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Thread: My next cycle

  1. #1
    hwy1378's Avatar
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    My next cycle

    Ok here is my next newbie question.... when I finish this cycle of 500mg test Cyp and 400mg Deca can I go right into a cutting cycle of Test cyp and oral winny ? for the summer or should i PCT. I tryed to find the answer on other threads but coulddnt get my answer. can anybody help

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    You need to run your pct, then give time for your body to fully recover. Normally you would take the same amount of time off as you spent on cycle plus pct...

    Most people will have blood works taken before cycle and again after the time period Ive mentioned above to gage whether you've fully recovered or not...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Mackn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    You need to run your pct, then give time for your body to fully recover. Normally you would take the same amount of time off as you spent on cycle plus pct...

    Most people will have blood works taken before cycle and again after the time period Ive mentioned above to gage whether you've fully recovered or not...
    ^^^ Bloodwork says it all

  4. #4
    hwy1378's Avatar
    hwy1378 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    You need to run your pct, then give time for your body to fully recover. Normally you would take the same amount of time off as you spent on cycle plus pct...

    Most people will have blood works taken before cycle and again after the time period Ive mentioned above to gage whether you've fully recovered or not...

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