Hey guys, I just wanted to update you and sure up my first cycle before I start. As my earlier post said, I am 26 been training off and on for 10+ years. I have been cutting for the last few months and I am now down to 15% body fat and i am at 207 now. For my First cycle I am going to do Prop and Var. I am waiting for my PCT to arrive be fore I start, but here is the gear I have or will have.
3000 mg prop
2000 mg var
UDCA for my liver
liquidex, Liquid Clomid and Liquid Tamox and I have Letro in case of gyno.

I was thinking of doing 100mg prop eod and then after week 1 add in the var 40mg ED while taking L-dex for my AI
for my PCT I will use the Clomid and Tamox

How does this sound?