Im 25, 238lbs, 18%bf.

First cycle was 50mg var ed and 500mg eq weeks 1-12
2nd cycle was test-e 250mg x2 per week for 12 weeks.
I am planning to start next cycle when I get my bf% a little lower. when I do I want to run my cycle as follows

week 1-12 test-e 600mg per week
week 1-6 test-p 150mg eod
week 1-4 dball at 40mg per day
week 1-12 arimidex .25mg per day
week 8-12 hcg 500iu's per week

week 14-18 clomid and nolvadex

I cant run them for longer then these lengths as this is all the gear I have. My main question is at this arrangement my test is boosted at the beginning, then tapers down after week 6. Would it make more sense to run more like this?:

week 1-12 test-e
week 1-4 dball
week 4-12 test prop at 100mg eod

1) I feel this way my test levels are higher towards the end of my cycle, would this make more sense or be better?

2) should I run arimidex at .25 eod instead of every day? I want to keep the bloating down a little but I dont want it to take away from my gains. I do have letro also If gyno get un managable.

Please help me run this cycle as ifficiant as possable, Thanks bros!