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  1. #1
    Redial is offline Junior Member
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    Test E problems, compared to Sust

    I'm 26years old and done many kind of cycles, I have always got low blood pressure and never had problems with that, on or off cycle. (Normal off pressure around 110/65)

    Now I'm week 4 on my test only cycle.

    I started w/ test enanthate , 250mg first shot. After 24hours, I started to feel like high blood pressure, you know a heavy heart beat, little bit dizzy feeling and pressure feeling in head, etc. Heartrate went up and I felt very anxious about it as it didn't want to slow down. This went on for 4-5days, and got worse when I did a second (smaller) shot too.

    Then I tried to switch to Sustanon250, I went with that 2 weeks (same dose) and sides pretty much fade out. Eventhough my blood pressure was still slightly up, everything went pretty nicely. (Right hand says 135/80, Left 125/75 it's always more in right hand..)

    Well, I decided to give enanthate another go, and yesterday I did 50/50mix of sust and test e. Surprise surprise.. this morning I felt very heavy heartbeat and very dizzy/anxious, and my blood pressure is 145/95 in the right hand..!

    I mean wt*....?

    BOTH are tested in drug lab, there is 250mg enanthate in that ena, and there is exactly the correct mix of 4 esters in that sust250.
    How is this possible, test is test right? And there is long esters in Sust too.

    I' ve been taking beta-blocker (bisoprolol 2mg/d) to keep heartreat normal, it lowers the BP some too but the diastolic pressure is moderately high still (80-90).

    p.s. I also got facial acne from the test enanthate, in first week. That went away too when I changed to sust. I have never got facial acne with sust or test prop even in long cycles.
    Last edited by Redial; 04-05-2011 at 03:07 PM.

  2. #2
    PK-V's Avatar
    PK-V is offline Productive Member
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    low BP and taking beta-blockers... wat?

    I can't explain your BP issues from using a particular ester doesn't make sense

    You should be taking 4gs+ fish oil/hawthorn berry etc for your HBP before resorting to any drug imo

    take B12 (5-10 grams/day) and zinc (25-75 grams/day) for your acne this combo works a charm

  3. #3
    Redial is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    low BP and taking beta-blockers... wat?
    I've been taking beta-blockers durign this cycle (3weeks) to keep the heartrate lower, because for some reason this time it tends to be high, as is the blood pressure too. I don't take those normally.

    I can't explain your BP issues from using a particular ester doesn't make sense
    This is exactly what I'm wondering.. how is it possible that Sust doesn't make these symptoms but enanthate does, and it does it immediately 24hours after injection. To make it even more weird, those are both based on some oil too, some nut-based oil solution. (According to lab results)

    You should be taking 4gs+ fish oil/hawthorn berry etc for your HBP before resorting to any drug imo
    Fish oil is an regular part of my diet always, 2000mg of Omega3 everyday. Hawthorn berry doesn't seem to have any effect to me I have tried it in the past.

    Today I started L-Arginine 4g's a day to see if it lowers this blood pressure as it's supposed to do, very effectively they say.

    take B12 (5-10 grams/day) and zinc (25-75 grams/day) for your acne this combo works a charm
    B12? I always thought it's the B5 pantothenic acid for acne? Tell me more..? Zinc I take 30mg's a day, I don't know if it's safe to take more than that everyday...?

    I also found out that Nizoral wash is pretty effective to aas induced acne.

    BUT, the point was that I got facial acne immediately from that test enanthate. I have done several cycles with propionate , and sust250, and I have never ever got facial acne, only on my back. So that's another weird thing, why enanthate is so aggressive for acne, and sust not?

  4. #4
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    PK-V is offline Productive Member
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    Typo your too right bro pantothenic acid is what I meant a always mix up my b vitamins lol

    L-arginine there's no evidence that it does anything for HBP but their aint nothing wrong with a extra nitrates in the blood to keep the blood vessels dilated, I wonder if having your blood vessels dilated can help prevent atheroscleroses due to allowing the blood to move around more freely, interesting.

    Nizoral 2% works wonder truth also had good success with it, I believe it's due to it's localized anti-androgen effect

    My thinking is your body may be getting some sort of hypersensitivity reaction to some component of the test e compound interesting one no doubt

    Keep us posted

    Edit: Did you get your gear tested by a friend or lab? If it's not an issue could you send me a pm, I would kill for a source to a lab that tests gear. Thanks

  5. #5
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    My first cycle was sus250. I felt the heavy heart beat and high blood pressure. I guess we react to test differently. I'd lay awake at night and feel the blood pulsing through my neck. When I came off the cycle, everything went back to normal.

  6. #6
    Redial is offline Junior Member
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    Hi, it was an friend who works at lab, and I live in Europe so I guess it's no help to you... sorry. :-/

    People do react for different compounds differently that's true, like Deca , I must be the most hypersensitive person to that compound. I have wanted to try it few times, but only a 50mg shot of Deca (or npp) makes me so sick that I almost have to go to hospital..! Heartbeat raises above 100 (my normal heartrate is low, 60-65) and blood pressure comes instantly over 150/100, just one day after injection. Man that's serious stuff.. So I have never used it.

    But I have never got problems with test, I have used test prop 150mg/EOD and sust250 +500mg's/week, of course it rises the heartbeat a little and makes you feel hot and sweaty all the time, but nothing like this enanthate does.

    I guess I just have to stick with sust250, and leave this enanthate alone. :/ Wish they'd make sust without that would be perfect. =)

  7. #7
    Redial is offline Junior Member
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    Little update... I left the enanthate off, and I have continued with sust250 450mg/week (now week 4). Now the pressure is 135/70 and heartrate ~65, and I feel pretty normal

  8. #8
    PK-V's Avatar
    PK-V is offline Productive Member
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    good news

    let us know if you figure what the problem with the test e was

  9. #9
    Redial is offline Junior Member
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    No idea, the gear is just what it's supposed to be.. just seems that I react to enanthate that way. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's a long ester, I don't know.

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