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  1. #1
    dehollister is offline New Member
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    Help with depression on cycle.

    First of all I'm on a h-drol cycle, at 75mg for 6 weeks.
    Most of the time on cycle I have a superiority complex, lol.
    However recently I was confronted with some issues with an ex. Normally, I'm totally over this ex, well enough that I've moved on, but last night I went into this depressive state and almost teared up which is a rarity for me.

    Is there anything I can do to counteract this besides sleeping it off?

  2. #2
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    never had any depression on h-drol just the opposite . very confident/sometimes tired,but when you get to the gym it nutz.

  3. #3
    speedy01 is offline New Member
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    Not gunna lie, I'm in the same position as you OP. I actually got out of a 4 year relationship in January and was starting to recover and get over it by march and was pretty happy, Then I met this other girl and we've been "talking" ever since. But the other day my ex called with random issues like you said you were having, and it just made me think about her a lot. I've never been in this situation, I now feel like I'm back in love with my ex, but yet and still extremely attracted to the new girl I've met recently. I'm currently on my 4th week at 75mg and my depression is getting pretty bad...and like you stated I'm never like this...It's good to know other people are going through the same sh*t...Let me know how you were able to cope cause I need some help...ha

  4. #4
    DGK is offline Member
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    Are u sure its depressiion and not just actual emotion magnified by maybe increased levels of estrogen in your bodys. I know that b4 i started my ai i was a lil more emotional then usual but im only taking test. so i could be way off base here lol

  5. #5
    speedy01 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGK View Post
    Are u sure its depressiion and not just actual emotion magnified by maybe increased levels of estrogen in your bodys. I know that b4 i started my ai i was a lil more emotional then usual but im only taking test. so i could be way off base here lol
    Honestly, I'm not sure, but ever since I started taking hdrol I could just feel a difference in my mood and I'm usually never depressed like really sucks.

  6. #6
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    i suffer from depression, runs in the family. usually depression, at least what my doc tells me, doesnt come on suddenly its a slow gradual process til it finally sinks in. you are probably experiencing elevated mood levels due to the higher estrogen from your cycle. i would say if you think you are depressed talk to your dr, if not then get an AI and use it to get estrogen under control or if you already have it bump up the dose a bit.

    either way i would say go talk to your dr and see if its really depression.

    when my depression sets in i can look back and notice a decreasing enjoyment in life and it takes months to pass. if you are feeling good one day and depressed the next day its probably mood swings.

  7. #7
    Braveone is offline Junior Member
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    Hdrol doesn't convert to test and your natural test is being suppressed. Hormone fluctuations like that lead to a host of side effects including depression. It still sucks but realizing it for what it is should help some. At least you know its not permanent. Btw, if you're having this problem now. You're gonna hate being in no mans land during pct. Just be aware that it might get slightly worse before it gets better. But everyones system is different. Good luck

  8. #8
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Kid first of all, you're 22. Get yourself off the Hdrol immediately. Start your PCT today. Second, the best way to get over a broad is to go out there and get some new broads. I've yet to meet somebody who says they feel depressed when they're getting new poon.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Thats good advise.Talk to your Doc but not about H drol.Relationships take a long time to get over for some.Especally if it was a long one.I found that finding someone new to early.Only ends up hurting someone in the end it feels good for a while.But the other one always messes it up.Not until you know you can say no to the 1st one will your head ever be right.Thats personal expersonal experence bro.Good luck.Drinking dont help either

  10. #10
    clutchking403 is offline Junior Member
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    **** em n chuck em. Idon't do relationships anymore after that last broad called the cops on me cuz I was drinken an driving. So when i got outta jail two weeks later I came home an hose her down with hair spray an threw her ass out... **** em an chuck em. None of em are worth it right now

  11. #11
    yungone501's Avatar
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    No offense to ANY of the posters here but this is something that is well known when using as a potential side effect. After all, you are manipulating your bodys hormones here. If this is something that your hypersensitive to then keep it simple and dont cycle. I myself have just learned to cope with these issues...primarily by using my bottled up anger/emotions and BLAST in the gym! So, take a strategic approach when using gear and be real with yourself: is it worth it or not?

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clutchking403 View Post
    **** em n chuck em. Idon't do relationships anymore after that last broad called the cops on me cuz I was drinken an driving. So when i got outta jail two weeks later I came home an hose her down with hair spray an threw her ass out... **** em an chuck em. None of em are worth it right now
    Sounds like a smart girl for calling the cops except she should have moved out before you got back realizing you were not mature enough to realize what you had done was wrong. She may have saved your life and more important someone else. Was it your first time drinking and driving? probably not. If it was yeah maybe you deserve a break depending on how much you had to drink. If you have done it before and did it again hopefully this will be your wake-up call.

    Agreed, if you are not ready to grow up and be in a committed relationship you should not pretend to be and living with someone. If you are making poor judgment calls like drinking and driving the depression probably has nothing to do with gear and you should focus on finding out whats wrong. Maybe it's just age/maturity related though? What do you think?

  13. #13
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clutchking403 View Post
    **** em n chuck em. Idon't do relationships anymore after that last broad called the cops on me cuz I was drinken an driving. So when i got outta jail two weeks later I came home an hose her down with hair spray an threw her ass out... **** em an chuck em. None of em are worth it right now
    You did two weeks for a DUI? It couldn't have been your first offense. And by the way, it was GOOD that she called the cops on you for doing that. We don't need drunk drivers on the road. I've lost a few really close people in my life because of idiots like you. By the way, from the sounds of your extracurricular activities, why are you even on an AAS website? You probably shouldn't be running gear in the first place.

    I see, you're 22. You really shouldn't be running gear. Get your life together, stop the drinking and driving and grow the **** up.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 06-08-2011 at 07:29 PM. Reason: Didn't see his age before posting

  14. #14
    clutchking403 is offline Junior Member
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  15. #15
    clutchking403 is offline Junior Member
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    The depression was from the two fingers I lost in a rig accident

  16. #16
    ThE DarK KnighT's Avatar
    ThE DarK KnighT is offline Junior Member
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    I do not think that is depression related to anything your taking. It is very normal to feel like total garbage and not be able to sleep when a relationship is broken off. Especially a relationship in which you were committed to someone for a decent amount of time. Its totally normal. That's what makes you human. If you did not care or give a shit, then I would say there is probly something wrong. Don't sweat it dude, it will pass.

  17. #17
    AngelorVixen is offline New Member
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    My (now ex) boyfriend has been acting weird for over a month...I didn't want to know if he was taking steroids or not, but we went from having sex 2-3 times a day to maybe 3 times a week so he broke down and told me.. I was really uoset, but it explained his strange behavior to me (the depression after he completed a sporting event, the manic behavior, sleeplessness) He became very detached and a simple argument would go from bad to worse in seconds! He broke up with me over 2 weeks ago saying how he loves me more than anything, but he's just not in a good place right now. I know there are other things stressing him out, but this was a very affectionate and very loving man that came and got all his stuff after a blow out. When we talk now, he blames me for everything, even though he always told me I was the best girlfriend in the world and wanted to marry me. I don't know exactly what he was taking, but I know his Testosterone went to shit, and then he started taking hormones to supplement what he was lacking so he could get a hard on. He's been acting so strange...I don't think taking this shit is worth it, in my opinion. He has abandoned everything and everybody...and I tried telling him maybe whatever he is taking is making him feel this way, but he doesn't want to hear it... All I can say to respond to the original post is that don't ever take for granted what you have... I feel like by the time my ex's cloud clears up, it will be too late for us

  18. #18
    Pitcher is offline New Member
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    Depression I thought steroids should make you feel invincible, this isn\'t good and are you sure its the gear and not you how you are

  19. #19
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    5htp at night before you go to bed look into it.

  20. #20
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    IMO, it has nothing to do with the AAS. Hdrol is hardly androgenic at all, nor is it very suppressive (so it has a minimal effect on emotions). You're just upset over normal shit and attributing it to the gear.

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