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  1. #1
    Helpmeout is offline New Member
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    Needle passing thru vein?

    Hey, i have been searching around for this but i could find a clear answer..
    I know that once the needle is in we should aspirate before injecting to make sure the pin is not in a vein..

    i read somewhere talking about after aspirating if the pin is in a vein we shouldnt push it deeper or out away from the vein then injecting because theres still a chance the oil would still get into the vein but taking the whole pin out is a better choice..

    But here is the question, what if the pin passes thru then out a vein without us knowing it, then we aspirate and there is no blood, so after injecting is there a chance for the oil to get into the vein?

  2. #2
    lil_herc81's Avatar
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    Ill bump, but I believe the answer you are looking for is; if you hit a vein remove the pin and jab elsewhere

  3. #3
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    kindof confusing question,, if you knick a vein and just get a little oil in it you wont have a prb. Where are you injecting

  4. #4
    Helpmeout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lil_herc81 View Post
    Ill bump, but I believe the answer you are looking for is; if you hit a vein remove the pin and jab elsewhere
    No, i mean.. here is an example:

    the normal procedure is- pin>skin>muscle>vein>aspirate >blood in syringe.

    *what im talking about is - pin>skin>vein>muscle>aspirate>no blood in syringe.. (if the pin passes thru (in and out) the vein then muscle)

    got it?? lol its kinda confusing i know..

  5. #5
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    if you pass through a vein and dont realize it and inject into the muscle i dont see any reason for concern of aas enetering the hole you created in the vein..

  6. #6
    Helpmeout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    if you pass through a vein and dont realize it and inject into the muscle i dont see any reason for concern of aas enetering the hole you created in the vein..
    okay, so if we aspirate and realize the pin is in a vein why not just push the pin thru the vein since it would also be passing thru?
    so my point is, if a small amount of aas enters the vein its okay?
    Last edited by Helpmeout; 01-20-2011 at 03:35 PM.

  7. #7
    dsldsl1980 is offline Associate Member
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    I am on cycle 2 and have never had blood come back in... I pull back until 1 small bubble floats in. Is that odd or am I doing something wrong?

  8. #8
    BigJuice777's Avatar
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    I've injected by glutes and had blood when aspirating a couple times. I noticed the spot where I typically get blood and avoid it now. I haven't had an issue since. I was migrating towards the outside of the cheek (hip), cause it was becoming more difficult for me to twist that far comfortably. Now I know where I need to stick the pin and I have no issues.

    If I ever see blood, I will completely re-stick. No sense in taking chances for me

  9. #9
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeout View Post
    okay, so if we aspirate and realize the pin is in a vein why not just push the pin thru the vein since it would also be passing thru?
    so my point is, if a small amount of aas enters the vein its okay?
    Why would you aspirate before the pin was all the way in, do understand how to do an intramuscular injection

  10. #10
    Helpmeout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    Why would you aspirate before the pin was all the way in, do understand how to do an intramuscular injection
    yea, i do understand.. just thought about longer pins.. its not that it has happened or going to happen, was just curious and wanted to know about the issue.. After reading all the IM injections that were not aspirated or oil entering vein incidents kinda got me freaked out and wondering.. noob here..

  11. #11
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeout View Post
    yea, i do understand.. just thought about longer pins.. its not that it has happened or going to happen, was just curious and wanted to know about the issue.. After reading all the IM injections that were not aspirated or oil entering vein incidents kinda got me freaked out and wondering.. noob here..
    always go all the way with the pin.. you risk damaging tissue if you have it only partially in.. you will not notice if you pass through a ein all the time.. it does not alway bleed.. i have done it a couple times and all that happens is that it bleeds a bit after you pull out the needle.. drips a bit but then stops.. no big deal.

    remember to use the proper needle for all injections. 1" for delts/quads 1.5" for Glutes

  12. #12
    Helpmeout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    always go all the way with the pin.. you risk damaging tissue if you have it only partially in..

    remember to use the proper needle for all injections. 1" for delts/quads 1.5" for Glutes
    okay, thanks for this info.. theres tons of websites and articles giving different advice, read one somewhere saying dont pin all the way in just in case the needle breaks etc etc.. well been lurking this forums awhile, so far most of the info i got is from here are very useful..

  13. #13
    Helpmeout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsldsl1980 View Post
    I am on cycle 2 and have never had blood come back in... I pull back until 1 small bubble floats in. Is that odd or am I doing something wrong?
    i thought this is normal?
    bump for answer..

  14. #14
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I have had two instances about 10 days apart where after pinning ( and yes I always apspirate) I have experienced what is termed a "sudden onset non productive cough" both times it has been in the right thigh, strangely enough. The first time it happened I had just massaged the site and then stood up when I got a weird taste/feeling in the back of my throat and then suddenly started coughing, however it was not too bad, as long as I sat still I could pretty much control it to where it was just the occasional cough, and a few minute later it passed. The second time it occured, I had pinned and just pulled out the needle when my phone rang, so I picked it up and said let me call you back in a few minutes I am cooking LOL. well after hanging up probably a full minute after the injection I started to massage the injection site, as soon as I did I got that wierd dry metalic feel in the back of my throat and the urge to cough....I immediatly stopped rubbing the site and there was no progression to a cough this time. It seems clear to me that what happened in both instances is just what you are speaking of the vein sufffered and in and out puncture or nick and then when I massaged the site or stood flexing the muscle the pressure on the injection depot was sufficient to overcome the blood pressure in the vein and cause oil to be infused into the vein.

    I have read this is one of the reasons why the glute is the preffered location for IM shots, that is, it has the least veins of any of the reccomended IM injection sites. Of course worth noting is that none of the reccomended IM injection sites has many veins and more importantly no major veins are present, so any oil that is infused will likely be a small amount and will be taken into circulation by the majory vessels slowly so that the oil is distributed not concentrated when it hits the lungs etc.

    Last edited by Far from massive; 01-20-2011 at 06:36 PM.

  15. #15
    Helpmeout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I immediatly stopped rubbing the site and there was no progression to a cough this time. It seems clear to me that what happened in both instances is just what you are speaking of the vein sufffered and in and out puncture or nick and then when I massaged the site or stood flexing the muscle the pressure on the injection depot was sufficient to overcome the blood pressure in the vein and cause oil to be infused into the vein.

    I have read this is one of the reasons why the glute is the preffered location for IM shots, that is, it has the least veins of any of the reccomended IM injection sites. Of course worth noting is that none of the reccomended IM injection sites has many veins and more importantly no major veins are present, so any oil that is infused will likely be a small amount and will be taken into circulation by the majory vessels slowly so that the oil is distributed not concentrated when it hits the lungs etc.

    yea! thx man! this is what i meant.. i was afraid something like this would happen, really needed some advice to clear things up, well looks like it wont be so bad if it happened.. but lets say this really happened, would the test be wasted, or its still good?

  16. #16
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    I always go all the way to the barrel before aspirating. Only once have I hit a vein and I pulled out and changed needles and injection spots.

  17. #17
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeout View Post
    yea! thx man! this is what i meant.. i was afraid something like this would happen, really needed some advice to clear things up, well looks like it wont be so bad if it happened.. but lets say this really happened, would the test be wasted, or its still good?
    The shot will be fine, the amount of test that enters your vein is typically a very small amount if you actually injected a ML of test into your vein I think you might have a pretty serious problem..but thats only speculation. For this and other reasons always inject AAS slowly into the muscle, that is once you have inserted the needle to whatever position you are going to use and aspirated to make sure you are not in a vein, then slowly push the plunger into the barrel 30+ seconds is great. If you have somehow entered a vein as you move the plunger within a second or two you will get that shitty feeling that lets you know you screwed up and I don't think you could continue to push the plunger in if you tried LOL.

  18. #18
    JimInAK's Avatar
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    I've taken a fat 3ml glute shot of test and deca and think I once punched through or nicked a vein. I didn't bleed when I aspirated, but the figgin hair on my arms stood up and I felt a little queezie/light headed after that shot.

    Otherwise, it was no big deal but that was weird when it happened.

  19. #19
    Helpmeout is offline New Member
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    how about the test that entered the vein? is it wasted? i read somewhere it is, but another said its totally wasted..

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  21. #21
    wizard1997's Avatar
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    I seem to have bad luck with injecting through veins. Some of the oil always seep into my veins when I do. Then I get the 4-8 nightmare of feeling like im going to meet my maker. From my experience I learned that if you get oil into a vein from passing through, jump into a cold shower. The shock of the cold water will take your mind off the crappy feeling and your heart racing. Thats just my opinion and experience.

  22. #22
    eGGz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeout View Post
    what if the pin passes thru then out a vein without us knowing it, then we aspirate and there is no blood, so after injecting is there a chance for the oil to get into the vein?
    If you aspirate and blood enters the syringe, pull out, change needles and start over.
    You can potentially "what if" yourself into paralysis.
    Let it go bro. If you are going to inject then at some point you have to stop imagining various hypothetical scenarios that you have no control over, and simply go for it.

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