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  1. #1
    joshp214 is offline New Member
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    Please critique my first real cycle Test Enth, Winstrol, Anastrozole, Clomid

    First heres my stats
    28 yr old
    6'1, 205 lbs 15% bf
    lifting 6 yrs
    have done Mdrol 2 yrs ago

    Im trying to plan out a 12 week cycle, hoping to get nice results for summertime.

    Test Enth 400mg wk 1-12
    Winstrol 50mg ED wk 8-12
    Anastrozole 1mg ED wk 1-4, .5mg ED wk 5-16
    PCT with clomid (typical PCT cycle)

    Does this look good or should I modify it?

  2. #2
    psa is offline Junior Member
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    1mg/d of Adex is a little overkill.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    For a first cycle my recommendation is just the Test E. Keep the adex available until you feel gyno. If you want to take ed or eod the dosage should be small, like .25mg/ed or eod. Drop the Winstrol . PCT with both Nolvadex and Clomid. Have fun. Get huge.

  4. #4
    joshp214 is offline New Member
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    Well, the reason I was thinking of using the Anastrozole is bc I have some gyno from puberty that never went away, so I figured it would be more likely to get worse from the test

  5. #5
    joshp214 is offline New Member
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    also, why would you say to drop the winstrol ?

  6. #6
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am assuming a cutter here bcoz you fail to specify

    1. Test E - long ester, mismatch with winny. If its the only kiind of test u can get your hands on, then you gotta go with what you got I guess
    2. Adex at the outset at that dosage is way too much... winny will already dry your joints out, adex should be used on a wait-n-see basis or started after 5-6 weeks IMHO
    3. PCT is inadequate

  7. #7
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshp214 View Post
    First heres my stats
    28 yr old
    6'1, 205 lbs 15% bf
    lifting 6 yrs
    have done Mdrol 2 yrs ago

    Im trying to plan out a 12 week cycle, hoping to get nice results for summertime.

    Test Enth 400mg wk 1-12
    Winstrol 50mg ED wk 8-12
    Anastrozole 1mg ED wk 1-4, .5mg ED wk 5-16
    PCT with clomid (typical PCT cycle)

    Does this look good or should I modify it?
    I see no problem with running winny the last weekds of a cycle. it'll tighten everything up. personally dont like it as if the joint pain from test e=isnt enough adding the winny makes me feel old.. older haha
    I like nolva in my pct i typicaly go with nolva and clomid but my perosnal response to it is my vision is a little bit off when im using it.... clomid
    I like to run my AI from week one but thats my choice a lot do, alot dont.. .25mg eod works well. also keeps the water and fat off.
    clean diet and this cycle i think your looking good man.

  8. #8
    joshp214 is offline New Member
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    So basically the test part of my cycle is good, maybe /maybe not finish with winny, don't worry about anastrozole until I need it, and add nolvadex with my clomid for pct?

    Also, I would like to cut on this cycle, and need to research the caloric requirements a bit more for a cycle like this.

  9. #9
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    For a first cycle my recommendation is just the Test E. Keep the adex available until you feel gyno. If you want to take ed or eod the dosage should be small, like .25mg/ed or eod. Drop the Winstrol. PCT with both Nolvadex and Clomid. Have fun. Get huge.

  10. #10
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshp214 View Post
    So basically the test part of my cycle is good, maybe /maybe not finish with winny, don't worry about anastrozole until I need it, and add nolvadex with my clomid for pct?

    Also, I would like to cut on this cycle, and need to research the caloric requirements a bit more for a cycle like this.
    Forget about all of this just run the test and clea n up your diet. lots of cardio. g2g no need for anything else my opinion. steroids dont make you cut... your diet.

  11. #11
    joshp214 is offline New Member
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    Ok then, one more question. 500 mg for 10 weeks or 400 for 12?

  12. #12
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    If this is your first cycle 400 for 12 weeks will yield great results, but if you feel like your not gaining after week nine or ten id stop then, judge it on your bodies reaction.

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