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  1. #1
    groundfighter1 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2011

    Vets- Advice.. 2 short cycles or 1 long cycle in a year?

    Due to work shipping me out of town, I will have 2 cycle options for this year. Which is best? 2 shorter 8-week cycles with PCT starting 14 days after or 1 12-week cycle with PCT starting 14 days after. BW will be done after each option and current BW has already been done.

    Here is my history, stats, and goals:
    Age: 36 (yes I was in kindergarden when Reagan took
    Height: 5' 9"
    Weight: 153.5 yesterday
    BF%: 11.5% (3 day average via bio-electric imped.)
    my body fat % is actually up right now for me (on purpose) due to trying to gain as much as possible pre-cycle. I lean out really easy, even when on high calorie diet. My natural weight (without weight training and diet) is between 135 and 140 which is what I've went down to when injured after surgerys.
    Workout history: I've been lifting weights since I was 21. I actually weighed 121 pounds when I started ( I know, I know ... tiny man!)
    I've weight trained continiously for the past 15 years except the time off for breaks, injuries, and surgeries. I've used personal trainers, sport specific trainers and stay as educated as possible on training.
    [B]Diet: 3941 Cals Daily Intake (Currently)
    Cals ratio: 24:37:39
    Fat: 120
    Carbs: 517
    Protein: 197
    I wear a HR monitor and do my best to increase daily calories based on what I burn in my workouts. Also, i track my calories and adjustments (I have an app for that) lol
    I weight train 3 to 4 days per week (currently) and train/teach brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA 2 to 3 times per week for about 2 hours each class. Recently I've been mostly teaching to cut my training down to help with the pre-cycle weight gain.
    [B]Goals: I'm not really into bodybuilding and also I'm not too concerned with that type of physique. I'm mostly interested in more of the athletic benefits of the increased size/strength.
    Most importantly tho My job requires me to wear/carry between 55 and 65 pounds of gear in high stress and very often high heat environments. My ability to do this and perform physically while doing it is very important. Without the risk of sounding too ability to perform physically can be life and death for me and my co-workers. At 153 pounds, it's quite a challenge at times.
    My goal is to put on some additional weight/muscle/strength that I can keep on.
    I'm in no hurry on how quick I pack it on, more importantly i want it to stay on! I also will, and frequently, adjust my diet based on current weight and activity.
    Cycle history: 2 years ago I did 10 weeks of Sustaplex 325 @ 250 mg per week split into 2 inj. per week.
    results: started at 144 lbs. 11% BF after cycle 156 lbs. 9% BF and averaged out at about 152 lbs.
    Cycle Plans: (I will post actual detailed cycle or cycles soon for vets to tweak)
    Test Cyp.- 250 to 300 mg per week
    D-bol- 1st 3-weeks @ 30mg. per day
    Possibly Winstrol for final few weeks of cycle?
    14 days after cycle PCT will be Nova and Clomid

    So back to my question: which will benefit me and my goals the most: 2 8-week cycles or 1 12-week cycle?

    Sorry for the long post but I know you vets like details. Thanks for the help everyone and I will post more on the cycle soon (after this one is answered)
    Also I will be making posts in the workout forum and diet forum to get my plan dialed in before starting.

    I can post my current BW if you would like it. I only didn't cause my hands are tired from

  2. #2
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    R.I.P My friends
    First off, you are WAY TO SMALL (especially after a cycle) to be considering more cycling. If you cannot eat and train to get heavier naturally, then taking anabolics is not your answer cause you will not be able to maintain your gains when you come off.

    that being said, you obviously have not been doing your research because assuming you are using test Enan (because you mention PCT starting in 14 days) then I would stay away from an 8 week cycle as test E will not start showing its best results to around week 5 so no point getting 3-4 weeks gains from 8 weeks worth of pinning.

    Might want to reconsider cycling

  3. #3
    groundfighter1 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2011
    it was Test Cyp

    and I was expecting the "you're too small reply" lol
    I've been training and using diet for 15 years, I've used the consultation of trainers, doctors, and several bodybuilders to get to the massive 153 I'm at now... ha ha ha
    i really am a hard gainer, I know everyone says that but there really are a few of us out there.

    good info on the 8 weeks point you made, i had not really considered that and haven't worked out an actual schedule yet on the PCT and times... This is the very beginning of my information gathering process (besides reading TONS of stuff on here, great site by the way)
    I have seen several members suggest the shorter cycles on here and not just with Prop. but your point makes complete sense.

    It's the details like this I'm after, thanks for the input so far!
    Hope to hear more soon.

  4. #4
    groundfighter1 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2011
    Oh, and go easy on me guys..... i'm not one of the 19 or 20 year old guys on here with 3 "hard" months training wanting advice on doing an "orals" only cycle of D-bol and Win.
    i've worked out over the years with alot of very experienced athletes and bodybuilders and even they used to joke with me about my inability to gain much. I've made gains but have never been able to break about 155 pounds in my life. I know my activity level has an affect on this but my genetics don't help much either, almost all of my family is small and lean. Actually I'm one of the bigger ones,,, ha ha ha
    15 years in the gym, 12 years of martial arts, and i hate to think of how many thousands of dollars of supplements over the years, plus the personal training fees, sport specific training fees and fees for consultations with RD's
    My Dr. used to be my workout partner and he made me come in and get tested for tapeworm cause he saw how much I ate and worked out!
    also, he agreed to do BW as often and when ever I needed it so he clearly has no problem with it.

    Thanks guys for any and all input you have for me, I'll gladly take it and put it to use!

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