Thread: First Time Cycle
02-05-2011, 01:52 PM #1
First Time Cycle
First off im very prone to sides. Going thru puberty i noticed sore nips (subsided), and severe acne, plus at 25 i have signs of future hair loss. Iv done much research, and would love to do a test only cycle but worried about my pronablility to sides, and DHT conversion, i value my hair! Lol... So my this cycle...w/ a high HRT level of test for obvious reasons..
Will the .5mg of Arimidex be enough to combat the sides of d-bol?
1-5 weeks 20mg/ed – Dianabol
1-12 weeks 500mg/week – Equipoise
1-12 weeks 200mg/week – Test Cyp
1-14 weeks .5mg/ed – Arimidex (for two weeks after last dose)
14-18 weeks 25mg/ed – Aromasin
14-18 weeks 20mg/ed – Nolvadex
1-18 .5mg/ed – Avodart (if balding occurs)
02-05-2011, 01:57 PM #2
kind of a double edged sword be careful with avodart because if i am not mistaken it can cause gyno related signs. double check though.
02-05-2011, 03:27 PM #3
from my readings, since my hormone levels will be so high, the avodart will just reduce the DHT enough to bring the levels to what i would be at naturally...
02-05-2011, 08:42 PM #4
If your hair is a concern I would be careful with the d-bol a lot guys claim it raped their hairline, you can also look into topical spiro from ar-r at the top of the page.
02-06-2011, 05:17 AM #5
Run test only. If you start getting sides you will have no clue if its from the test, the eq, or the dbol . If you are on one compound you can easily pinpoint where the issue originates
02-06-2011, 02:12 PM #6
Test only is the smart choice imo as well.
02-06-2011, 04:06 PM #7
Ok so iv changed things up, im going to run test cyp only at 400mg/week 12 weeks...with the dianabol ...along with a DHT blocker Finasteride to combat hair loss. also changed my on cycle estro block to aromisan the whole way thru at 12.5 mg ed...taking no cycle will be a continuation of the aromisan and the addition of nolva....iv read on many rx sites that arimidex and nolva is no good...the nolva actually lowers the arimidex blood concentration.
02-06-2011, 06:48 PM #8
There is no reason to run an ai in pct, the nolva will keep estrogen from binding to the breast tissue.
02-06-2011, 07:18 PM #9
If you're prone to gyno, it's a progesterone issue and you should run arimadex. If you're prone to severe sides like acne, gyno, and hair loss you might reconsider AAS altogether. Is it really worth it? Have you considered an Anavar cycle? Anavar doesn't amortize so no estrogen related sides like acne and gyno. Hair loss? I don't know about that. I've run several anavar cycles and had no problems with hair loss. Maybe someone else can jump in.
02-06-2011, 08:37 PM #10
Dbol will cause hairloss. Eq will cause terrible acne. Im not acne prone but eq.gets me everytime
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