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  1. #1
    blizzard's Avatar
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    Exclamation Advice needed on Tren hex. and Test E cycle

    Dear Friends ,

    I wonder how you stack Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. 100 mg/ml ( Parabolan ) and Test Ent. (Iran) 250 mg/ml

    I plan to use;

    Test E 750 mg/week 1.-10. weeks
    Tren hex. 200 mg/week 1.-10. weeks
    Proviron 50 mg/ed 1.-10. weeks

    PCT 12.-16. weeks
    (Nolva 40 mg 1st 2 weeks n 20 mg last 2 weeks; Clomiphene 100 mg 1st 2 weeks and 50 mg last 2 weeks)

    I have possibility to travel a Scandinavian country so wanted to make sthg short like this .. I truly need your critique n advices..

    All thoughts r appreciated guys!!


    age:31 (juicing for 5 years but 1 or 2 cycles at most per year coz of job (longest cycle was 21 weeks before PCT application)

    250 lbs.
    bf: 12%

    Training weights 4x a week n 1-2 days 40 min cardio.

    Thanks once more for your unique thoughts!

    Mel XOX
    Last edited by blizzard; 12-11-2010 at 01:04 PM.

  2. #2
    yungone501's Avatar
    yungone501 is offline Senior Member
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    Why such a low dosage of tren ?

    Also, what were ur 2 prior cycles?

  3. #3
    blizzard's Avatar
    blizzard is offline Associate Member
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    I made 2 cycles consisting of test E 500 mg/week n Deca Durabolin 600 mg/ week for 12 weeks n last 5 weeks i did Wins 50 mg/day..I plan to use tren hex. every 3 days actually so it makes 2x 100mg/ml in 7 days, is it less? also this is my first tren hex. usage thats why i am abit curious (i used 76mg eod day for 6 weeks previously which was Tren A) n my source said tren hex. is pretty powerful than Tren A.
    Last edited by blizzard; 12-11-2010 at 12:52 PM.

  4. #4's Avatar is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by blizzard View Post
    I made 2 cycles consisting of test E 500 mg/week n Deca Durabolin 600 mg/ week for 12 weeks n last 5 weeks i did Wins 50 mg/day..I plan to use tren hex. every 3 days actually so it makes 2x 100mg/ml in 7 days, is it less? also this is my first tren hex. usage thats why i am abit curious (i used 76mg eod day for 6 weeks previously which was Tren A) n my source said this balkan labs. tren hex. is pretty powerful as he took it direct from pharmacy in moldova (his wife is moldovan )
    Edit out the lab name before you get in trouble. Most people will tell you 200mg of test a week is too low I wouldnt do any less than 300.

  5. #5
    blizzard's Avatar
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    edited you suggest me using Trenbolone Hex. 300 mg/week? Also bro, do i have to add T3 to this cycle? what would u think about that?

  6. #6
    blizzard's Avatar
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    any comments?

  7. #7
    blizzard's Avatar
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    I have found this on the net so that i made Tren Hex. 200 mg/ml /week just to stay on the safe side..but of course i am open to suggestions guys ;

    Trenbolone Notes.

    There has been a lot of threads of late regarding trenbolone (AKA fina, finaplix , tren, finaject, and by the name brand Parabolan ) that would indicate that a lot of people are not doing their homework. Trenbolone is NOT a good drug for a beginner or some one that is not a dedicated weight lifter or body builder. It has a lot of side affects and can severely aggregate other side affects from other drugs. It should be used with caution even when used by the experienced. This post is not a comprehensive reference rather it’s meant to be more of a cheat sheet for people that haven’t been doing their homework. As always this post is not meant to do anything but take up bandwidth as I am nobody you should be taking advice from.

    What it is.
    17β-Hydroxyestra-4, 9, 11-trien-3-one. If the chemical name doesn’t mean anything to you here is the simple version: Trenbolone is a derivative of nandrolone or nandrolone like hormones (Nandrolone Decanoate would but the common version, AKA Deca , its in that same class) that has been sort of squashed in the middle so to speak to modify the properties (actually it has two additional double bonds between certain carbon atoms) that make it act a great deal differently then its parent molecule. For one nandrolone can be aromatize to estrogen or estrogen like compounds where trenbolone can not. It commonly comes in 3 esters, acetate, enanthate , and hexahydrobenzyl carbonate. The weight of trenbolone itself is 270, the esters add on to this with 60 for the acetate, 130 for the enanthate and the hexahydrobenzyl carbonate. This should in theory make for roughly the same half life for the last two and around 36 hours for the acetate. I don’t have any really good information on the half life of the enanthate or the hexahydrobenzyl carbonate but 12 days is probably a good guess (trenbolone is a little more lipophilic the testosterone so I am assuming that it doesn’t go into water as easily, but that is just a rough guess)

    It’s not called gear of the gods for nothing; it is one of the most potent steroids that is reasonable safe to use. Nice lean gains that are easy to maintain and a strong anti carbolic effect make it a ideal steroid for cutting or bulking and one of the very few drugs that can help you do both at the same time. You can stack it with almost anything but not much is really needed.

    For cutting purposes stacking “dry” steroids (ones that don’t aromatize to estrogen or the derivatives of.) is advantageous in that trenbolone has certain fat burning effects that are more prominent without estrogen but it’s not necessary. Methenolone will work well (provided you’re rich) and so will proviron as both will help maintain your libido (see side affects). Both are “dry” as they ether inhibit estrogen production or at least don’t promote it. Testosterone will work quit well as well of course. Other items include drostanolone (masteron ) and boldenolone (EQ). These tend to be tertiary items however and are used mainly to modify the basic stack (usually testosterone and trenbolone).

    For bulking testosterone is hard to beat with trenbolone. There really just isn’t much of a need for any additional items. If your really feel the need the just up your dosage of testosterone, as it is one of the few steroids that you can safely do that with and you will gain more bang for your buck with this basic stack then the complex ones.

    You should avoid the following when running trenbolone: any nandrolone product or the derivatives of due to excessive suppression of your system as well as your libido. In addition this may greatly increase in the progestin effects (see side affects). In addition to this I would include almost all orals as they tend to stress your liver and while trenbolone is NOT liver toxic it is harsh and this should be accounted for as a whole. Your body is going to have to work harder and that includes the liver. Stanozolol (winny) should be especially avoided as it tends to be very hard on the joints and trenbolone tends to make you very strong. There is an obvious problem here that a great number of people don’t ether see or care about. The stanozolol/trenbolone stack will make you look like a god but feel like an 80 year old man as well as potentially hurt you. If you absolutely must use an oral I would stick to things like dianabol or the like for bulking. You will get big quick but there is a price.

    Side effects.
    This is a long list here. All the common side effects except bloating apply here and some unique ones. They include insomnia, dehydration and physiological issues. This last one is not the normal media induced scare tactics. This is a real effect of trenbolone. The effect is described somewhat vaguely, descriptions range form just being irritable to paranoid to just not feel “right” when one it. This is a real effect for many and should be taken into careful consideration when thinking about using trenbolone. As for the insomnia it varies with people and dosage but is more often then not present in some form. The dehydration is a real concern as well. This is not a joke; you can get some serous complications from being dehydrated. The remedy for this is fairly simple if not always easy to do, drink all the water you can.

    The term fina **** is not a misnomer; in about 90% of people it WILL cause impotence if ran alone. This is easily avoided provided that you run a reasonable dosage of trenbolone to start with, don’t stack it with other libido killing drugs, and that you add something to the stack to help counter the effects like testosterone or proviron. Note that this is not always 100% effective, sometimes it will just cause the problem and the only solution is to abort the cycle. Note also that some case trenbolone will actually increase the libido, while not common it does happen. When this happens it is not mild ether. This just demonstrates the degree that people can react differently to certain compounds.

    Trenbolone has long been suspected of causing some kidney damage. There is not at this time any evidence of trenbolone directly being hard on your kidneys. However being dehydrated IS very hard on your kidneys so I strongly suspect that the two issues are strongly related. It’s not hard to see, most people on cycle are taking excessive amounts of protein, vitamins, and other supplements all of which your kidneys have to get rid of. Combine that with being dehydrated and it’s not hard to see why people could have problems in this area. Again the remedy is simple, just drink lots of water and keep your protein and supplements within reason, most of them are unnecessary anyways.

    Gynecomastia is NOT caused by trenbolone but trenbolone WILL aggravate the problem. The mechanisms that cause this are still debated but it is generally agreed that trenbolone is a progestin in its own right and tends to “set up” the conditions for developing gynecomastia. As prevention is covered exstensivley elsewhere I will just state that an ounce of prevention is worth a lot more then a pound of cure when you include cost of the surgery to remove your B****T****.

    Anywhere from 175mg to 500mg a week with 200 to 400 being the average most any reasonable person would want. Beyond 500mg a week you can expect the sides to increase drastically. Really 25mg a day for a moderate size man beginning on trenbolone is more then enough with 50mg a day for an experienced user. Most of the horror stories one hears is usually the result of misuse rather then use of trenbolone. Running at the dosages above the side will be minimal and gains quite nice. Again if you really need more for some reason then just increase the amount of testosterone in your cycle. That is far safer then running more trenbolone.

  8. #8
    blizzard's Avatar
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    guys also i wanna ask should i use DOSTINEX in my cycle for 2 weeks at .25mg/week (week 9.-10.)at these Tren hex dosages? Anybody could comment on that?

    Thanks heaps

  9. #9's Avatar is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by blizzard View Post
    edited you suggest me using Trenbolone Hex. 300 mg/week? Also bro, do i have to add T3 to this cycle? what would u think about that?
    Sorry man hit the gym after I replied. But I am taking T3 at 50 mcg on cycle to keep prolactin down. Im not too sure if it works very well cause I haven't really heard much about it on this site but I had an extra bottle so I was like might as well. Why are you running hex and not just tren A? It would be much cheaper and same results..

  10. #10
    blizzard's Avatar
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    Hi! No worries..I bought Tren Hex. coz it was pharmacy product n not fake, seemed more reliable to me. Ive also heard that some guys use only vitamin B6 instead of T3 on you cycle T3 btw? thanks heaps!!

  11. #11
    blizzard's Avatar
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    any more comments?

  12. #12
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Tren is great.But it will make you or break you.

  13. #13
    eGGz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blizzard View Post
    Hi! No worries..I bought Tren Hex. coz it was pharmacy product n not fake, seemed more reliable to me. Ive also heard that some guys use only vitamin B6 instead of T3 on you cycle T3 btw? thanks heaps!!
    What "Pharmacy" makes Tren Hex ?

  14. #14
    blizzard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eGGz View Post
    What "Pharmacy" makes Tren Hex ?
    I deleted its name coz of board rules.. Tren hex that ive got from my source is produced in moldova n theyre sellin it on pharmacies there.

  15. #15
    blizzard's Avatar
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    do all you guys prefer t3 over t4 in tren cycles?? i have read some guys have superb results just using t4 on tren cycles...

  16. #16
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