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  1. #1
    blackbeard is offline Female Member
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    Apr 2011

    Cardio and Clen/T3

    I am expecting my clen /t3 to arrive today. Question- what is it about cardio and clen that is so highly recommended? Is it that cardio is a good calorie burner all around, or is there something about clen with cardio?

    Also- I teach spin classes, take Bikram (extreme heat) yoga- in addition to lifting and running. Anyone shed some light with experience as to how clen/t3 might have an impact on these activities?

    I plan on starting this first cycle (ever) at 20mcg clen, very low dose, and working up slowly. I have taurine and will drink a shit ton of water too.


  2. #2
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    Aug 2010
    I'm on my 3rd clen cycle now. I started at 20mcg/ed and worked my way up to 80mcg/ed. I'm taking keto and T4 along with Clen. I find that my cardio endurance isn't as good. My heart pumps like a horse and it's harder for me to catch my breath. But I'm losing fat. I started at 11% and my goal is get down into the single digit. I'm at 100mcg/ed of T4 and 1mg/ed of Keto. Clen is a bronchial dilator so all your blood vessels open up. Cardio courses your blood through your body and thus increasing internal therm of your body. Sweat and lose fat, awesome.

  3. #3
    blackbeard is offline Female Member
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    Thanks man, I just got it today. I took 20mcg clen and 30mcg t3...for a few hours I was bouncing off the walls! My hands are def shaking and I took such a low dose... no other side effects yet. Tonight I'm headed to bikram yoga which always makes my heart rate soar and I sweat like a bitch. I'll be interested to see how that goes. With your logic, I should benefit greatly from bikram on clen/t3.

  4. #4
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    If my memory serves me correctly your T3 intake should be like half of what your clen intake is otherwise you can cause a hyper or hypothyroidism which you don't want.

  5. #5
    Linuxian's Avatar
    Linuxian is offline Junior Member
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    Im very interested in knowing how your body handles the high temperatures of Bikram while taking clen and t3. Please post your thoughts after class.

  6. #6
    blackbeard is offline Female Member
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    I did a bikram class last night and this morning. This morning, I waited to take clen /t3 until after class. I sweat like crazy without the stack, and the only noticeable difference to me was not the amount of sweat--- I found it harder to balance due to all the surprise.

  7. #7
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    If my memory serves me correctly your T3 intake should be like half of what your clen intake is otherwise you can cause a hyper or hypothyroidism which you don't want.
    Your memory doesn't. t3 should be pyrimided up fomr 25mcg in some cases up to 150mcg based on tolerance to sides

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