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  1. #1
    BSchmidt350z is offline New Member
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    Week 9 starts tomorrow ! Test/Dbol

    Tomorrow will start week #9, and I'm looking for some opinions and recommendations.

    Current cycle as planned:

    1-12 Test C 500/week (mon/thurs)
    1-6 Dbol 40 Mg

    Age : 32
    6'1" 180 (starting weight)
    Training 4-5 Years
    Messed around with a few prohormones years back. never did a real PCT, lost most of the gains, yada yada.

    After 21 days, I was +21 lbs @ 201.

    I am currently +27 lbs @ 207.

    I have had zero sides to this point, so i have not used any AI.

    and have have tons of Nolva, Clomid, Liquidex, and Liquid Stane (Aromasin ) sitting in my closet.

    I also have 2 bottle of HCG waiting as well. I will prolly use this 10 days leading up to PCT. or E3D for the last 3 weeks or so.

    Here's my specif request.

    Deca or Tren really interest me, but as per board recommendations, I will save them for my next cycle.

    I would Definitely like to end my cycle with something like 6-8 weeks of VAR, or 4-6 weeks of Tbol.

    While I was on dbol, I could def tell i was retaining more water. My wrists were round like a little fat kid. and my watch didn't really fit. Since Off dbol, my wrists have definition again.

    Var or Tbol interest me because I would like to harden up, and lean out a little bit.



  2. #2
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I don't know if I am reading your post wrong but since you are starting week 9 tommorow it seems like you are talking about extending your cycle by 2-4 wks minimum and this would be assuming you had access to the Var or Tbol and started one or the other tommorow? If this is the case and this is your planned course of action I would see it as a very bad idea as recovery will be difficult and very lengthy.

    It seems like you may be dissapointed since while on strictly Test you have only gained 6 lbs and you feel like you need to add another compound to get back to heavy gains? Well keep in mind the first 15 are a lot easier to gain than the next 15. There are many reasons for this but as you have already pointed out your wrists were fat early on so your innitial gains on the D-Bol were likely composed of a lot of water where as now it seems like you have lost a lot of that water since your wrists have lost some of their bloat, so this means you have probably gained more than 6 lbs of quality muscle on the second phase of your cycle. So I would be reluctant to add another compound and extend the length of the cycle at this late stage.

    The last point I would start the HCG now if you have enough say 250iu twice a week to prevent atrophy, as opposed to waiting and trying to blast them back into life.

    Hopefully if I am reading the post right some other members will chime in as I really feel extending the cycle to 14-18 wks or more would be a bad idea.

  3. #3
    BSchmidt350z is offline New Member
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    You are correct. I dont have the Var or Tbol yet, but if i get it this week this is what i was thinking.

    weeks 10,11,12,13,14 or even 11,12,13,14 adding Tbol. The additional AAS must increase the gains I would make on just the Test alone.

    or by adding maybe 1-2 more weeks of Test C, I could add VAR for weeks 10-16 or 11-16.

    In both of these scenarios, I would be taking the tbol/var in the last 2 weeks when i am NOT taking Test anymore.

    Im trying to stick to around 3500 calories to help lean out a little. During the first 7 weeks I was on ~4300 Calories.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If this is your first proper cycle I would stick with what you have planned, your gains are amazing and I doubt anything is going to further your gains at this stage. Your better off coming off at week 12 and concentrate on your pct and maintaining as much of your gains as possible, dont forget to up the calories in pct, best of luck.

  5. #5
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Dont get greedy or you will experience the rule of diminishing have made good gains and although being on is fun! and feels great! Your gains will eventually dwindle down to nothing no matter how much gear your on. The longer your on the longer it is to come back and the less gains you keep so sure you could stay on and gain 40lbs but when you come off you will loose the majority of what you have gained.

    My advice run your stuff for 12 weeks, do proper pct, go back on in 12-16 weeks or when your body is ready.

  6. #6
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    If your really wanting to throw on another 5lbs you could bridge with an oral to your this I mean after your last shot wait 3 weeks and use an oral to keep the gains coming until pct...alot fo guys do this.

  7. #7
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
    2jz_calgary is offline Senior Member
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    Start taking that hcg ! your already in week 9 so you should have started week 3 or 4. Concentrate on getting your hpta back in the swing of things because this and diet are the only way you will retain your gains. Be glad you gained over 20lbs and try to keep as much of it as possible.

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