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  1. #1
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    Urgent Help Neeed with PCT!

    Hi you guys, it was recommended that I stop my gear by some members in the diet forum and was wondering if I can get your PCT help.

    I have taking the following:

    Deca , EQ & Test - ml and a half each - 5 weeks
    Anandrol: 4 weeks
    Winni - 4 weeks
    Sust & Tren - 1ml each - 1 week

    The last stack I took was the Sust & Tren & Winni. I haven't had a shot since Feb 22.

    I was told that I should just go on Armidex which will fix everything in 4-6 weeks?

    Is that all that I need?

    Please, I need your help ASAP, cause I don't want to crash!

    Thanks, please let me know what I should be doing for PCT.

    Your guidance is much appreciated.

    Take care.
    Last edited by Just Do It; 03-08-2011 at 12:22 PM.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What the hell were you thinking? that cycle is wacked and arimidex is not a good pct, you need clomid and nolva.

  3. #3
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    Well, nothing was working, so I was trying different stacks. I know, stupid. But I stopped completely now. I want to get my system back to where it was originally. I will go back on it when my body and diet is ready for it, so it can actually work.

  4. #4
    magicstick2003's Avatar
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    where to begin....did u take all this at once? did u only run 5 wks of the deca than switch for 4 weeks to the other stuff than swith to the sust for 1 week... it's so confusing what you have written its hard to tell how long to wait for PCT. in any case you need to wait 3 weeks from last deca shot, 2 weeks from last test (sust too) It just depends what you ran last.... and you need clomid and nolva.

  5. #5
    magicstick2003's Avatar
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    can you maybe list it like a normal cycle? if i read your last post right you did 5 wks of the first stack, 4 weeks, 4weeks, and 1 week?

  6. #6
    Flier's Avatar
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    There are several combinations of good PCT and many bad ones.
    Here is an example of a PCT that should work for you:

    wk 1-6 Tamox 20mg/ED
    wk 1-6 Tore 60mg/ED (120mg/ED first 14 days) OR Clomid 25mg/ED (50-100mg/ED first 7-14 days)

    While u wait for more answers, go to this tread so you understand what PCT is:

  7. #7
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    Hi Magicstick> No, these were not done all at once.

    Deca , EQ & Test - ml and a half each - I took this stack for 5 weeks
    Anandrol: Then I took this stack immediately after the first without waiting. I took this for 4 weeks
    Winni - I took the winni with the Sust & Tren for 4 weeks
    Sust & Tren - 1ml each - Then I took this stack for 1 week

    There was no break in between each stack, it was one after another.

    So you're staying not to use Armidex at all? Just Clomid and Nolva?

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Adex actually makes the nolva weaker so yeah dont take it during pct.

  9. #9
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    arimidex is generally used during cycle to prevent conversion to estrogen. You took winny/sust/tren for 4 wks and then dropped the winny and did sust/trn for an additional 1 wk? If thats the case you need to wait two weeks from your last shot to start you PCT. That would be my best guess given the assumption that you went a total of 5 weeks w sust and tren

  10. #10
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    magicstick> No. I just did the Sust & Tren stack for one week total.

    I was originally taking the winni with Tren and Test, but then took it with the Sus and Tren stack.

    Quote Originally Posted by magicstick2003 View Post
    arimidex is generally used during cycle to prevent conversion to estrogen. You took winny/sust/tren for 4 wks and then dropped the winny and did sust/trn for an additional 1 wk? If thats the case you need to wait two weeks from your last shot to start you PCT. That would be my best guess given the assumption that you went a total of 5 weeks w sust and tren

  11. #11
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    My guy doesn't carry Tamox or Tore

  12. #12
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Do It View Post
    My guy doesn't carry Tamox or Tore
    Forget about your guy, he sounds like an idiot.

    Click on the ar´r banner on top of the page.

  13. #13
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    What do I need to get exactly?

    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    Forget about your guy, he sounds like an idiot.

    Click on the ar´r banner on top of the page.

  14. #14
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    WHEW! glad to see you are getting some answers.....the banner at the top right where the lion head is.....will probably have all you is the keep that in shipping

  15. #15
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    I just don't know what to buy exactly. I just want my system back to normal. I don't think I'm ever going to go on roids again. This is freaking me out!

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    WHEW! glad to see you are getting some answers.....the banner at the top right where the lion head is.....will probably have all you is the keep that in shipping

  16. #16
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Do It View Post
    What do I need to get exactly?
    U should really read the thread I posted, and educate yourself.
    Spend a couple of hours today reading through it.
    How are your boys? Shrunk? U may want to lead the PCT by 10 days of HCG 500iu EOD. To prepare your testicles and will make production start faster/smoother.
    However you may not need, all depending on how they feel.
    If you gonna follow the PCT i suggested above you will need 1 bottle of Liq Tore and 1 bottle of liq Tamox.

  17. #17
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    he can't get hcg the way.

    i have question: should he continue some of the cycle for a few days....and then the PCT? just thinking out loud....I have no idea...

  18. #18
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    Firsttimer: my boys didn't seem to shrink at all. What you suggested I do, is that going to bring my system back to normal?

    Yes, I read that thread in great detail, I'm just freakin' out a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    U should really read the thread I posted, and educate yourself.
    Spend a couple of hours today reading through it.
    How are your boys? Shrunk? U may want to lead the PCT by 10 days of HCG 500iu EOD. To prepare your testicles and will make production start faster/smoother.
    However you may not need, all depending on how they feel.
    If you gonna follow the PCT i suggested above you will need 1 bottle of Liq Tore and 1 bottle of liq Tamox.

  19. #19
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    just do need to get your post count up for PM's......go to the lounge while waiting for responses

  20. #20
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    First timer:

    Can you please clarify this:

    wk 1-6 Tamox 20mg/ED
    wk 1-6 Tore 60mg/ED (120mg/ED first 14 days)

    What does "ED" mean? How many bottles of each will I need to finish the PCT?

  21. #21
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Do It View Post
    Firsttimer: my boys didn't seem to shrink at all. What you suggested I do, is that going to bring my system back to normal?

    Yes, I read that thread in great detail, I'm just freakin' out a bit.
    Then skip the HCG .

    The PCT i proposed is taken right out of that thread.
    Suggested by "Swifto". He seem to really know his stuff.

    Yes, I don´t see why u wouldn´t come back to normal. U were shut down for such a short time.

  22. #22
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    ED is this case....

  23. #23
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for clarifying

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    ED is this case....

  24. #24
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry, what is "HCG " I can't find what that acronym stands for.

    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    Then skip the HCG.

    The PCT i proposed is taken right out of that thread.
    Suggested by "Swifto". He seem to really know his stuff.

    Yes, I don´t see why u wouldn´t come back to normal. U were shut down for such a short time.

  25. #25
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    Yes, maybe this would be a good idea until I get my Tamox and Tore?

    What do you guys think?

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    he can't get hcg the way.

    i have question: should he continue some of the cycle for a few days....and then the PCT? just thinking out loud....I have no idea...

  26. #26
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Do It View Post
    Yes, maybe this would be a good idea until I get my Tamox and Tore?

    What do you guys think?
    I would say no. But if anything, run Sust for another 1-2 weeks. No more Tren .
    Someone else will have to tell u how long after your last Sust pin you should start PCT, but I would guess 3 weeks.
    All I know is Sust has 4 esters, some long, some short, I just don´t know how long the longest ester is.
    But with the half life of Sust being 10 days, I would go with 3 weeks.

    I misunderstood before, you´ve been taking these stacks in succession , so your HPTA has been shut down for quite a long time.
    I think the PCT I suggested will work, but I would also use HCG 500iu EOD for 2 weeks ending 4-5 days before your PCT.
    Along with HCG you would also add 0.5 mg Arimidex EOD (you said u had on hand)
    HCG is Pregnyl. If u can´t get it, then do without.

    By the uniqueness of your cycle, I would post your Q for Swifto in the Q and A thread I linked you.
    Order the Meds from ar-r right away, by the time they arrive, Swifto will have answered you. And I´m positive he will have u use those meds in similar fasion to what I suggested.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Flier; 03-04-2011 at 03:19 PM.

  27. #27
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    Where can I get HCG ?

    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    I would say no.
    Someone else will have to tell u how long after your last Sust pin you should start PCT, but I would guess 3 weeks.
    All I know is Sust has 4 esters, some long, some short, I just don´t know how long the longest ester is.
    But with the half life of Sust being 10 days, I would go with 3 weeks.

    I misunderstood before, you´ve been taking these stacks in succession , so your HPTA has been shut down for quite a long time.
    I think the PCT I suggested will work, but I would also use HCG 500iu EOD for 2 weeks ending 4-5 days before your PCT.
    Along with HCG you would also add 0.5 mg Arimidex EOD (you said u had on hand)
    HCG is Pregnyl. If u can´t get it, then do without.

    By the uniqueness of your cycle, I would post your Q for Swifto in the Q and A thread I linked you.
    Order the Meds from ar-r right away, by the time they arrive, Swifto will have answered you. And I´m positive he will have u use those meds in similar fasion to what I suggested.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Just Do It; 03-04-2011 at 03:35 PM.

  28. #28
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    First Timer: Does ar-r ship to Canada? I know it says international orders, but won't the product be stopped at the border?

    Does it only come in Liquid form? How do I use this stuff? With a needle?

    Is there a pill version?

    Thanks again.
    Last edited by Just Do It; 03-04-2011 at 03:39 PM.

  29. #29
    Flier's Avatar
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    Yes liquid, justa s good as any.
    taken orally.
    U can get this in the Canadian pharmacy, if u have a doc who can write u prescription.
    ar-r will ship anywhere, but a lot of countries in the EU will not accept Meds from USA and Canada.
    From the US to Canada, I think u will have less of a problem.

  30. #30
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    First Timer: Thanks so much for helping me out. I posted on the thread for swifto to weigh in as well. I'm just wondering how much of that stuff I need to order? And where do I get the HCG from?

    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post

    Yes liquid, justa s good as any.
    taken orally.
    U can get this in the Canadian pharmacy, if u have a doc who can write u prescription.
    ar-r will ship anywhere, but a lot of countries in the EU will not accept Meds from USA and Canada.
    From the US to Canada, I think u will have less of a problem.

  31. #31
    Flier's Avatar
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    Sounds like u don´t have a relationship with a doc or endo who will write u a prescription, so your next best thing would be your friend who sold u the AAS.
    1 bottle of each should be enough.
    HCG comes in 5000iu per vial, so u only need 1.
    U gonna take 20mg/ED Tamox. 1ml=10mg. 1 bottle is 50ml, so last u 50 days.

  32. #32
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    Can I buy the HCG from the ar-r website too? My friend doesn't sell HCG.

    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    Sounds like u don´t have a relationship with a doc or endo who will write u a prescription, so your next best thing would be your friend who sold u the AAS.
    1 bottle of each should be enough.
    HCG comes in 5000iu per vial, so u only need 1.
    U gonna take 20mg/ED Tamox. 1ml=10mg. 1 bottle is 50ml, so last u 50 days.

  33. #33
    Flier's Avatar
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    No, never heard of HCG in liquid form.

    I guess then, ask your workout pals, or that big moody guy in the corner of the gym that suddenly gained another 20lbs in a very short time.

  34. #34
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    HCG is injected.....and anything else is not what you want to have.
    Please get your count up one more post or better yet a few more and then post a thread in the "Message Board" thread asking admin to activate your PM's. It does not automatically happen.

    And you might want to edit your post asking where to get 02.....

  35. #35
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    So does this look right for what I should do:

    wk 1-6 Tamox 20mg/Every Day
    wk 1-6 Tore 60mg/Every Day (120mg/ED first 14 days)
    0.5 mg Arimidex Every Other Day

    No one provides HCG here, so I won't be doing that. Is that ok?

    Also, how do I use the Tamox and Tore? Is this a drink?

    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    No, never heard of HCG in liquid form.

    I guess then, ask your workout pals, or that big moody guy in the corner of the gym that suddenly gained another 20lbs in a very short time.

  36. #36
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    I'm just thinking, would it be ok if I use Nova & Clomid, instead of the Tamox, Tore and Arimidex ?

    Reason being, I was reading up on the Tamox and Tore on the ar-r website, and these things are used on lab rats by scientists. That doesn't sound very safe to me. Would the Nova & Clomid do the same thing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just Do It View Post
    So does this look right for what I should do:

    wk 1-6 Tamox 20mg/Every Day
    wk 1-6 Tore 60mg/Every Day (120mg/ED first 14 days)
    0.5 mg Arimidex Every Other Day

    No one provides HCG here, so I won't be doing that. Is that ok?

    Also, how do I use the Tamox and Tore? Is this a drink?

  37. #37
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Do It View Post
    I'm just thinking, would it be ok if I use Nova & Clomid, instead of the Tamox, Tore and Arimidex ?

    Reason being, I was reading up on the Tamox and Tore on the ar-r website, and these things are used on lab rats by scientists. That doesn't sound very safe to me. Would the Nova & Clomid do the same thing?
    Something like this:
    Nova: 40/40/20/20/20/20
    Clom: 50/50/50/50/25/25
    No A/I
    Start 3 weeks (I think) after last Sust pin. which u should end next week or so, right?

    The active ingredients in the ar-r product are the same as the meds.
    The fact that it is being used on lab rats is a mute point.
    Tylenol was/is being used on lab rats too in the name of research.

  38. #38
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    The start the Torem 3 weeks after your last shot of Sustanon . Run it for 5-6 weeks tapered downward (maybe 120/120/100/100/80/60). And this will be an oral liquid.
    HCg would make a nice addition, but it is obvious that you aren't competent enough to find or use it properly.

  39. #39
    Just Do It is offline Junior Member
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    You guys, Mr. Happy wasn't able to get hard for the first time yesterday. I'm freaking out, is this normal? My last shot of everything was on Feb 22. My PCT starts in one week. What should I do???

    I'm going to be doing the following for PCT:

    Nova: 40/40/20/20/20/20
    Clom: 50/50/50/50/50/50

    Will Mr. Happy be able to get up again??? Freakin' out!


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