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  1. #1
    Solrock's Avatar
    Solrock is offline Member
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    Jan 2003

    happy balls, happy me - thank you HCG

    No matter how many times I cycle and have my nuts shrink, it always freaks me out. I always think that this time it is permanent and that I am going to have to live with tiny nuts. God damn… I love how quickly HCG restores size to my testes!

    Even though I think I have had a ‘letter’ detained, I am still happy cause my nuts are back. The wonders of a healthy pair of nuts…

    happy balls, happy me - thank you HCG!

  2. #2
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sep 2001
    lol ,thats some funny shit ,did u us it the last 2 weeks during the cycle ?and how did u dose it ed at ? ius each ?

  3. #3
    steve1 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Does ball shrinkage always happen??

    does clomid or HCG always restore it to nautural??
    I thought clomid or HCG is taken 2 weeks after cycle not b4 u end??

  4. #4
    Solrock's Avatar
    Solrock is offline Member
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    Jan 2003
    Any AAS that affects the HPTA (hypothalamar-pituitary-testicular-axis) is going to have an affect on the testes. And yes, there is almost always ball shrinkage, though it depends on the AAS. But most any cycle will include AT LEAST one AAS that will do a number on your nuts.

    'always restore it to natural'... that's tough to answer. it is specific to the individual... though for most people, if they follow the proper protocols for cycling, your nuts and sperm production should return to somewhat normal levels. The thing is, most people who cycle once, cycle again... so it is hard to say what the affect is over time.

    I hit 2500 ius, and will hit another 1500 - 2500 in another couple days depending on testicular status. For the second round I will likely spread out the 1500 - 2500 between 500 shot daily. I have always liked the initial 2500 though it is recommended to spread it out between days. iThe 2500 just really gets my testes going again.

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