywas aussie customs they actually open the box and inspect it put a slip in to say aussie customs have opene package then re-seal and send off saying it was fine for release ...... so this slows it all down then they send back to your courier mob usps i went with , then they get it to you , an then if your not home to sign 4 parcel they drop it to local post office and you have to get from there ...... got the nolva at door , but had to go post office to get clomid i went in with jumper on (got tatts) sunnies and hat prob thought i was gunna rob the joint lol and just did dodgy signature just in case it comes back on me but everything was fine didnt even look twice .... this was 2-4 weeks ack now sooo ....

    good luck with ya order bro

  31. #71
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    alrite so up date time ...... been training added another 1 kg have noticed ive lost weight (fat ) and improved muscle size tone ..... have been doin my usual w/o's as above posted similar anyhows (cant be bothered typing them ) face still bloated not heaps though ran adex few days but stopped it thought i try tighten diet b4 drugs

    looking forward to finishing off cycle strongly and diet wise good too ....

    anxious about pct nervous a little

    have got pct meds clomid nolva both ar-r was gunna run nolva 40/20/20/20 and clomid 140/70/35/35 its 35mgs/ml
    also have adex some ppl say use some say dont ????

    how does my pct look ??? is the double dose upfront needed 4 both chems ????

  32. #72
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
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    Seems like your having fun with the cycle bro, good luck. Just started my Test Cyp cycle Friday.

    My PCT will be Nolva. 40/40/20/20. Clomid. 100/100/50/50. 18 Days after my last injection.

  33. #73
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    well unfortunately cycle came to an abrupt end as work decided to do mandatory drug tests and couldve lost a contract in the 10's of thousands of dollars so havnt jabbed in 2 weeks nor trained really bumbed me outman .... but i managed to get around these tests and i know im good 4 another year now.... amazing what a bit of coin does hahahah i still have 4 weeks of test cyp sitting in my draw could i run this now after this 2 weeks off ??? or should i just call it quits start pct and wait some few months and start again and do a proper 12 weeker ?? if i do do this it means cycle would be 13-14 weeks long but remembering 2 weeks of that with no jabs

  34. #74
    flexandex is offline Associate Member
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    you work would shell out for a hormonal panel to check for AAS usage..?
    not to mention i'm pretty sure the drugs would still be in your system if they test you since test cyp is such a long esther?

  35. #75
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    mate here in australia they dont muck around they had some drug drama on site and they are doing everything !!! and every 1 !!!!!

    i stopped it coz it was in about 6 weeks or so but managed to bribe a mate on the testing panel and gave dud sample and im sweet 4 a year he said thats as long as his contract of employment is 4 , hence why i want to start back up !

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