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  1. #1
    Tony_Tiger_23 is offline New Member
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    New to Deca and Gear...Been training for years

    First post here guys, whats up. I have been training naturally for over 10 years and have built a pretty solid foundation. It never crossed my mine to cross over into the dark side until now, but as I am 28 and turning 29 next month, I figured maybe now is a good time to try. Ive allowed my body to reap as much as possible from being natural and although Ive put on a good amount of size and strength, crossing over is the next step I want to take cautiously. To be quite honest, i have made great gains over the years and I respond very quickly to training and supplementation. Currently Im 5'10'' 193lbs, back in november I weighed in the low 180's. Body fat is pretty low too. Thats just to give u guys an example of the rate at which I can gain some size. And although its slow its actually decent, but Im struggling to break the 200 mark as Im battling nature.

    My friend is hooking me up with some free deca to try as he hasnt trained in a long while and he isnt going to use it. I figured its a good opportunity to test the waters and see how I respond. Ive read up on Deca and found that its relatively beneficial to joints and a very good drug for putting on some good size with minimal side effects except for the libido thing.

    My friend recommended me to pyramid the dosage but Ive read articlEs for and against that. And I dont really know what dosage to use initially either. I know deca only cycles are not taken seriously by many, but Im not going to stack anything at this point and test is not an option at this point as I dont have access to it. So if possible Id like to discuss taking this by itself only at first. I havent aquired any nolva as of yet so I wont be proceeding with out an anti estro in my arsenal. Just some insurance for peace of mind. What Im asking in essence, is what's a good dosage for a noob like me and for how long? Also, in case my libido is seriously affected, what can I do post cycle to combat these effects if they are serious. To be quite honest my sex drive seems very strong and cant ever fathom having it dip, but again anything is possible and we are all human so this info to me is very important before I proceed. Ive talked to people that have told me they really didnt get any negative effects in that area from it but we are all different.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated....Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Your friend has Deca but no Test E or C? Deca will shut you down pretty good so you better go on the AR site and get yourself some SERM chemicals to test on your lab rats. Your sex drive isn't what deca will hinder, it's your ability to perform despite wanting to. If you can't get the drugs to do the cycle properly, you shouldn't do the cycle. So no test, and no SERM, then no deca.

  3. #3
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Deca by itself is a big mistake. It will shut you down hard and you will suffer emotionally and sexually. If you are in a relationship you need to take this into consideration, is your girl gonna wait 3 months to get laid? Doubt it. Thare is also a chance you may never fully recover and your ability to get and maintain an erection could be affected. Please don't run deca solo in fact don't even run it at all for a first cycle. Get some test and test the waters properly why drowned on your first experience. Jmo
    Last edited by MBMETC; 02-16-2011 at 11:15 AM.

  4. #4
    Tony_Tiger_23 is offline New Member
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    I appreciate the feedback guys. Maybe its best to wait and get some test E first and go on that alone and then, being that ill have the deca laying around, ill stack it on the following cycle. At this point, just heard too many negatives about doing deca by itself. So I'm not going to risk it. Any idea on a dosage for test E to start?

  5. #5
    Sm00thrider's Avatar
    Sm00thrider is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    Deca by itself is a big mistake. It will shut you down hard and you will suffer emotionally and sexually. If you are in a relationship you need to take this into consideration, is your girl gonna wait 3 months to get laid? Doubt it. Thare is also a chance you may never fully recover and your ability to get and maintain an erection could be affected. Please don't run deca solo in fact don't even run it at all for a first cycle. Get some test and test the waters properly why drowned on your first experience. Jmo
    I couldn't agree more... I did Deca , Test-E for my first cycle... Wish I didn't. Sex drive was almost non-existent... girlfriend didn't like that. I am just trying to get my groove back now...

    If you are going to do it be sure to get everything you need....


    This was my mistake.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    deca is a really bad choice for a first cycle. It shuts you down pretty hard plus, its strength for building muscle is when your stack it with something like test.

  7. #7
    Tony_Tiger_23 is offline New Member
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    Understood guys. I appreciate it. Any ideas on a test E only cycle to kick it off? And what else should I have on hand for post cycle. I'm not familiar with "gear lingo" so u guys are gonna have to barney it for me lol.

  8. #8
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    500mg of tes a week for 10-12 weeks followed up with Post Cycle Therapy consisting of clomid at 4 weeks at 100mg ED/100/50/50 nolvadex 4 weeks at 40mg ed/40/20/20

    start pct 2 weeks after last shot if using test enanthate , 3 weeks after last shot if using sustanon or cypionate .

  9. #9
    karen is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony_Tiger_23 View Post
    Understood guys. I appreciate it. Any ideas on a test E only cycle to kick it off? And what else should I have on hand for post cycle. I'm not familiar with "gear lingo" so u guys are gonna have to barney it for me lol.
    Post cycle: Nolvadex and Clomid (tamoxifen and clomiphene)

    Aromatose inhibitor for any on-cycle side effects: Letrozole ,armoasin etc..

    If you're doing test e it takes a while to build up in your system so maybe dbol for a few weeks so you notice things right away but it's not neccessary

  10. #10
    choked chicken's Avatar
    choked chicken is offline New Member
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    I'm currently 10 weeks into my first cycle of test enth with great gains! Cant state exactly as I have not recorded my stats since I started this course.

    My cycle goes like this, test e with one jab of 1 ml every 3 days from week 1 - 8 after 8 weeks you will stop gaining if you stick to the same dosage. now would be a good time to come off, but if you don't show much side affects (if any) then up the dosage to 1.5ml every 3 days for another 4 weeks then stop. 2 weeks after start nolva and clomid therapy for 4 weeks. Make sure to run HCG sometime during your course and shot every 4 days untill you start your pct.

    Do this and you won't regret it, do decca alone you will lol.

  11. #11
    Tony_Tiger_23 is offline New Member
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    I know nolva is an anti estro, now what does clomid do? Sorry for my ignorance guys. Are they both pill form?

  12. #12
    gucci is offline New Member
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    Weeks 1-10 Test e @ 500mg/week
    Weeks 1-4 dbol ED @ 30/40/40/40
    Weeks 2-10 HCG @ 200 iu 2 times a week
    Week 12-16 Clomid ED @ 100/50/50/50

  13. #13
    choked chicken's Avatar
    choked chicken is offline New Member
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    Clomid and nolva are both pill form. If you aint sure what clomids role is check the sites steroid profile for the drug, it describes it perfectly of course ;-)

  14. #14
    Tony_Tiger_23 is offline New Member
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    Ok I checked them all and apparently it says that Nolva works better in conjunction with HCG . Couldnt find how HCG is administered though. But I can honestly say that Ive learned a lot from you guys and will follow your advice. Im gonna work on getting some test E and hcg and nolva for my first cycle and see how it all goes. Attached is a pic to give u guys an idea of what it all looks like now...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails New to Deca and Gear...Been training for years-img_2326.jpg  

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