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  1. #1
    skillet89 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    My future cycle sust250+Letro

    ok so im starting to plan my next cycle that i plan to start if im able to reverse this small case of gyno that im working on with letrozole . I think my first 2 cycles i was taking to much test because i grew a bit to fast and got some small stretch marks =( very unhappy bout that and i didnt take any anti estrogens so now i have some gyno not cool! so now after some reading heres what i have planned for my next cycle some time in the future if im able to reverse my gyno.

    i would take .25mg of letro everyday for two weeks, then i would take 1ml of sust 250 twice a week and continue to take the letro at .25mg each day, do that for 5 weeks thats 10ml of sust 250 then stop and start my pct. i plan to take Nova as my pct not sure on the dose yet. How does this sound? i dont want to go over 5 weeks cause i want to see how my body is going to react first. So what you guys think does this sound like a decent plan??!?
    Last edited by skillet89; 01-24-2011 at 07:43 AM.

  2. #2
    eyepoker's Avatar
    eyepoker is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2010
    Research Epistane if all else fails. It helped reduce my gyno when Letro didnt do jack for me. Good luck.

  3. #3
    skillet89 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by eyepoker View Post
    Research Epistane if all else fails. It helped reduce my gyno when Letro didnt do jack for me. Good luck.
    i will definitely do some research on that matter fact i already started lol, im only on the second week of letro so will see how that goes i should of taken nolva with the letro for the 1st two weeks because i was told letro takes a lil while to start working but its to late now since im on my second week already. where would you recommend buying the Epistane from? or where did you buy yours from? and how fast did it work for you

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