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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Need help designing a sust/winny cycle

    This will be my first cycle, Ive been down the PH road for the last year or two so I got sick of throwin my money away:

    6 foot 3
    276lbs 15% BF

    I am not looking for a drastic weight gain, rather the hardness and benefits of WInny, I wanted to have a low dos of tet in my cycle for its benefits, like 250mg/wk. I would like an 8-10 week cycle. I have Karachi Sust and NIles, Ill prob go with the Karachis, and Zambon Winny.
    I was thinking 250mg/week Sust weeks 1-8, winny weeks 5-10 at 50mg/day.

    I know prop alone would prob be a better alternative for test, but i have sust and Id like to use what I have....the only prop I have available to me right now is QV and Id like to stay away from Mexi shit. I just dont want get bloated while on the sust, and know maybe an antie may be an option.

    Should I throw in EQ?

    Thanks for the advice, be easy on me here, like a said this is my first cycle....I know of course clomid therap post cycle.

  2. #2
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Oct 2002
    250mg of Sust per week is pretty frickin' low. 250mg of any test ester per week is pretty low unless you are a man over 50 years old. Don't use Sust until you are comfotable with high testosterone doses - keep it simple and stupid until then... with single ester tests...

    BTW - YOU ARE HUGE! 6'3", 276 @ 15% - where's the pics?

    I would suggest doing around a gram per week of total androgens to keep you growing with good gains - a basic:

    Weeks 1-10 500mgs Test Enanthate
    Weeks 1-10 Deca 400mg/wk or Equipoise 500mg/wk
    Weeks 1-5 Winstrol 75mg ED
    Weeks 6-13 Proviron 50mg ED

    Winstrol jump for low water retention in the beginning - then when the Eq or Deca and Test really build up you add a mild anti-e, Proviron to keep water gain low... and ride the proviron up until Clomid therapy post cycle...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I want to lose BF, and i understand that deca is only beneficia; under a high calorie diet....usually used during a bulking cycle, like i said this is just what I have read. I would like to work with what I have right now, ie Zambon Winny, Organon Sust, I have some Norma Deca too, an Inpel Maxigan EQ.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Bump for any other suggestions...Thanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

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