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  1. #1
    lestat88 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Second Cycle help, too much gear?

    Age: 22
    Height: 177cm
    Weight: 87kg
    BF %: ~14%

    So basically I have my current 7 week cycle as follows;

    Week 1 -
    Mon - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ
    Tues - N/A
    Wed - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ
    Thur - N/A
    Fri - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ

    Week 2 - Clen
    Mon - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 50mg Winny
    Tues - 50mg Winny 125mg Sust
    Wed - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 50mg Winny
    Thur - 25mg Winny 125mg Sust
    Fri - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 25mg Winny
    Sat - N/A
    Sun - 500mcg HCG

    Week 3 - Clen
    Mon - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 50mg Winny
    Tues - 50mg Winny 125mg Sust
    Wed - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 50mg Winny
    Thur - 25mg Winny 125mg Sust
    Fri - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 25mg Winny
    Sat - N/A
    Sun - 500mcg HCG

    Week 4 -
    Mon - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 50mg Winny
    Tues - 50mg Winny 125mg Sust
    Wed - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 50mg Winny
    Thur - 25mg Winny 125mg Sust
    Fri - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 25mg Winny
    Sat - N/A
    Sun - 500mcg HCG

    Week 5 -
    Mon - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 50mg Winny
    Tues - 50mg Winny 125mg Sust
    Wed - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 50mg Winny
    Thur - 25mg Winny 125mg Sust
    Fri - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 25mg Winny
    Sat - N/A
    Sun - 500mcg HCG

    Week 6 - Clen
    Mon - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 50mg Winny
    Tues - 50mg Winny 125mg Sust
    Wed - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 50mg Winny
    Thur - 25mg Winny 125mg Sust
    Fri - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ 25mg Winny
    Sat - N/A
    Sun - 500mcg HCG

    Week 7 - Clen
    Mon - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ
    Tues - 125mg Sust
    Wed - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ
    Thur - 125mg Sust
    Fri - 100mg Primo 100mg EQ
    Sat - N/A
    Sun - 500mcg HCG

    Clen will be dosed as from 80mcg and go upto 120mcg before returning to 80mcg over 14 days at a time

    I also got my hands on 150x 10mg anavar pills. I am not sure if I should also add these to the cycle or leave them out. What is your thoughts?

    I'm on a Ketogenic Diet made by a dietitian and currently supplement; Fish Oil, Animal Pak (for multi v's), milk thistle, l-carnitine and whey protein.

    I also have 2 weeks worth of clen which I will be doing in weeks 2, 3, 6 and 7

    PCT will be;

    Week 1 - 40mg Nolva ED, 40mg Clomid ED
    Week 2 - 20mg Nolva ED, 20mg Clomid ED
    Week 3 - 20mg Nolva ED, 20mg Clomid ED
    Week 4 - 10mg Nolva ED, 10mg Clomid ED
    Last edited by lestat88; 03-16-2011 at 06:47 PM. Reason: Edited for readability

  2. #2
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    May 2008
    south Florida
    This looks like a cycle you found on some half-assed out to date website, copied and pasted it to the forum. To many a long story short, this is awful cycle for several reasons. Do more research.

  3. #3
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
    2jz_calgary is offline Senior Member
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    calgary alberta canada
    what are your stats? Is your dosage above eod or weekly? 150mg of primo and 150mg of eq wont do shit as they are both pretty weak. Id drop the eq. and you should use hcg leading up to pct or on cycle not in pct.

  4. #4
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    May 2008
    south Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by 2jz_calgary View Post
    what are your stats? Is your dosage above eod or weekly? 150mg of primo and 150mg of eq wont do shit as they are both pretty weak. Id drop the eq. and you should use hcg leading up to pct or on cycle not in pct.
    No...he should drop the whole cycle. It's an absolute mess.

  5. #5
    lestat88 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Sorry I have updated the post

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