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  1. #1
    jfletcher's Avatar
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    Short burst cycling

    Test Prop would be the obvious choice for this method of cycling, i'm just curious to know if anyone's done it using sus or enanth, if its worth trying? How it should be done etc...

  2. #2
    psa is offline Junior Member
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    Its not worth trying because it wouldn't work. You'd be off the burst cycle before it would even kick in...

  3. #3
    jfletcher's Avatar
    jfletcher is offline Junior Member
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    Even with sus??

  4. #4
    psa is offline Junior Member
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    Sus is a mixture of fast and slow acting esters. Only 90mg of the 250mg/ml is fast acting (the prop and pp ester). So unless your shooting that ED or EOD for however long your "short burst" is, which you should be doing because that would add up to a shit ton of test overall, you wont reap the full benefits.

  5. #5
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    You would probably be better off just using enan than sust since with the enan you only have one compound and you can try to front load the hell out of it to get the blood levels where you want as quickly as possible with sust that would not be an option.

    That said Prop is the way to fly since it will build quickly and clear quickly after the cycle, I mean its kinda screwed up to do a 4 wk cycle then have to wait 2 weeks for clearence before PCT.

  6. #6
    psa is offline Junior Member
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    OP, can you define "short burst". Because like massive said frontloading the enth is an option, but wouldn't be recommended if your doing 2on/2off/2on/2off etc since you'd be using a shit ton of oil and your PCT would be all screwed up like he mentioned.

  7. #7
    jfletcher's Avatar
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    Short burst - Meaning i run a really high level of test for 30 days then have 30 days off then do it again, obviously run pct in between....

  8. #8
    jfletcher's Avatar
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    Prop seems to be the go.....

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Yes you can use long ester in a short burst cycle but you need to be experienced and from your understanding of short burst cycle I wouldnt recommend it, stick with short esters if your going to be running anything short.

    If you read the above link it will explain in more detail about SHIC's

  10. #10
    psa is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfletcher View Post
    Short burst - Meaning i run a really high level of test for 30 days then have 30 days off then do it again, obviously run pct in between....
    Oh I see... When I hear short burst cycles I think of 2wks on, 2 wks off..

  11. #11
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    Listen, you cannot do two weeks on and two weeks off for long periods and be healthy. The HPTA is not a light switch that turns on and off, more like steering heavy barge. I don't care what you do, at 750mg week there is no way you clear the enanthate and complete a successful pct in 4 weeks. Period. Unless you are some kind of freak, I'm sure there is one out there who got it, but for 90% of, impossible.

  12. #12
    Kdub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psa View Post
    Its not worth trying because it wouldn't work. You'd be off the burst cycle before it would even kick in...
    That is not correct. I am short bursting right now with EXCELLENT results using Enanthate .

    Will post results when the burst is complete.
    Last edited by Kdub; 01-17-2011 at 05:33 AM.

  13. #13
    jfletcher's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info Marcus, much appreciated!! Just wondering what you mean by experienced? I've been cycling on and off for a few years now and am curious about other methods of doing it!!! Short cycles seemed interesting.....

  14. #14
    jfletcher's Avatar
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    Kdub, I'd like to hear more

  15. #15
    psa is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kdub View Post
    That is not correct. I am short bursting right now with EXCELLENT results using Enanthate .

    Will post results when the burst is complete.
    Care to share the details? And I said that assuming the bursts were 2 weeks long, you still think that works with enth?

  16. #16
    Kdub's Avatar
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    Very briefly:

    Day 16 and I was up 22 lbs using Enanthate and Winstrol (tabs).

    It is a 30-36 day Burst.

    Day 1: "frontloaded" 1000 mgs.
    Day 3: 500 mgs
    Day 6: 500 mgs
    Day 10: 500 mgs
    Day 14: 250 mgs
    Day 17: 500 mgs
    Day 21: 250 mgs (I am at this point today)

    Day 26: 50 mgs Prop
    Day 28: 50 mgs Prop
    Day 30: 50 mgs Prop
    Day 32: 50 mgs Prop
    Day 36: PCT (depending on how I feel)

    Days 1-36: Winstrol 50 mgs

    By day 4 I was beginning to get fuller.

    I am running HCG , Adex and clen , and added a bit of Prami due to my history.

    I also Primed as Marcus has emphatically stated is the key and I agree. I didn't begin to add carbs until after the first week.

    I will be more than happy to post a full report of my experiences and results at day 36.

    I am currently sitting at 238 lbs, 6'0" and 15%-17% BF.

  17. #17
    Saito is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kdub View Post
    I am running HCG, Adex and clen, and added a bit of Prami due to my history.
    Can I ask how much Adex you're using? Thanks.

  18. #18
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    I personally not a fan of the "short burst" cycles...but a good friend of mine only does them...30 day test prop and tren ace daily injections...very successful...his diet and training are dialed in.

  19. #19
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    I used 0.5 mgs on day 7-8 and have been using the same amount when I feel it is necessary, about every 4th day. I was hoping the Winstrol /DHT would take care of it (estrogen) but have been happy to use the Adex when necessary.

    I used 0.5 mgs yesterday before bed and woke up quite "tight" (less water) and my performance suffered a little during today's workout. I will use 0.25 mgs next time. I discovered I need less Adex when running the Winstrol, considerably less in dose and frequency. Add that to my vault of lessons learned.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13 View Post
    I personally not a fan of the "short burst" cycles...but a good friend of mine only does them...30 day test prop and tren ace daily injections...very successful...his diet and training are dialed in.
    Why not?

  21. #21
    Saito is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kdub View Post
    I discovered I need less Adex when running the Winstrol, considerably less in dose and frequency. Add that to my vault of lessons learned.
    I find Winstrol suppressive. Maybe thats just me.
    Doesnt that defeat the purpose of short cycling? (Better and faster recovery)

  22. #22
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    Yes you can use long ester in a short burst cycle but you need to be experienced and from your understanding of short burst cycle I wouldnt recommend it, stick with short esters if your going to be running anything short.

    If you read the above link it will explain in more detail about SHIC's
    Thanks for the link Marcus, I've read up on Ronnie Rowland's short burst cycling, I've heard a lot of praise of what you've written on the topic. Subscribed to your thread you linked.

  23. #23
    psa is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duckhombre View Post
    Listen, you cannot do two weeks on and two weeks off for long periods and be healthy. The HPTA is not a light switch that turns on and off, more like steering heavy barge. I don't care what you do, at 750mg week there is no way you clear the enanthate and complete a successful pct in 4 weeks. Period. Unless you are some kind of freak, I'm sure there is one out there who got it, but for 90% of, impossible.
    Sure you can and who's in this game to be healthy? And who said doing 2on/2off for long periods?? Of course you wouldn't clear the enth, thats why you'd use prop in that scenario...

  24. #24
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    I've been curious about short burst cycling for about 6 months. I am thinking of running a few:

    Test Prop; then Test Prop and Tren A; then Test Prop, Tren A, and Halotestin .

    Kind of extreme considering my phase of physiological development I know. I'm certainly open to other cycles instead of these but will stick with the prop in all 3.

  25. #25
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    Thanks for the link Marcus, I've read up on Ronnie Rowland's short burst cycling, I've heard a lot of praise of what you've written on the topic. Subscribed to your thread you linked.
    Ronnies isn't short burst cycling its slingshot which its more or less long cycling method not short.

  26. #26
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kdub View Post
    Why not?
    I never got any good results but after I read your post I was running to low a primer...but I hit the search engine on here and read all I could find and I'm going to try a short burst cycle a laid outlined on won't be for awhile as I'm still recovering from 2 back surgery's. When I get cleared to train again I'm going to go natty until I plateau and then I will do a solid short burst cycle...I will post it so you guys can critique it before I start along with my diet then post a daily log with pics...

  27. #27
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    Thats great - about getting acquainted with burst cycling. Marcus has stated a higher dose than usual is necessary along with a long prime to get the body ready to grow tissue.

    I am on day 26 now and have zero sides. Usually I get a touch of acne but none thus far. Wish I have learned about burst cycling long ago.

    Best of luck with your recovery.

  28. #28
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kdub View Post
    Thats great - about getting acquainted with burst cycling. Marcus has stated a higher dose than usual is necessary along with a long prime to get the body ready to grow tissue.

    I am on day 26 now and have zero sides. Usually I get a touch of acne but none thus far. Wish I have learned about burst cycling long ago.

    Best of luck with your recovery.
    Thanks...2010 was a long painful year but I'm starting to feel better faster now so I should be able to start training again soon...I may be pming you later for some pointers if that's cool?

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