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  1. #1
    dazednkonfused21 is offline New Member
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    Need some opinions any help would be awesome

    Hi my name is chris im a 25 year old male. I have some questions about a couple past cycles i have done and how you feel once you have been off for a while. A little info on my 2 cycles that i have done.

    Summer 2009
    weeks 1-14 500mg/week
    2 weeks off then pct
    20mg of nolvadex everyday, 50mg clomid everyday for 4 weeks

    Felt great after this cycle didnt keep too much of my gains, but i felt good.

    Last cycle
    Test prop @ 300mg/a week inj mon,wed,fri
    Tren acetate 400mg/a week mon wed fri only ran tren for the first 8 weeks
    pct 5 days after last prop inj
    Hcg 1000 iu mon, wed, fri for first 3 weeks
    Nolvadex 20 mg a day for 6 weeks
    clomid 50mg 6 weeks
    also used protein factory unleashed (natty test booster)

    After the last cycle i felt fine in the beginning, I was very strong in the gym didnt lose much strength or size, the only thing i felt weird was a little dizziness almost everyday but nothing bad, i read that it could of been a side effect of the hcg. i finished my pct and everything was great still strong and hadnt lost a pound yet, still felt a little dizzy or light headed every so often. I continued to take a otc natty test booster. I also tried a couple different creatines to help me maintain my strength because i figured i was going to crash eventually. I tried Gaspari sizeon for about a week and noticed my stomach started to feel a little weird right below my rib cage, upper abdomen area.
    I decided to stop taking that and just continued to workout everyday, well after that i was still having this discomfort in my stomach. I went about two weeks with having a bowel movement until i took a laxative. I saw my doctor who did blood tests, cat scans. Everything looked good he said except for my Tsh levels were out of range. Tsh was at a 6, 1-5 being normal. i went for more t3,t4 blood tests and those were out of range and he said i have a underactive thyroid. Within those two weeks of not having a bowl movement i gained 10 pounds. The doctor wanted me to start synthroid , a thyroid hormone medicine. I told him i didnt want to start it yet, because i was hoping my body hasnt fully recovered yet and it will eventually get back to normal. Also during this time i had terrible bloating, heartburn, i would eat and two hours later still burping up same food.
    I started to have regular bowel movements again everything felt fine, except anything i would eat or drink weather water or tea or just a plain sandwich it would irritate my stomach and cause me to be bloated. This is currently still happening to me, its messing with all my meals i cant eat as much as i want to or used to in order to maintain my size. Im full right away and all day i have this discomfort in my stomach no matter what i eat or drink.
    Do you think this is all thyroid related? Will my thyroid be able to recover? i have never had a underactive thyroid before. Is there anything i can take currently that will help my thyroid produce its natural hormones it needs to in order to work properly? Cytomel ? Im currently taking a otc thyroid formula to help recover. Or is this just a side effect of aas and i have to deal with it till it goes away? I have not gotten my testosterone tested yet as i have only been off for about three months now, i figured i would give my body a little more time to recover. Please any opinions would be great.

  2. #2
    dazednkonfused21 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

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