I wanted to ask you guys a question concerning my nephew. He means a great deal to me so I want honest feedback, because I don't want him to hurt himself. He is 18 and is double jointed in both shoulders, and he is a wrestler that is ranked in his state. He has issues with his shoulders dislocating partially or fully, because of being double jointed. I talked to my friend who is a chiropractor and he said, his ligaments are a little longer than normal; and this is why he is double jointed. I am trying to do research on the least possible harmful form of AAS for him. To try and hopefully get him past this shoulder issue.
I have not advocated the use of anything to him, I wan't to be clear about that. I am aware of the possible risks to his endocrine system and so forth.
I know the only way for him to get past this is to build up his his chest, back and shoulder muscles around the area to hold his shoulders in place.
I am thinking HGH might be the least harmful method for one 10 week cycle.
He has offers for scholarships, and only has a small off season in which to build his shoulders up, or loose the ability to wrestle and thereby loose his scholarship. I have talked to his mother (my sister)and we are both researching options. She has talked to his doctor and he is on board if we can find no other methods to help him. Consequently, he deals with a good amount of pain associated with this.

Please only comment if you are a Veteran user and know what you are talking about, and not just respouting information. This is my own blood here and I want to help him if I can, without harming him.

I did tell my sister at the least we need to start with x-rays to see if his growth plates are fused. Even though I doubt they are.

For the record, I do not advocate kids using. This is a unique situation that can effect the rest of his life, by missing out on college.

Sorry this is long.