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Thread: Injection pain

  1. #1
    wilsonw25's Avatar
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    Injection pain

    I am taking a cycle of sustanon 250, test C and winni pills injected into my quad. first time doing an IM injection like this.. did it in the main muscle belly of my vastus lateralis. Did the injection yesterday using a 1" 22 gauge needle and it hurt pretty bad after the injection.. but today it is so much worse. it feels like I have a quad strain and can barely put any weight on it. Has no redness or swelling or tenderness so no infection. I am aware that there is post injection pain after an IM injection but wasnt sure if it was normal for it to be this bad?

    Anyone have any suggestions to help get rid of some of the pain?

  2. #2
    Fetch is offline Member
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    Virgin muscle. Yes, it hurts. I've never done quads, only delts... but I recall the first time I injected into my delts, it would be awful for 3-4 days, and painful for the next couple days. I'm talking, unable to raise my arms above head level. And it was like that for the entire first cycle.

  3. #3
    wilsonw25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    Virgin muscle. Yes, it hurts. I've never done quads, only delts... but I recall the first time I injected into my delts, it would be awful for 3-4 days, and painful for the next couple days. I'm talking, unable to raise my arms above head level. And it was like that for the entire first cycle.
    should I continue to inject into the same muscle so it gets used to it (have read this on another forum) or would that just make it worse?

  4. #4
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    wilsonw25's Avatar
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    Thanks I actually read this before posting this in this forum.. thought it was helpful but still wasnt sure what I can do to try to reduce some of the pain.. took tylenol and it did nothing so thought I would ask some advice from experienced people.

  6. #6
    voidofRoids is offline Junior Member
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    Maybe try changing the gauge? I ran my first shot ever yesterday in the quad; drew with a 23 gauge and injected with a 25 gauge. Next to nothing for problems, even today, the muscle head is just a little raw (barely noticeable). Also, are you using a different needle on injection than draw?

    The rubber stopper can dull the needle tip. And the gauge can affect you in two ways: size of jab and speed of injection.

  7. #7
    wilsonw25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voidofRoids View Post
    Maybe try changing the gauge? I ran my first shot ever yesterday in the quad; drew with a 23 gauge and injected with a 25 gauge. Next to nothing for problems, even today, the muscle head is just a little raw (barely noticeable). Also, are you using a different needle on injection than draw?

    The rubber stopper can dull the needle tip. And the gauge can affect you in two ways: size of jab and speed of injection.
    Didnt take the rubber stopper into account. I have limited amound of needles so i really cant change them for drawing and injecting.. I injected for about 30-60 seconds and I didnt think that oil based injections could be done with something as small as 25 gauge needle...

  8. #8
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    I don't shoot quads after I discovered that shooting glutes = zero pain. Rotate your shots. Shoot your quad every 4th shot. It'll get better.

  9. #9
    wilsonw25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I don't shoot quads after I discovered that shooting glutes = zero pain. Rotate your shots. Shoot your quad every 4th shot. It'll get better.
    Thanks. Is there anything I can do right now for the pain or do I just have to deal with it for the time being? I wanted to train my legs tomorrow but theres no way if its anything like this lol.

  10. #10
    Sinned's Avatar
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    it's going to hurt at first, but will go away in time. Either you deal with it or stop.

    rotate injection sites (delts, glutes, quads) and the pain will subside after the second or so injection. make sure to massage the injection site for a few minutes. Even cardio afterwards helps.

  11. #11
    Hawaii808 is offline New Member
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    It's normal. Just alternate the Injection site

  12. #12
    wilsonw25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BritishNutrition View Post
    normaly poor technique gives issues with injecting, would have thought as its a virgin muscle its a bit of brusing / sweeling maby a bit of ibprofen will help if its swolen.
    If it still hurting and swolen in about another few days get checked by a dr as you could have an abscess and would prob need some meds from them to sort it out.
    Sust gave me some jip when i was cycling it due to the thickness of it, i started to put my single amps in a warm cup of water for a few mins before injecting as it makes it thinner.
    Thus making the injection time shorter.
    I did two separate injections. one for the sust and one for the Test C.. should I draw all of it into one syringe and inject at once with one injection or separate is better?

  13. #13
    dsldsl1980 is offline Associate Member
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    You can inject all oil based at once but it will probably hurt more the more you inject in 1 spot. Like everyone says the more times you do it the easier it will be and less pain. I hit quads 1 time on my last cycle and could hardly walk for 5 days before it even started to get better. Suck it up and you will be fine.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsldsl1980 View Post
    You can inject all oil based at once but it will probably hurt more the more you inject in 1 spot. Like everyone says the more times you do it the easier it will be and less pain. I hit quads 1 time on my last cycle and could hardly walk for 5 days before it even started to get better. Suck it up and you will be fine.
    Yea I figured I just had to suck it up.. thanks for the adviceon injecting multiple oil based at once.. and I think Im going to invest in more needles so i can use a diff needle for inject than I do for drawing out of the vial.

  15. #15
    Fetch is offline Member
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    Rotate sites, like everyone else said.
    Wait.. just noticed... why are you using both Sust and Test C? They are both just Test. Sust is several esters of test blended together.
    How is your cycle laid out? If the idea is to kickstart or something, you really should be using just Prop instead of Sust.

  16. #16
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    i have issues with any muscle i inject. been doing it for a while too, not virgin muscle. i have found after i inject using a heating pad helps with muscle relaxation and absorption. this helps diminish the next day soreness.

  17. #17
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    Rotate sites, like everyone else said.
    Wait.. just noticed... why are you using both Sust and Test C? They are both just Test.
    How is your cycle laid out? If the idea is to kickstart or something, you really should be using just Prop instead of Sust.

  18. #18
    wilsonw25's Avatar
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    I get real bad sides from prop alone. and sust alone. I have taken several sust cycles and when I go above 250 mgs a week i get horrible acne and same with prop alone.. I like the gains I get from cyp so i just split the sust and cyp to 500mgs pw. 250 mgs each) and use the winni to get more of a hard look.

  19. #19
    Tlee8769's Avatar
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    I did shot in right quad with a little pain i did one in left yesterday i can barely walk or sit down. Using 23g 1' pulling with 22g. Any advice to make less painful?

  20. #20
    wilsonw25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlee8769 View Post
    I did shot in right quad with a little pain i did one in left yesterday i can barely walk or sit down. Using 23g 1' pulling with 22g. Any advice to make less painful?
    This was the point of my thread....

  21. #21
    Tlee8769's Avatar
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    Why would my left be good to go and right be killing me?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlee8769 View Post
    Why would my left be good to go and right be killing me?
    I mean right be killing me? Even though everything was the same?

  23. #23
    wilsonw25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlee8769 View Post
    I mean right be killing me? Even though everything was the same?
    perhaps you didnt get in the muscle belly and did it inbetween two muscles by accident? or maybe that leg isnt used to getting injections so you got a greater inflammatory response in that side than you did in the other.. i wasnt there to see you inject but did you do it at the same speed... there are a lot of factors to take into account.

  24. #24
    Fetch is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wilsonw25 View Post
    I get real bad sides from prop alone. and sust alone. I have taken several sust cycles and when I go above 250 mgs a week i get horrible acne and same with prop alone.. I like the gains I get from cyp so i just split the sust and cyp to 500mgs pw. 250 mgs each) and use the winni to get more of a hard look.
    Really doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I guess it doesn't really hurt you, so whatever works. In your shoes, I'd just go with 500 mg of Sust or Cyp. Much less hassle that way, and I can't think of any possible biological reason a person would react negatively to 500 mg Sust, but not 250 of Sust and 250 of Cyp. The esters aren't whats causing the acne.

  25. #25
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    well honestly I dont know why I do either.. I have done both 500 mg of sust and other test compounds and whenever i am that high with either prop or sust the acne is terrible.. A friend suggested this to me and I have had no issues at all with acne as of yet... keeping my fingers crossed.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by wilsonw25 View Post
    perhaps you didnt get in the muscle belly and did it inbetween two muscles by accident? or maybe that leg isnt used to getting injections so you got a greater inflammatory response in that side than you did in the other.. i wasnt there to see you inject but did you do it at the same speed... there are a lot of factors to take into account.
    Yeah it was exact same conditions just up a little on the left. I put it in proper site not in between muscle but guess its all the price we have to pay right lol...

  27. #27
    Ninja Warrior is offline New Member
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    I am on my first cycle ever. I injected about 0.5ml of test c in quad and for the first 4 days I was in so much pain. Today is the 5th day and it hurts less. I can walk fast but certainly can't run. I am hoping that it is just "virgin muscle" and it only hurts the first time. I see it has been a few months since you posted. How is the post-injection pain? Does it hurt any less the subsequent times? Did you alternate muscles? I might just plan to do it in my quads always. I'm not's pretty painful...

    -Ninja W.

  28. #28
    RB3232's Avatar
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    I havent read all these posts but Shoot the muscle that you workout that day before you workout and it helps a lot. After I shoot (I use 25 gages for a nice slow injection) I use heat and massage for 10 minutes, then ill go workout that muscle and it helps a lot man. if im still sore ill take advil or alieve too. but if you shoot your quad, lift legs then stretch like crazy after you workout (like you should anyway) and you'll notice a huge improvement, even with it being your first cycle which is always the worst.

  29. #29
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    I know this is an old thread but I am VERY SURPRISED noone mentioned to this guy why he is using the same needle he draws with to inject with. That is injection 101 of what NOT to do. Good way to cause infection also. If you cant afford 10 extra dollars to buy separate needles to swap with, then you shouldnt be doing a cycle.
    f you keep experiencing pain each time you inject, the oil batch you have might have TOO MUCH alcohol in it for sterilizing. Buy from someone else next time.

  30. #30
    Muttley111 is offline New Member
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    Hey guys, I did my first injection and first time dealing with steroids . I did everything exactly as I had learned, watched and read. I injected 1ml of test e in my thigh (only because it was easy to monitor my technique) the needle don't hurt I went in fully(1"1/2) aspirated and slowly injected waited about 30 seconds pulled out no blood. The next day my quad was killing me could barely bend it still 6days later I have pain and my leg doesn't take stairs well. Did I hit something the pain seems to run along the smaller middle quad muscle no numbness but it hard and sore. Does anyone have any similar experience with this? How long should I wait for the pain to subside? Is it a concern?

  31. #31
    skyvw1's Avatar
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    The quad can be a very painful spot at first. I rotated legs and areas in both legs. I use the glute now because I was hobbling around all the time and was tired of being in such pain all the time. They say the glute is the most painless area and that has been my experience but is is very rarely completely painless. I just stick with that because it is simply much less painless.

  32. #32
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Considering this is 7 months old I'm sure his pain has subsided.

  33. #33
    Bigj619 is offline New Member
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    Hey guys my names justin and im new to the site so if im in the wrong spot please redirect me. Im new to gear but not the lifting world. I got my hands on some sust 250 10ml vials from a good source so i am 99.9% sure its legit. My first shot was a mon. 1cc mon-thurs i have done my research i just need some imput. Using a 1in 25g needle in the buttox rotating sides. First shot went good very lil pain that day. Now the next day it was sore nothin to serious felt a little lump n sore to the touch. It seems it lasted about a week my next shots tmrw but il most likely do my thight butss still a lil sore but my concern is there not redness just a lump the first say 3 days after the shot on the 4th day or so the area around it turns red and warm still no fever though. Tommorow will be one week from the right buttox shot and the redness seems to be going down still a lil sore not as bad as before, but the ahot i did on monday which wasnt red is now starting to turn red 3 days after. Is this notmal for sust250 forst timers more forums iv seen said yes i guess im just looking for some reinsurence. Thanks

  34. #34
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    Why are you posting on a thread from three years ago? Start your own...
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