Hi new member here. Ive been reading on here so much and soaking up all the info I can from the educational threads while I should be working LOL. Anyways here are my stats and what i am doing
Height 5'9.5"
Weight 192 pounds
BF% 21%...(I dont believe this but its what the machine said)
Age 29
Worked out seriously for 10 years cause I got tired of being the skinny kid.
I have used Prohomones and acheived great results with them. I finally broke through a plateau of 175 pounds and made it to 190 on them but I am still relatively a hard gainer.
I am currently on my first cycle and I will go 12 weeks. Currently I am using
Sustanon 250 1.5mL on Sundays and THursdays... Im in my 4th week
I was using Boldenon (Equipoise ) I stopped after reading threads on here saying it was useless basically.
I am taking an oral prohormone just for added boost.
I take 1 Arimidex every day as well.
In week 8 I plan to kick Primobolan in at 2mL a week till cycle ends
My strength has went up but weight gains were virtually nothing even though I am eating 6 times a day. i replaced my mid morning and mid afternoon shakes with weight gainer shakes in hope to put on more weight. If I am overdoing it by all means let me know.