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  1. #41
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    i love the liquid cia, 20mg and I am good to go for a few days.

  2. #42
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    Nope, didn't use a PCT. My brother got me into it, and was illiterate himself about the whole thing. I got very unlucky.
    Funnily enough, I still religiously adhere to a PCT after each cycle. I guess deep down I'm hoping it will 'cure' me lol.
    From Swifto´s PCT thread.
    Why don´t u run some alternative , unconventional PCT´s.
    What do u have to loose?

    Case 1: 6'0" 206 lbs. 33 yr old Caucasian male
    with a 10+ year history of steroid self-administration for bodybuilding and powerlifting. By his
    own admission he was a "heavy" user, taking from 500 mg/wk to 2+ grams/wk. Pre-treatment
    values: LH < 1.0 IU/L, T 191 ng/dL. One course of therapy (32 days) was given: 2,500 IU of
    hCG every 4 days (8 injections total), 50 mg clomiphene bid and 10 mg tamoxifen qd. Despite
    massive drug use patient was an exceptionally good responder. Post-treatment values: LH 5.2
    IU/L, T 1072 ng/dL.

    Case 2: 5'10" 184 lbs 36 yr old Caucasian male with a 2 yr history of
    continuous nandrolone use (200-400 mg/wk). Pre-values: LH < 1.0 IU/L, T 45 ng/dL.

    Treat 1
    (32 days): 2,500 IU hCG every 4 d (8 total), clomiphene (50 mg bid) and arimidex (1 mg qd).
    Post-values: LH < 1.0 IU/L, T 38 ng/dL.

    Treat 2 (60 days): 5,000 IU hCG every 4 days (4 inj
    total) followed by 2,500 IU hCG every 4 d (4 inj total), clomiphene (50 mg bid) and tamoxifen
    (10 mg qd). Post-values: LH > 1.4 IU/L, T 63 ng/dL.

    Treat 3 (32 days): 5,000 IU hCG qod (6 inj
    total) followed by 2,500 IU hCG qod (6 inj total) given simultaneously with menotropins 150 IU
    qod (6 inj total), clomiphene (50 mg bid) and tamoxifen (10 mg bid). Post-values: LH 9.8 IU/L,
    T 507 ng/dL.

    Restoration of the HPG axis, even in severe cases of hypogonadism, is possible
    with combined therapies and careful monitoring of the patient. With continued popularity of
    these drugs, long-term androgen deficiency is a health concern for former AAS users. Further
    research is needed in this area.

    So there is hope for those that have totally abused AAS for "years" or been on HRT and wish to recover.

  3. #43
    Fetch is offline Member
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    I've considered it, actually. It's a lot of HCG to be playing with, but I don't really have much to lose lol.

  4. #44
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    I've considered it, actually. It's a lot of HCG to be playing with, but I don't really have much to lose lol.
    I´m in the same pickle as u after PH 12 years ago, but my hormone levels are normal, so I don´t know what the source of the problem is....or else I would have tried the same.
    ...of course, I didn´t do BW until last year, so who knows what went on in the previous 11 years...hehe

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