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  1. #1
    PK-V's Avatar
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    Hitting a nerve?

    People keep saying "trust me you'll know if you hit one"

    And other things like removing a pin and having blood squirt half way accross the room

    da funk?


    The last time I pin'd delts I got serious cramp and then my muscle started twinging so I pulled the pin and shot at a different site

    and later my tricep hurt like fuk for some reason
    did I hit a nerve or something?

    and how do you manage to get blood squirting half way accross the room when shooting delts? are you guys using a 1.5" 18G or something?

    also do you jab slow or fast?

  2. #2
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    I dont know how you squirted halfway accross the room but i pin somewhat fast. to slow and i feel the twitches. I remember my 1st pin. It was in my quad it twitched a little but kept on pushing the needle in. I thought I hit a nerve too, but boy was I sore for a few days. i shot 400 test e first go.... your probably sore because it's virgin muscle. Personally I use 25g. 18g thats BIG i bet that hurts like a mofo. Thats my info for ya.

  3. #3
    Chris J's Avatar
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    deep left field

    bad jabs

    I am not able to twist as far to shoot my left glute as I am able to hit my right. I have still managed to use the left glute in rotation though. A week ago I was sticking my left glute and felt a pain that was like someone jabbed a red hot coat hanger in my butt cheek. Then it ached instantly. I pulled out because I knew I was in a bad spot. Only a small or normal amount of blood after I pulled out. It was definetly sore for a couple of days. I would assume I was flirting with a nerve on that one. Three days ago I used my delt and drew back blood. No biggy, I switched needles and pushed out the little bit of blood that I drew in. There was still a little bit in the juice but I figure what the hell, its my blood. With a fresh needle I jab my left thigh. Easy entry, no pain, all went well. The next day it was sore. Yesterday it was sore as shit, limping to walk, and large red area. I knew it was infected because my right thigh got infected once before. I contacted doctor and started anibiotics last night. Cephalexin 500 MG. I dont understand it at all. The shot was clean and pain free. Maybe that one drop of blood caused it, but I doubt that was the culprit. Its the same juice I have been running for months, no probs. Shit happens, but thats each leg that has gotten infected in 6 or 8 months. I am gun shy of using the quads now. That should be a large and easy target, but it seems to cause probs for me. I guess I will have to stick to delts and glutes. BUT, yes you will know when you hit a bad spot like a nerve. Its also been said that your body will tell you how fast to inject. If its hard to push the plunger, then slow down or even wait a couple of seconds before resuming. I try the medium pace. I rub or massage the area alot afterwards.

  4. #4
    PK-V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantbetouched View Post
    I dont know how you squirted halfway accross the room but i pin somewhat fast. to slow and i feel the twitches. I remember my 1st pin. It was in my quad it twitched a little but kept on pushing the needle in. I thought I hit a nerve too, but boy was I sore for a few days. i shot 400 test e first go.... your probably sore because it's virgin muscle. Personally I use 25g. 18g thats BIG i bet that hurts like a mofo. Thats my info for ya.

    Try reading the post again

    I never said I pin with an 18g or that I had my blood squirting accross the room

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    I am not able to twist as far to shoot my left glute as I am able to hit my right. I have still managed to use the left glute in rotation though. A week ago I was sticking my left glute and felt a pain that was like someone jabbed a red hot coat hanger in my butt cheek. Then it ached instantly. I pulled out because I knew I was in a bad spot. Only a small or normal amount of blood after I pulled out. It was definetly sore for a couple of days. I would assume I was flirting with a nerve on that one. Three days ago I used my delt and drew back blood. No biggy, I switched needles and pushed out the little bit of blood that I drew in. There was still a little bit in the juice but I figure what the hell, its my blood. With a fresh needle I jab my left thigh. Easy entry, no pain, all went well. The next day it was sore. Yesterday it was sore as shit, limping to walk, and large red area. I knew it was infected because my right thigh got infected once before. I contacted doctor and started anibiotics last night. Cephalexin 500 MG. I dont understand it at all. The shot was clean and pain free. Maybe that one drop of blood caused it, but I doubt that was the culprit. Its the same juice I have been running for months, no probs. Shit happens, but thats each leg that has gotten infected in 6 or 8 months. I am gun shy of using the quads now. That should be a large and easy target, but it seems to cause probs for me. I guess I will have to stick to delts and glutes. BUT, yes you will know when you hit a bad spot like a nerve. Its also been said that your body will tell you how fast to inject. If its hard to push the plunger, then slow down or even wait a couple of seconds before resuming. I try the medium pace. I rub or massage the area alot afterwards.
    Infections can be nasty and unpredictable, good luck sorting that out

  5. #5
    poppz's Avatar
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    If I pin and inject without pulling back to see if I hit a nerve. What would happen if by chance I knicked or hit a nerve? Because sticking that needle is hard enough by yourself without drawing back too.

  6. #6
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    This guy is 19!!!!!!

  7. #7
    PK-V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantbetouched View Post
    this guy is awesome!!!!!!

  8. #8
    CsB's Avatar
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    yeh I think it's when you twitch is when it hits a nerve. I did it in my delt and started twitching, stopped, then pushed it in more slowly.

    i doesn't afraid of anything.

  9. #9
    Eazy20's Avatar
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    Yeah, you hit a nerve...I've had blood shoot across the room when pinning my glutes...My guess is it's just the build up of scar tissue that causes like a socket of blood to form and then when you go through it and inject the oil, you're creating back pressure which causes it to shoot out...Just a theory though, I have no actual evidence to support this claim.

  10. #10
    PK-V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CsB View Post
    yeh I think it's when you twitch is when it hits a nerve. I did it in my delt and started twitching, stopped, then pushed it in more slowly.

    i doesn't afraid of anything.
    reps on recharge

  11. #11
    progressive1's Avatar
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    Don't worry you're not hitting a nerve. The muscle twitching during injection is called insertional activity. Just the mechanical insertion of the needle in the muscle fiber causes it to depolarize. It's happened to me a couple of times in the quads. Kinda freaky but no sweat. I don't know about the blood squirting part though.

  12. #12
    SAMS_DAD's Avatar
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    i've had blood squart out before while doing a delt injection; i pinned, felt pain, then pulled out and as i pulled the needle out, blood came gushing out (didn't inject tho). I always pin really slowly, when i start feeling pain, i take it out and find a new spot. Not going to risk hitting a nerve or vein when i could just re-pin. My main spots are delts, quads and traps.

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post

    1-8 400mg wk of prop (60mg* ED)
    1-7 hCG 250iu SQ 2x week

    3 days later start PCT

    5wks Nolva 40/40/20/20/20 day
    5wks Clomid 150mg day 1, then 50/50/25/25/25 day

    PCT is very debatable theres not much in the difference between the serms but the dosing strategy

    Age: 19
    Height: 5"9
    Weight: 180+
    BF%: 12
    Cycle Exp: n.a this will be my first was planning on doing a 10wk'r enan for a long time
    PCT Knowledge: been researching AAS for many years
    Training Exp: training 4+ years
    Diet: marcos are ok adjusted depending on strategy

    no hate because of the age please I know why

    You really shouldnt be cycling, this post was last year and since then you have done many cycles yet still look like a boy who's never trained.

    Guess you will live and learn, shame you never took the advice!

    Best of luck, you will need it.

  14. #14
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You really shouldnt be cycling, this post was last year and since then you have done many cycles yet still look like a boy who's never trained.

    Guess you will live and learn, shame you never took the advice!

    Best of luck, you will need it.
    oh dear, i wondered by the way some of his posts where written........

  15. #15
    PK-V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You really shouldnt be cycling, this post was last year and since then you have done many cycles yet still look like a boy who's never trained.

    Guess you will live and learn, shame you never took the advice!

    Best of luck, you will need it.

    Your entitled to your opinions, I understand what your trying to do by insulting me marcus. But seriously though I didn't set out to get you upset that someone made there own decision to start before the age you set out, making you and the forum look bad.

    I'm not about to point out all the points wrong in that post . And cause a stir and fight back and fort until I get banned. I post here to help other people who want my advice and to learn more.

  16. #16
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    Your entitled to your opinions, I understand what your trying to do by insulting me marcus. But seriously though I didn't set out to get you upset that someone made there own decision to start before the age you set out, making you and the forum look bad.

    I'm not about to point out all the points wrong in that post . And cause a stir and fight back and fort until I get banned. I post here to help other people who want my advice and to learn more.
    thts what will get you banned, you shouldnt advise if you are inexperienced

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