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  1. #1
    m3rk11's Avatar
    m3rk11 is offline Junior Member
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    serious question on cycle!

    i have started tren /test/materon cycle. (rip blend)
    and was wondering if it is okay to get a vaccine while im on this cycle. i went to my Doctor today and he wanted to give me a vaccine. i refused because i wasn't sure if it was okay. is it okay to get a vaccine shot while on a cycle?

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    yes bro your good to go

  3. #3
    m3rk11's Avatar
    m3rk11 is offline Junior Member
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    okay bj thks for the heads up. should i wait a week or two into my cycle before getting the vaccine?

  4. #4
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    does not matter bro i would rather get it while i am on then during pct imo.

  5. #5
    Tlee8769's Avatar
    Tlee8769 is offline Associate Member
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    You should inform your doctor and see if their would be any counter action with the test just to be safe.

  6. #6
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    I was actually wondering, since estrogen plays a role in autoimmune response, if there would be a contradiction, but i did not want to start any fights.................

  7. #7
    Tlee8769's Avatar
    Tlee8769 is offline Associate Member
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    Well a professional health care provider or pharmacist would have a pretty clear idea so i would personally go this way.

  8. #8
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    I agree he should ask, if he decides to do it on cycle, but that doesnt mean they know, but there is nothing wrong with a healthy debate. With high estrogen levels you would get an over-response, with that being said, just wondering if anyone knows anything about immunization shots and wether that would affect them????
    Last edited by THE-DET-OAK; 05-09-2011 at 01:01 AM.

  9. #9
    Tlee8769's Avatar
    Tlee8769 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE-DET-OAK View Post
    I agree he should ask, if he decides to do it on cycle, but that doesnt mean they know, but there is nothing wrong with a healthy debate. With high estrogen levels you would get an over-response, with that being said, just wondering if anyone knows anything about immunization shots and wether that would affect them????
    They have a medical degree so they are a little more knowledgeable then most people in the world since they have done schooling for 7-10 years on the human body and drugs for the human body. A very good pharmacist knows the in and outs of drugs and have to be well educated on the matter because one mistake of drugs that do not go together can be fatal. And correct they may not know but they will have a better chance of actually knowing the compounds then most on this site.

  10. #10
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    the problem is these pharmacist and doctors have been taught so long that testosterone is bad. this is the fight many will have when being a proponent of TRT. TRT has a stigmatism about it that needs to be rectified. The media is responsible for this. example: bigger faster stronger.

    It has been my experience that far less dr's and pharmacist actually know anything about any kind of androgen therapy, and its effects.

    this is shown when i go to the pharmacy to get syringes. sometimes the old hen's will ask my why i need them, implying that they may deny me.

    When i fire and tell them: its kind of personal but if you must know i need to inject testosterone beacause my testicle's no longer work. at this time they simply look at me with a blank expression and get me what i ask for. some even ask me to go into more detail, and it is really funny seeing the expression on their face. most of them were taught all the wrong information about androgen therapy in school, thoughts that get even more deeply rooted by the media. this is why 12 million men in america are hypo, but only 9% recieve TRT.

    another example is when guys that are prolly hypo dont know why they feel the way they do, tell the doc their symptoms, and the doc quicky writes anti-depressent meds that actually make the problem worse....................this is far too common.

    now im getting off track so that will be my final thoughts on the skewed information passed along by the good docs themselves.

  11. #11
    Tlee8769's Avatar
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    Well just because you got some bad advice from one you can not put all doctors and pharmacist on the same scale. Its like saying i ate a bad apple so all apples are bad doesnt make sense i have an amazing doctor and pharmacist that are young and updated with their craft. They give me a lot of insight on things that I would not know otherwise. So since you had a bad experience means that most are like that i find that hard to believe because the majority of doctors i see have helped me reach my goals and taught myself a lot along the way. And not all doctors feel like test is bad and I bet quite a few people on this board have had great experiences with the use of TRT and it was recommended by their doctor. Your views on doctors from past experiences is understandable but putting doctors as a catagory instead of different individuals with different views is where you will steer other people away from a really fantastic thing. So instead of doing that to doctors in general i suggest you find a new doctor with great ideas and knowledge like I did myself.

  12. #12
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    I couldnt agree more, i guess i have a bad taste in my mouth cause of all the guys that I talk to about TRT, and what they tell me their Docs told them.

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