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  1. #1
    setian's Avatar
    setian is offline Associate Member
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    May 2010

    Test Prop vs. Test E

    So the basic beginner cycle is always recommended 500 mg a week of test E or Cyp usually pinning twice a week. But what about test Prop? Seems most say go 100mg EOD. But that's only about 350mg an average per week! Since one week would be 300mg and the other week would be 400mg.

    Is Prop just more powerful than the longer esters? I am on TRT and am thinking of doing short blasts of 6 weeks when a strength comp is near.

  2. #2
    setian's Avatar
    setian is offline Associate Member
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    May 2010
    Also seems like test E takes 4-6 weeks to finally kick in at full. How long is test prop's kick in time?

  3. #3
    boundup is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by setian View Post
    So the basic beginner cycle is always recommended 500 mg a week of test E or Cyp usually pinning twice a week. But what about test Prop? Seems most say go 100mg EOD. But that's only about 350mg an average per week! Since one week would be 300mg and the other week would be 400mg.

    Is Prop just more powerful than the longer esters? I am on TRT and am thinking of doing short blasts of 6 weeks when a strength comp is near.
    With the different esters there is going to be a different amount of testosterone entering the system. The longer esters are denser but only 'x' amount enters your system. With the shorter esters, more enters the system but it also leaves your body quicker. You'd be surprised at what can be accomplished at 350-400mg a week on Test Prop.

    I am on TRT at 200mg a week. When I blast, I chose test prop, pin 75mg ED before bed, gym in the morning and do this for six-eight weeks. On the last week, I start to layer back in my TRT dose and I have yet to lose any gains or strength.

    Hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Tlee8769's Avatar
    Tlee8769 is offline Associate Member
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    I am on the end of my second week of test E at 500 per week and have had amazing results so far so i would go with Test E for your cycle from some experience so far on mine I have read good things on both but it seems like Test E is better bang for your buck. But its all preference of sticking eod or twice a week. Best of luck on your choice and PCT that you choose.

  5. #5
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    Golden state
    you cant really vs a short ester to a long acting ester be more like test cyp vs test Ethanate prop great for lean bulking and cutting test Ethanate good for overall mass and strength gains..

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