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  1. #41
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    smashingbox you are right, by the time I read all the post I forgot some of the stats and he does sound like he has some good size/potential but as I said it was due to testing/risk.

    boss66 it's good to hear you have a good plan B and my only problem like others is due to age and how it can effect your HPTA and growth plates. Although you are already big and my think you are done growing it's doubtful your growth-plates are done growing/fused and using any aas at this time could rob you or a little more natural growth and fuse your growth plates prematurely. I'm sure as you know ever little bit counts so it's better to have it naturally that you will keep than something you will loose again after stopping aas.

    Yes due to age you have higher risk of doing permanent long term damage and making it harder or impossible to make gains without the continued use of aas; Like many of us here who are on HRT for life. Some are due to age and some due to young abuse.

    Work a little more on the diet as suggested, find natural ways to boost the test (NOT test boosters or pro hormones) with food and training. Sorry but not many here are willing to give advise that may be potentially harmful and anti productive.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-11-2011 at 04:21 AM.

  2. #42
    boss66 is offline New Member
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    Ya I totally get what you're saying man and thank you for putting it in a way I can relate to. Also while being nice about it and not continuosly saying you're stupid and too young blah blah blah. My dad also grew another 2 inches in college and maybe I have the potential too who knows. Are there any supplements that don't have this effect on your HPTA or mess with T levels?

  3. #43
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    First and foremost diet. A good pre workout drink like whey isolate & BCAA's and post workout Creatine.

    It's funny how many people THINK they are done growing at 18 like it's some magic number. LOL It's also not only height but filling out, broad shoulders and such. You dont want to be 6' 3" and have narrow shoulders do you?

    If people spent 1/2 as much money on quality food as they do gear they would have better results.

    I know it can be tought her at first but it's because we have dozens of kids 16+ who join only to ask what to use/cycle and have NO concept of what they are doing to their bodies or future and most say they dont care and wont listen to reason. We also have many members such as yourself who have been hear for years and are still natural but realized there is a lot more hear to learn than just how or what to cycle such as diet, workout routine and a large group of people with similar goals who are health oriented, not substance oriented.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-11-2011 at 06:07 AM.

  4. #44
    Tlee8769's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smashingbox View Post
    Working out for 5 years, 270+lbs naturally... 20 years old... sounds like a natural athlete... as long as he is aware of the potential risks in terms of possible damage to his natural hormone production, and he is using it to further his career... why not advise him on use?
    HAHA you are not needed for this site with your garbage talk are you slow or something 20 is to young read this that is why you must have some special needs yourself.

  5. #45
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    I have to be honest and give my opinion here. IF and thats a big IF he really has a chance to go pro and using the means of AAS will help him attain this goal, i do not see too big of a problem with it. for instance if were talking about a monster here with super freak genetics, that had an oppurtunity to compete on a national level, we would say its ok. there is no difference with a football player.

    I know that all the NFL players do this, at least most of the O lineman. I know this to be fact because I am friends with a guy on another board that is an O lineman in the NFL.

    I have seen him make posts in this situation and talk to him frequently through PM's.

    the first question he will ask is, does your coach know what your thinking of doing? the answer to this question will tell us alot about this particular situation.

    not to mention he says they have to be careful of what they use, simply cause the guys that do things like tren are sitting on the sidelines cause they lose their cardio, and flexibility.

  6. #46
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    499! If this is the chance he is willing to play with I tryed to help you out bud do what you will but all this kid wants to do is feel normal again answer this for me people who are stating that it might be alright what if this happens and he does not feel normal after the cycle how will his Pro football career chances be effected so if you have a chance normal to make it then 100% go that way because the use of AAS can work both ways...

  7. #47
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    i agree with you Tlee and think he should try diet first. there are very few people that actually should take this chance, just pointing out there are exceptions to the rules, he may VERY WELL NOT be that exception. i think you guys could help him attain his goals and he should at least try that first.

  8. #48
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    Well in my opinion I feel that if he is 20 and has everything perfect for a few years diet/training/lifting techniques/knowledgeable on the compounds and PCTs and proper BW. And if he is at his natural peak and has a for sure shot at making pro ball then it would be something to seriously look at but i guarantee you he has not plateaued natty and if he seriously has then post your diet and training and get bw done and see where you are really at. People seem to think it is the quick way for something but that is far from the truth you have to make it a perfect storm previous during and after cycle. If he had a proper diet laid out for him he would blast through any plateau why because he is 20 and his body is still growing. Perfect storm and has exhausted every angle before the use of it not just looking for a quick blast cause diet is 90% previous during and after cycle and we are creatures of habit and you have to be in the habit of proper diet.

  9. #49
    boss66 is offline New Member
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    Tlee8769 PLEASE HELP ME OUT! No one really knows what to tell me on the diet section. They are saying post your diet, how many meals a day, calorie intake, but I don't have a diet, I eat 2 or 3 big meals and have never counted calories in my life. I don't even know where to start. I'm a college student so I can't cook on a Bar b q 9 months out of the year cuz i live in a dorm, or have alot of the foods around that other experienced BBer's with a strict diet can do. I am going home soon and can stay to a pretty strict diet but 9 monhs out of the year i can't really, I would need to know what foods are readily available without to much preparation and other things like Post and Pre workout meals. Can you help me out on a legit diet for the next three months and I guess a modified diet while i'm away at school.

  10. #50
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    Yeah the diet section can be a little slow and also they are a tough crowd expecting you to do most of the work then they will jump in and critique it for you. somewhere in there is a very good meal/calorie counter that will help you out a lot.

    First thing is to learn that eating 2-3 big meals a day is TERRIBLE. You need to eat at least 6 meals a day. There is no way you can get the calories you need in 2 or 3 and also no way you can eat the proper foods to get your insulin levels up and your body in a proper state for working out and recovery. That is a start. What I did was search for people with similar stats and start looking at their diet, how it was critiqued and change it up for what I though would work for me. No one expects you to just know it or come up with it on your own but they do expect you to do some work to figure it out.

  11. #51
    Rastapopolous is offline Junior Member
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    yep that's exactly what I'm saying.. that's the risk you run

  12. #52
    thunder92 is offline New Member
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    I'd check out the diet section too. Have to learn how to eat right and stay under10body fat first in my opinion. If you can't do that without roids I wouldn't start thenm.

  13. #53
    boss66 is offline New Member
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    Thanks everyone. thunder92 I can easily drop 45lbs in the next few months and drop my BF in the single digits by next year but that's not what i'm trying to do. I'm trying to get as big as possible like 290 or 300 and staying quick and agile while being anywhere from 12-15%

  14. #54
    5x10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boss66 View Post
    Thanks everyone. thunder92 I can easily drop 45lbs in the next few months and drop my BF in the single digits by next year but that's not what i'm trying to do. I'm trying to get as big as possible like 290 or 300 and staying quick and agile while being anywhere from 12-15%
    are you on scholarship?

    i gained aprox 60lbs on my bench from the age of 20-21, all by changing my diet
    and i had already played football and powerlifted prior to this strength increase
    i was eating 10-12 chicken breasts a day plus alot of complex carbs
    Last edited by 5x10; 05-12-2011 at 07:00 PM.

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