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  1. #1
    Rik888's Avatar
    Rik888 is offline New Member
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    Post injection...

    I have just recently begun my first cycle in injectable steroids (testosterone ethanate). i did my first injection two days ago in my mid quad and i still have a dead leg from it. just wanted to know if this was a common thing after taking your first injection? cheers guys XD

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Bro at 18 years of age i would seriously stop what you are doing, the potential damage you could be doing just isnt worth the risk...

    Use what your body has naturally in abundance...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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  4. #4
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    its going to hurt every day, from first injection to last, but you will have more pain few years later when you find out you fried your testiculos and they don't produce any more testosterone , you going to loose all muscle you have and get fat. good luck.

  5. #5
    Rik888's Avatar
    Rik888 is offline New Member
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    When did i say i was 18? is that what it said in my profile? :S wierd... no im 20 in october!
    but thankyou for your advice guys. unfortunatly nowadays the sad fact is that if you wanna get anywhere in sport you need to take a few risks :/ just the way it is im afraid.
    when did you guys start your first cycles?

  6. #6
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    18 and turning 20 in October still the same thing! To young! And what sport are u in that u need to succeed that badly that u will ruin your body longterm?

    I was 25 when I started my first cycle...

  7. #7
    Rik888's Avatar
    Rik888 is offline New Member
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    Rugby Union.... if you wanna get to the top you gotta take a few risks.
    id rather i didnt have to do it but like i said that just the way it is nowadays with everyone else doing the same thing... can deny it :/
    but again thankyou for your advice!

  8. #8
    FCVtec's Avatar
    FCVtec is offline Associate Member
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    Dropping the cycle is a good idea but why would you inject in your quads instead of glutes? I inject TREN A in my quads with a 28G insulin syringe since I am pretty lean and works fine but I don't use anything thicker than a 27G on quads, it would kill my leg 2. Some guys don't mind the quad shots cuz it don't hurt them but they hurt like hell for 4to 5 days for me.

  9. #9
    Rik888's Avatar
    Rik888 is offline New Member
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    nah i played it safe buddy and got 23G syringes...
    like you said it would kill too much. i was only asking because i was unsure if this was common as its my first cycle.
    would you advise injecting glutes nect time then yeah?

  10. #10
    FCVtec's Avatar
    FCVtec is offline Associate Member
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    23G is MUCH thicker than 28G dude. Not to mention the insulin syringe needle is only half inch long. I would never use 23G on my quads. I have no fat on my legs at all so It goes deep enough I never have problems.

  11. #11
    Rik888's Avatar
    Rik888 is offline New Member
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    so you would advise a 27-28G one for quads then? what size would you recommend for glutes?

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Best recommendation is as suggested, stop. The benefits are not worth the risk at your age unless you really dont care about side effects such as limp dick/ED, shutting down your HPTA permanently and needing HRT for life, premature balding, fusing growth plates (NO dont say you are done growing, your not) and many other side effects you may not realize for months or years but it doesn't make them any less real. No these are ot scare tactics, it's all true and we have plenty of post from people living the dream/nightmare.

  13. #13
    vtach12's Avatar
    vtach12 is offline Associate Member
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    What is your other stats? Training? Exactly how far can you go in life with rugby? Really? Oh, and a portentially limp penis for life?

  14. #14
    DGK is offline Member
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    If you dont even know how needle gauge sizes work you are most definately not ready to inject anything into your body.
    Another sign of you not being ready for aas is the fact that you say "I'll be 20 in october." That is about half a yr away and only little kids(mentally and maturity wise) say such things.
    The truth is bro, your 19 yrs old have no idea how the gauges for syringes work and i highly doubt u have done any research as far as to the chemicals you are putting in your body or the harmful effects injecting said chemicals can have on your not fully matured body.
    Im suprised nobody else has said this yet either, head to the diet section. Food is your best friend right now at your age.

    And lastley some food for thought, when u are a rugby rockstar and the top of the game and all the rugby groupies are throwing themselves at you but you have to turn em all down bc your dick stopped working at 23 , will you look back on these risks u r willing to take now and think they were worth it?

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