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  1. #1
    Gavon is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Andropen 275 and Mastabol first Cycle, recommendations please

    Background on me
    Age: 27
    Height: 6
    Weight: 193
    Andropen 275 (25ml)– Test Acetate 20mg
    Test Decanoate 90mg
    Test Propionate 45mg
    Test Phenylpropionate 45mg
    Test Cypionate 75mg
    Mastabol (25ml) – Dromastanolone Enanthate

    My diet is and has always been clean. If it is not grown or killed i pretty much do not eat it. In other words, no fast food, fried food, junk food. I live off of chicken, tilapia, tuna, and of course lean ground beef and the occasional steak. Depending on the time of day i eat either brown or white rice and raw veggies. I eat roughly 4-6 meals a day and 1-2 protein shakes a day.

    Gym Routine:
    Day 1: Chest/Triceps
    Day 2: Back/Biceps
    Day 3: Legs
    Day 4: Rest
    Day 5: Shoulders
    Day 6: Biceps/Triceps
    Day 7: Rest
    Repeat Day 1-7
    Week 3 I work one muscle each day
    Then repeat from Day 1..
    * I have just started working cardio into my workout routine

    I have been active in weight training for about 11 years and have never wanted the bulky, unnatural physique that some would get through using steroids so I have always stayed away from them. I have reached a point now where I feel like I have peaked and there are some weaknesses in my build that I would like to correct; such as building more mass on my legs, shoulders, and upper chest. I have a good amount of friends who have used steroids and HGH but do not know many who have experimented with IGF and I always found it more of a mental challenge to stay natural and try to compete with them ( when it comes to strength and endurance there was really no comparison but it motivated me). After contemplating this for about a year I have purchased Andropen 275 and Mastabol for an 8 week cycle (first cycle ever) and IGF-1 lr3 to follow with the PCT. I was thinking of running the Andropen for 2 weeks and then starting up with the Mastabol. I will be using HCG once a week at 250iu just to be on the safe side. Now since this is my first cycle I was not sure on how much I should take each week. Since my receptors are clean and because of that I am assuming I would be more sensitive to the steroids so more would not be better. I have Nolva on hand in case I feel I am getting gyno.

    So basically I am asking for recommendations on how much, from your experience, should I use each week and should I use two or three times a week?

    From your experiences and research any and every input u give will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  2. #2
    shennen is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    oh duh sry

  3. #3
    Gavon is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    duh what? Im not sure i understand ur response

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