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Thread: Anavar opinions

  1. #1
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Anavar opinions

    How is anavar on acne?
    What are the "high" doses?
    Terrible on liver or kidneys?

    My understanding from reading about this steroid is that it is very mild. Opinions or experiences welcome

  2. #2
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    How is anavar on acne?
    What are the "high" doses?
    Terrible on liver or kidneys?

    My understanding from reading about this steroid is that it is very mild. Opinions or experiences welcome
    check your pm bro..

  3. #3
    psa is offline Junior Member
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    Too mild and too expensive IMO. Save your money and time... What are you looking to get out of it?

  4. #4
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    I respond really well to anavar .
    Good anavar @ 50mg per day, and I get epic pumps and strength goes way up.

  5. #5
    carp123 is offline Banned
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    80mgs per day is a great dose ,6-8 weeks ,lean solid gains while droping body fat (right diet of course) easy on acne ,gyno free,no blaot,no harsh shut down only downfall is it holds a heavy price tag (for most).

  6. #6
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    How is anavar on acne?
    What are the "high" doses?
    Terrible on liver or kidneys?

    My understanding from reading about this steroid is that it is very mild. Opinions or experiences welcome
    Mild on Acne IMO
    High dosages to me are 80-100+mgs
    Mild AAS just dont stay on forever and you will be fine

  7. #7
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by POPS View Post
    check your pm bro..
    Got it thanks bro

    Quote Originally Posted by carp123 View Post
    80mgs per day is a great dose ,6-8 weeks ,lean solid gains while droping body fat (right diet of course) easy on acne ,gyno free,no blaot,no harsh shut down only downfall is it holds a heavy price tag (for most).
    80mgs for 6-8 weeks, noted.

    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Mild on Acne IMO
    High dosages to me are 80-100+mgs
    Mild AAS just dont stay on forever and you will be fine
    So dosages range from 50-over 100mgs?

    I would start around 60 then and move up depending. How long does it take start to take effect? Is it fast like dbol , or longer like a long ester drug? Since it is mild I would expect gains to start around week 2-3. Correct in my assumptions?

  8. #8
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    you should start feeling it at the end of the 2nd week beginning of the 3rd. By the end of the third/beg of the 4th youll have mad pumps and possibly some cramps. I threw in a little taurine and it helped out fine. As far as tapering up or down, dont bother. For example, if you use caps @ 25 mg per cap, split up your doses throughout the day either twice or three times for that matter. I ran it before so I would go 25@7am, 25@1pm, and the last [email protected]......

    But like the other guys said it can get a bit pricey......even though var is a mild aas I would still grab some support for liver, bp, pros, choles, etc......

    let me know when you start...

  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Like all anabolics that are minimaly androgenic , acne shouldn't be an issue.
    It is the mildest 17aa steroid on the liver, but it can still cause a decent enzyme increase.
    IMO, most guys that think it is so "mild" or "weak" just used underdosed Var.

  10. #10
    428scj is offline Junior Member
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    POPS you Var baby!

  11. #11
    VA703 is offline Junior Member
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    its expensive but I ran at 80mg per day and my strength went threw the roof. No sides, very mild even at that dose.

  12. #12
    POPS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 428scj View Post
    POPS you Var baby!
    lol, thanks bro!!!!

  13. #13
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    How is anavar on acne?
    What are the "high" doses?
    Terrible on liver or kidneys?

    My understanding from reading about this steroid is that it is very mild. Opinions or experiences welcome
    I like anavar. No acne for me. High dose? Over 100 mg/day?. Not TERRIBLE on liver and kidneys, it impacts the liver for sure, not educated on it's effects on the kidneys. A liver cleanser should keep any damage from happening. And keep in mind 'liver damage' is relative. People who go out on Friday nights and get drunk are Damaging Their Livers!

    I agree it's a mild steroid . Sometimes I don't even run a liver protectant as I rarely drink, my liver doesn't take much abuse. A bigger issue for me is the # of grams of lean protein I'm putting though my kidney's on a daily basis when I"m trying to put on mass.

    I'm 'kinda' using var right now to up my strenght some prior to getting on a test prop cycle. I love var with test as it puts my strenght up there. One of my favorite steroids I've tried thus far (albeit I haven't tried many lol).

  14. #14
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    I've ran anavar only cycle twice, I like it at a higher dose (100mg/ed) for 8 weeks minimum. I never experienced any sides like acne but I did draw my doctors attention to my liver. I had a full blood panel done while on cycle and my test levels were almost nothing (well below range) and my doctor wanted me to go for an ultrasound on my liver. Of course I waited until I was done the cycle, went for the ultrasound and everything was fine. I was also taking milk thistle while on cycle and still had minor liver spikes on my blood work.

    I must however agree it is expensive and I feel its not worth it now that I have ran injectable cycles, but to each their own. I think a nice Anavar only cycle is 80mg/ed for 8 weeks take milk thistle or LIV 52, starting 2 to 4 weeks before starting your cycle and following all the way through PCT.

    Good Luck

  15. #15
    BrettVarvre is offline Junior Member
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    I am in the third week of an anavar only cycle. I took 40 and 50 mg doses the first two weeks and didn't notice anything. @70 now and feeling much stronger. zero acne issues. that said I have decided that I'll be running test next time around.

  16. #16
    Cacu is offline Junior Member
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    Anyone of you guys experience total shutdown or libido drop?

  17. #17
    CMB's Avatar
    CMB is offline Senior Member
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    I've ran var all the way up to 140mgs. AMAZING steroid . I put on pure muscle and loose fat at an amazing rate with var and test.

    Would recommend it to anyone.

  18. #18
    Cacu is offline Junior Member
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    Wow, 140? Any sides?

    @BrettVarvre - HOw do you feel? I've heard people get shutdown at the higher doses.

  19. #19
    Saito is offline New Member
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    With Var. My calves pumped so bad after running that it felt numb. Nice gain and maintain all of it.
    The downside is its price. It costs me 3 times more than 1 box of test with one third the doses.

  20. #20
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    I like anavar because it gives me a hard dry look. I take 150mg/wk of test to even out my endogenous level of test. I always get a little acne with the test. Anavar's good stuff. I've done a cycle at 60mg/ed and 100mg/ed. They both gave good results. I couldn't tell the difference between 60mg/ed and 100mg/ed. I think the diet's a bigger variable in the cycle for me then the Anavar.
    RoyalOil likes this.

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