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03-24-2011, 11:48 PM #1
comparable alternative to winstrol
when i was 18 i was on 100 mg Winstrol every day for 25-30 days. my pct was nolva 25mg/ proviron 50mg for the same length and i gained 20 lbs, to about 168. I was 100% satisfied as i am a very lean person, i could (though i do not) eat mcdonalds 5 times a day for a month and not gain a lb because of my metabolism and I am not willing to eat unhealthy amounts of food to gain weight.
that being said, i'm thinking about going back on. i was thinking of doing winny for 39 days at 10 mg/d first week, 30 mg/d 2nd week, up to 90 mg/d for the last week, and then doing clomid 50 mg for 10 days and proviron 50 mg for 25 days as my pct.
does anyone have an alternative for someone who is not willing to inject? please respond with the assumption that i am going to do this because of the results i received before; but realize that opinions will be respected and may be followed accordingly.
height: 6'2 weight: 142 bf%: between 2-7% according to my electric scale
note: i am at my current size peak and only gain strength (to peak again soon as well)
03-25-2011, 04:04 AM #2
anavar might be an option for 6-8 weeks if you dont fancy injecting.
will give you good lean gains, decent strength gains.
Mate if you ate properly you would gain better eating loads of unhealthy stuff is not great even if you have a really high metabolism. I would tighten the diet have maybe one day per week where you have a cheat day.
03-25-2011, 04:06 AM #3
I have to also state i hate you for having a metabolism like speedy gonzales mine is like a snail
03-25-2011, 04:51 AM #4Senior Member
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Are you really 142 lbs at 6'2" ?
03-25-2011, 07:04 AM #5Junior Member
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I hate to be a ball buster, but you haven't stated your current age and I am guessing it isn't old enough to be on another cycle. At 6'2" and 142 lbs. AAS isn't going to solve your problem, diet will. I haven't weighed under 150 lbs. since eighth grade and I'm 6'0" even. Not to mention you're probably not at 2% - 7% body fat.
I know it is a lot of negative at once, but take it for what it is worth. Head over to the nutrition forum and get some advice on how to start putting on the pounds. Good luck.
03-25-2011, 09:25 AM #6
yes, i am really 142 lbs at 6'2. the scale at the gym says 146, so give or take a few lbs between scales. when i was younger i was tested for things such as protein deficiencies and even parasites because i have lifted weights and had a steadily good diet since i was 15. complete bill of health, perfect heart, etc. at that time, when i was 18, my diet was like this: 200 grams protein, 6-800 grams carbs, 4-6000 calories a day. in my opinion, that is an unhealthy amount of food which will effect me later in life as much, if not more, than AAS. when i ate that much, i was not able to put on any weight and i was lifting 5 days a week. i gained strength but never weight. i figured by my age that would have changed and have been patient since then. i am now 22 and i realize that most people suggest you do not take AAS until at least 25 which is why i am going for such a mild cycle.
that being said, my diet is more like this now: 150+ g of protein, 400+ g carbs, 3000+ calories a day. my protein comes from chicken, tuna, beans, and whey. my carbs come from many sources and i try to include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats at least once in my daily meals. my knowledge of nutrition and dieting is pretty extensive and my advice has worked for many people; unfortunately, not for myself.
i'm going to try and stick to my guns, be patient, and become a more active member of this community. if i'm still not happy in about 6 months the idea will definitely be revisited. thanks a lot guys, i appreciate the advice.
03-25-2011, 10:01 AM #7Junior Member
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With all due respect, I don't believe you were eating 6,000 Cals a day and not gaining weight. But if that is the case, and adding additional Cals is not of interest to you (or feasible), have you considered reducing your activity? Ditch cardio, lay off physical activity that isn't a must, and stop working out five days a week. I've never met, nor heard of an individual working out three times a week, eating 6,000 Cals a day, and not gaining any weight.
However, in the off-chance that you are a medical marvel... maybe you should be speaking with a doctor? It all just sounds fishy brother, and root cause analysis doesn't lead you to AAS. If something is wrong, figure out what it is and what would be the appropriate way to correct it. Avoid personally diagnosed patchwork.
03-25-2011, 10:19 AM #8
6'2 and 142? do you ever eat? I have a 100 lbs on you. Steroids are not the answer for you, your issue is diet despite what you want to hear.
03-25-2011, 11:04 AM #9Member
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how old are you now?
full stats plz
03-25-2011, 11:25 AM #11Associate Member
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if you were 168 post cycle and have dwindled down to 142 now, it is very clear that FOOD is your issue, not steroids . you are not eating enough to even maintain your weight, let alone gain.
as stated above, if you were truly eating 6000+ PER DAY EVERY DAY at one point and not gaining weight, please seek medical advice as this does not sound normal.
get a clean bill of health, then your diet in check and you WILL gain weight. at 22, there is plenty of time for steroids later!
@22 id wait a couple years. check your diet and training
03-25-2011, 01:12 PM #13
Dude are you serious? RESEARCH AND READ.
Winstrol (OR ANY ORAL) is retarded to run by its self. Heres why..
Once you administer Winstrol, your body shuts down all TESTOSTERONE production. (test is much more anabolic /androgenic than winstrol)
You body thinks the Winstrol is test, and your body thinks theres to much test in the body.
So now your left with NO TESTOSTERONE. You lose that powerful androgenic, and now all your left with is the Winstrol, which is much weaker.
On top of that, in order to even bring your body up to an anabolic/androgenic state that it was with test, you have to take ALOT of winny. (more that 100mg)
Winny only at 18? LOL wow...
03-25-2011, 03:12 PM #14
If you juiced up and then lost all of your gains before then why continue to waste your$$$ and potentially damage yourself? Is this a quick spring break thing? It sucks to be a hard gainer man, I was too, so I know it can be done without AAS....CREATINE!! you will see results in 2months with even a half ass diet.
03-25-2011, 04:50 PM #15
Have you tried eating and lifting, or do you just go straight for the pills?
And do people laugh at you when you tell them that you use steroids ?
03-25-2011, 05:43 PM #16
I seriously doubt you eat that much food per day. I used to be around as skinny as you too. I swore up and down that diet wasn't my problem. But when I sat down with a spreadsheet and figured everything I actually ate for a week, the numbers didn't lie. I wasn't eating anything near what I thought I was getting. Then I planned out a serious meal plan where every meal and time was written down and in a year I gained a lot of weight.
The bottomline is you're not going to convince anyone here of your stuff. A good portion of us were once "hard gainers" until we learned how to eat. And you do not need any steroids at all. You need food and probably a good training program.
03-26-2011, 04:25 PM #17
well, i'm glad that the helpful people already posted, since the rest of you didn't even bother to read most of what i said or my follow up response stating that i was going to put my next cycle on hold or possibly not do it at all. i'm glad a majority of those who posted after the useful posters came in think they're so awesome that they can just talk down to anyone they want. i'm sure it is very helpful to weak-minded people who come here for real advice.
i wrote down EVERYTHING that i ate, looked at the nutritional value of every single thing that i ate for months at a time. it made no difference. i dropped from 168 to 138 when i got mononucleosis. it lasted for a month and as sensitive as my body is and the fact that i was too sick to work out and could barely eat for that duration, i lost everything i had worked for. and i don't eat that much food per day any more, i eat what i have decided is healthy for my age and body from the 6 years i have spent doing independent research. this is not a spring break thing, i work 50 hours a week, don't drink, and don't have time to go and show off my body at the beach (nor the complexion. im irish and worry about skin cancer so i try to limit my sun exposure.)
@bonaparte, i do not "use" steroids because that implies present time. i used steroids 4 years ago, and people didn't laugh at me because i was stronger than 90% of the grown men at my gym who weighed 30-60 lbs more than me and i was ripped, confident, and 100% satisfied because it brought me over a peak that i had reached. do people laugh at you because you use steroids or do you just post here without any experience, expecting people to take you seriously regardless? why does anyone take winstrol by itself? does it shut down all of their natural t production permanently? i took a post cycle of 25 days of 25 mg/nolva and felt perfectly fine afterwards.
fukngruvn, did you read my 2nd post or did you just respond with your ignorance to my first post? i don't think i will waste my time responding to you.
thanks again for those of you who actually responded with my health and mentality in mind instead of just taking the ignorant know-it-all approach. i plan to still become a regular member even if 50% of the responses i received were completely ignorant and actually made me just want to be stubborn and stupid. luckily, that's not me; but you idiots need to be careful of who you use that tone with, because you're certainly not helping anyone and i'm pretty sure that is the purpose of this forum.
03-26-2011, 04:29 PM #18
for the record, noone needs alcohol, or tobacco, or whatever their indulgence is. very few people who use them need steroids , but that is what we choose for ourselves. we live with our decisions. i'm simply trying to make an informed decision and don't appreciate those of you who don't know how to respond with respect. i can't go back into the past and change that i took steroids, but i'm not angry with myself for doing it and i was told i'm one of the healthiest test subjects my doctor has seen when being tested for deficiencies.
03-27-2011, 10:07 AM #19Junior Member
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You seem bitter, which is perplexing. You came here seeking advice, laid out your information, and received good, solid advice. You should follow it. And I wouldn't be calling out Boneparte - I haven't been around these parts long, but this man knows his shit. Maybe you should read through his post history and learn a thing or two before hopping on another cycle.
03-27-2011, 10:48 AM #20
6'2" 142 lbs? I dont care how lean you are, you're a tooth pick...You think eating 4-6k cals a day is unhealthy? Not if you're taking in the right foods. At your height the ideal weight for a male is 171-209lbs...You are WAY under weight....People always throw out the issues with being over weight, but no one ever talks about the risks with being under weight...For just a few you are more likely to develop osteoporosis, anemia, and your immune system suffers. Eat more food and get your weight up before you touch AAS.
03-27-2011, 10:50 PM #21
are you seriously going to defend bonaparte's rude and useless post because of his post history? that has absolutely nothing to do with what he said to me nor how disrespectful and hypocritical it was. i have shown that i'm not bitter towards those who made even the slightest gesture towards actually trying to help, and plan to attempt a more rigorous routine again before even considering steroids again. however, i didn't come here to be insulted by people who either don't read entire posts or simply don't comprehend them. i came here for solid advice from well composed individuals who prove with their disposition that they actually have useful information. his disposition shows me that he doesn't have enough respect to read my post or respond to it with the intention of helping and thus makes it more than useless; if that is possible.
03-27-2011, 11:21 PM #22
Not to mention when somebody underweight does get seriously sick (and eventually everyone will one day), they don't have the reserves to keep them going. Being underweight is very unhealthy. Also, looking so skinny that the average broad could kick your ass doesn't help the ego.
You really didn't come here for advice though, you came here for people to help you abuse steroids (and kids using steroids is abuse). So you should expect that people aren't going to be the kindest to you.
03-28-2011, 09:53 AM #23
142????? godamn son! Diet is 100% your issue... or you have a medical condition that needs looking into. If i told you that you would lose everything you gained from your cycle when you stoped running the gear would you still want to do it? Because thats exactly what will happen
03-28-2011, 04:18 PM #24
03-28-2011, 10:24 PM #25
[QUOTE=Honkey_Kong;5582261]Not to mention when somebody underweight does get seriously sick (and eventually everyone will one day), they don't have the reserves to keep them going. Being underweight is very unhealthy. Also, looking so skinny that the average broad could kick your ass doesn't help the ego.
out of everyone who has EVER guessed my weight, only one person has even been within 8 lbs. they guessed 150. other than that, noone has ever guessed below 165 and most have guessed 175+. older adults tell me to enjoy my metabolism while i have it, which is the position i've taken for 4 years now. and do you really think i provided all my stats, age, and history in this forum because my intention is to abuse aas? do you think that i am looking for a MILD cycle because i want to abuse steroids ? if i wanted to abuse i'd be doing everything i can as quickly as i can. test, tren , deca , sus, **** it, i want it all. your logic is completely flawed.
as for bonaparte, you're hypocritical for either 1 of 2 reasons; either A) you are posting on a steroid forum making snide remarks about someone who is inquiring about steroids when you do them or B) you are posting on a steroid forum making snide remarks about someone who is inquiring about steroids when you don't do them. if you are here to educate people on steroids, then educate people on steroids. insulting them for doing it is hypocritical and disrespectful, and can potentially be harmful to those who do actually intend on "abusing" aas. nobody, i repeat, NOBODY, needs your disrespectful remarks. if you caught me when i was 18 i would have run off and done steroids just to prove you wrong; in which case i would have gained 25 lbs and thought i was right, regardless of whether or not i actually was.
maybe i made a poor choice 4 years ago, but to be assaulted for considering AAS is against forum rules and is never going to help anyone. which is why i've shown my appreciation to those who actually posted HELPFUL responses. i'll be updating those people with my gains every few weeks so that they can know that their level-headed approach was helpful.
03-28-2011, 10:29 PM #26
thank you azngoldsmember, crocodile mick, redz, and brad1986, for being respectful and embodying what a help forum should be about. the rest of you are worthless posters who are trying to fuel their own ego and can't take the time to post respectfully. and for those who want to defend what they've said in other forums or other posts, that is not what i'm referring to.
Last edited by mrchin; 03-28-2011 at 10:30 PM. Reason: forgot to name one person (brad)
03-28-2011, 11:55 PM #27
[QUOTE=mrchin;5583403]For somebody your age, any use of steroids (without a doctor's prescription and supervision) is abuse. And it'd be immoral for any of us to help you. Besides, if you ate more food, you'd probably gain weight naturally (despite your lies of being able to eat like a horse and not gain a pound). The only way I could see you having any legit reason to use steroids was if you had low testosterone . And if that were the case, you wouldn't be on here looking to ask people to help you cycle. You'd be getting an RX from a doctor. The helpful responses to you are "NO." So quit acting like a ****ing kid and take that advice to heart. Wait, you ARE a kid.
03-29-2011, 09:47 AM #28
I have a friend who is exactly like you. No matter what he eats he can not gain. He said he wanted to gain weight, so i told him what to do and he never did any of it. If you have a fast metabolism, like some of the other guys said, you need to drop the cardio, and lessen some of the extra activity you do. You might want to consider doing a 4 day split with 2 bodyparts each day. I don't normally like to do this, but in your case you may need to. Something definitely has to be off in your diet. I would do as the others suggest and head over to the diet section post your actual diet with all macros and wait. Gbrice is the man and if he says your diet is wrong, it is wrong.
Besides all of that, you have to take advice for what it is. You are asking people to give of their time and comment on your situation. And then if you don't like what they say, you get upset and defensive. I can tell you acting like that is a sure fire way to get no one to respond and or help you. And being a new member, you need to give respect to get respect. At 22 you may no some things, but you do not know everything. And if you say you know a lot about diet, then you should also know how your body responds to nutrients,vitamins and nourishment as a whole. If that is the case, then you should also be aware of what will happen to your body at your age taking AAS. Just trying to lay it out their plain and simple. Be smart get over to the diet section, and train wise.
03-29-2011, 10:33 AM #29
now i'm a liar, honkey? i guess i have to remember that this is the internet and idiots will come to the surface at just about every crossroad.
and thank you f-genetics, i appreciate the advice. i usually do work out with a "4 day split" where i do chest and traps one day, arms another day, legs another day, and back and shoulders another day. i try to separate the chest and traps days from the back and shoulders days as chest can leave my shoulders quite sore from time to time and they usually need time to rest. i usually will do abs every day that i lift and i limit my cardio because i want to gain weight. like i've said, most people assume from my size and the weight that i push that i'm at least 160+ lbs. im going to keep trying to improve my diet and just keep at it like i have for the last 4 years.. maybe i did just come here so people would tell me not to take steroids ; but i should have known i would receive ignorant, useless responses as well. i would have never guessed they'd have come in the volume they actually came in. most of the posts i'm not happy with do not contain any advice at all or are from people who want to give advice without reading my entire posts and think they can just make general comments and be correct.
03-29-2011, 10:39 AM #30
i would also like to state that i also appreciate void of roids advice as well. i forgot to mention his name in my list of those who posted with good intentions and not for their own ego. thank you sir.
03-29-2011, 03:10 PM #31
03-29-2011, 03:13 PM #32
there is no ignorant respones they are the truth your 142 lbs at 6ft2 there is no way you have a muscle on your body your all bone listen too these guys and get too teh diet section all will come together after that you dont need any oral cycle at your age waste of time EAT EAT EAT EAT
03-29-2011, 04:19 PM #33
[QUOTE=mrchin;5583403]Actually, its option C: I was just mocking you for using steroids when you're way young and the skinniest kid in the gym. I don't care how cut you are, 150lbs at 6'2" is pathetic and shows a complete lack of diet and training knowledge and experience. Now STFU and quit whining about how everyone is picking on you. This isn't your high school debate club and nobody wants to hear some self-righteous kid prattle on for 4 paragraphs at a time.
03-29-2011, 09:21 PM #34
03-29-2011, 09:23 PM #35
Under 170? Over 5'10"?
Written by Big
03-29-2011, 09:24 PM #36
If you're over 5'10" and under 170lbs read this...
You don't need steroids , you need to learn how to eat. I have been following 5 new threads since I got home, all say pretty much the same thing:
I'm 5'10", 150lbs, I eat plenty but can't gain any weight, which steroids should I take?
I'll say it again:
I've been around a long time, and have yet to meet anyone who's body just wouldn't respond to food. Just about everyone who can't gain and thinks their diet is fine is wrong. If you can't gain, eat more. If you still can't gain, eat more than that. See the trend?
03-30-2011, 12:32 AM #37
one of my problems was that i used to rarely do legs because my lower back was damaged in a car accident, but it seems to have healed about 95% and i have been able to do legs again. since i began doing legs again i have gained 4 lbs and i have noticed my vascularity improving drastically as well. i'm up to 148 on the gym scale and i just started taking AE Intrabolic to go with my whey protein. i am also taking ZMa to improve my sleeping habits as i have always been an "active" sleeper and am probably burning calories just from tossing and turning. for those of you who actually seem to have a purpose beyond trying to make yourself look cool with "sarcastic remarks" or insults, i will be updating every week or so and i am working hard not to let you, or myself, down. i can't express my appreciation enough and if i succeed i will post my story for others who are too young so that they can hopefully learn from my mistaken mindset without simply being insulted. most people my age haven't been humbled by reality yet and don't respond well to insults.
@bonaparte, take your own advice; this isn't high school. your comments are completely unnecessary, in every facet of the word. i wonder if you were bullied in high school? 3800 posts in less than 2 years only proves one thing to me; that you are diluting whatever valuable information you might actually be able to offer with your obscene volume of nonsense posting. i could be wrong, but in this thread you're batting .000 and it's the bottom of the 9th.
@cyyounger, i am not large by any means but i am not skin and bones either. people who learn my actual weight rarely believe me and tell me that i should fight in mma because i am larger than a lot of lightweights (155 at weigh ins) and could easily cut to bantamweight (135 at weigh ins.) i do kick box and practice jiu jitsu but i value my brain cells far too much and until they have a solution for that i'll be on the sidelines teaching others. and for the record, while grappling i easily overpower most people within 30 lbs of me whether they're 5'6 or 6'5; so i can only guess that more healthy improvement will heighten that gap.
03-30-2011, 06:15 AM #38
Wah wah wah. You know, you have an excuse for everything. Fact, regardless of what you say, if you're not gaining weight, it's because you're not eating enough. Every single person on this earth will gain weight if they eat enough food. It might not be muscle you're putting on, but you'll be gaining weight. And as far as legs go, a bad back is no excuse. If the weight is too much impact on your spine to do squats, then use a sled. And by the way. at less than 150lbs, you are skin and bones. You probably don't see it when you look in the mirror, but that's because you're used to looking at it.
My suggestion to you, Kid, is to just drop the ego (you're not impressing anyone) and take the advice the people here were kind enough to give you to heart. In fact, if I may add, you should take the money you were thinking about spending on drugs and invest in a few sessions with a nutritionist and some sessions with a personal trainer. Some are very good and if you do what they say will turn you in to a beast, naturally.
03-30-2011, 05:09 PM #39
honkey, i have been changing my diet. i won't go back to my 200g protein, 600g carb, 6000 calorie diet; but i'm going to meet somewhere in between. and i'm not here for my own ego, otherwise i'd tell you to **** off and go take a cycle; as i've said before. you seem to be lacking comprehensive skill or selectively reading what i've said; otherwise you would acknowledge the fact that i've said multiple times that noone has ever guessed my weight within 5 lbs and most don't even get within 20 lbs. i'm not trying to gain because i'm unhealthy, i'm trying to gain because it's what i want. so the idea that it's what i'm used to looking at is pretty much null and void. if i look like i'm 165, i want to look like i'm 185. anyway, wish you all the best of luck, hope some of you can learn some respect for fellow human beings and learn to give advice the right way. those of you who gave me good advice, i'll express for my last time the gratitude that i have and i hope that you continue to help people such as myself.
look for my posts in the future, i'll be trying to help people by posting my story as i'm the hardest weight gainer i know and only hope others can relate.
03-30-2011, 06:20 PM #40Senior Member
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