
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 173
BF: 10% Approximate
Age: 26
Lifting Experience: 5 years (3 years off and on 2 years steady)

So I have decided that a real injectable cycle is in my future. I have been debating this for awhile now, and have decided that I want to do it. My main reason for cycling is breaking through a plateau I have been at for approximately 6 months, and also to get much closer to reaching my life body goal (190-195lbs @ 8%).

My cycle is planned as follows:

500mg Test E/week for 12 Weeks

I have Nolva on hand in case of gyno onset during cycle

Day 1 - 300mg
Day 2-11 - 100mg/day
Day 12-21 - 50mg/day

I have 4 questions

1) I read the blood work article and it was very informative as to what each test means. However I am confused as to which one(s) I should get for this cycle & at what intervals to have them done

2) Is glute injection as easy as quad injection? I am scared of messing up a glute injection as I will have to self-inject.

3) One of the major things keeping me from doing a cycle has been fear of shutting down. Mostly because my sex life would suffer and GF would be furious that I was on a cycle. If there is a simple solution to keeping libido alive I'm all for it. I have read about people taking cialis, but I don't want to have to go finding that also if there is an easier solution.

4) I understand the concept of a bridge, but would it be beneficial/necessary on this cycle?