Good day everyone, I am 27 yo male from Canada, and am looking to try a cycle to bust through some plateaus.

Stats: 5'11.5 , 195 lbs, about 10% bf.

PBs- squat 350 max, 250 for 10s
bench 315 max, 225 for 10s
deadlift 450 max, 315 for 10s
Military press 215 max

At this point in time I am pleased with my lifts- having trained entirely naturally for the past 10 years has yielded some really great results for me, but I am really interested in trying a cycle to see what sorts of gains I could make / maintain.

Having read quite a bit on these forums (what a great resource guys! some fantastic research backed up by scientific data too!) I have pieced together what I would consider a reasonable first cycle:

1 – 4 D-bol 40mg ED
1 – 10 Test Enan 500mg/wk
1 – 12 Nolvadex 10mg ED
1 – 12 L-dex .25mg ED

Start PCT 2 weeks after last Test Enan injection

Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex
Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex
Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex

What do you guys think? Any changes to this or does it look pretty solid? My training style involves an HIT / powerlifting hybrid program that has worked quite well for me. I imagine that given my natural abilities that with this sort of cycle I should be able to get each of my numbers up by at least 50 pounds. Post cycle I am hoping to maintain a lean 205-210, with moderate overall strength increase- my big goal is to increase my working set weights by 30-40 pounds.

My diet has been and will continue to be solid as well- I am consuming somewhere between 2900-3500 calories clean averaging approximately 250 grams of protein per day, and between 300-500 grams of carbs. I feel great, just looking for that edge. Thanks all.