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  1. #1
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    Experienced users and Vets help me out on getting back to normal!

    Im sick and tired of gaining weight sooo easily after this Test Prop and anavar 1st* Cycle i ran. Im 23 years old 5'11 195 lbs before the cycle and 208 after the cycle. When i was on i didnt feel like the testosterone was a " wonder " drug @ 100MG EOD. I was pinnning my glute / leg EOD. The anavar was ran @ 80MG ED sometimes i would do 100MG. I felt fatigued and i couldnt work out harder and longer. My sleep was shit. From when i first injected, i could only sleep 6 hrs and be wide awake then want to pass out 2 hrs later. I didnt have much energy. I gained 12 lbs in 2 weeks after my first injection of the test prop. Spoke with Swifto and he suggested Liquid Stane from ar-r and that worked really well. Got rid of all my bloated and shit. I ran Test prop for 7 weeks along with the anavar. I had to stop b/c i felt like i was getting test flu and honestly. I didnt like being on that shit anymore. I was performing WAY better naturally. I got into this cycle b/c the anavar will bring yer stregnth up along with shredding u. Prop , low dose and less bloat. That didnt happen @ all im actually fatter after this cycle with a ****ED Up body. I was traveling for competitions for the sport that i do from ohio to cali then vegas then back home from San Fran. soo from x-mas when i stopped and 1 month after i started Liquid Clomi and Tamox from ar-r. The 2nd day on PCT my muscles were soo sore and it eventually went away. I ran them for like 5-6 weeks and still was gaining weight easily and sleeping like shit. Also, my appetite was so weird. I would eat soo much and be like oh im still starving and my stomach was growling. Ive been speaking to Marcus and Swifto in private msg. But i mean, im here for last resort information until i see an endo or nuero.
    As of right now i can gain 10 lbs in 3 - 4 days when im off my 2,500 calorie diet. Now my point of this thread is b/c i could eat w/e i wanted before i used. Not gain a thing and when i dieted or when my nerves were shot i would lose 5 lbs in like a week. Now, i have to take clen from ar-r and stay on my diet to get back to my 195 lbs. It takes 1 week to 1.5 - 2 weeks to go from 210 - 208 to 195. I thought i was losing fat but im pretty sure its water...Ive did this like 3 times since ive been off the PCT's. Its been about 3 months now. I dont want to hear that get my diet in line blah blah cuz u guys need to see my point. I want my body or TRY to get my body back to normal. I could eat pizza , pasta ... w/e and not gain a thing and now i keep gaining and gaining weight. Im thinking when i eat high sodium foods now i gain alot of water weight. Do i need to see my dr or an endo so maybe he can give me something to balance my shit back out or w.e? Someone please help me out with information and guide me to get back to normal. This ****ing blows. IM naturally built and i dont need steroids . Never will do them again. Sorry about my english and grammer im just frustrated and things keep popping up that i remember i have to mention in this thread. I also forgot that i used UGL gear. It was sealed so i took it. Western Union and shipping is rape when u order through source so i took something local.
    Hope for some helpful replies. Thanks ~

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Those to know wats going on.So with out all the drama wats your problem bro?

  3. #3
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    Uhh... id like to stop spending 100 bux a week on nutrition now too see my abs. Before the cycle i could stay @ 195 lbs and eat w/e. Now i just gain and gain and gain. Id prolly be 230 if i didnt diet 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Thanks for not bashing songdog. Respect bro.

  4. #4
    lemonada9 is offline Junior Member
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    So what else are you experiencing? any other sides other than gaining weight?

    libido? small testes, no erection, lethargy, cold blooded feeling?

  5. #5
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    just messed up sleep. i get 6 hrs then need a nap later. huge appetite. iidk libido. testes never shrank.

  6. #6
    lemonada9 is offline Junior Member
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    well... if u have no problem gettin a boner and ur sperm count is good, then i would say its something other than the gear.

  7. #7
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    i always had no problem getting a boner. sperm count was a bit lower while on the steroids and more watery-ish lol now i took HCG after the PCT and its back and shoots out more than ever. I have to also mention when i was on PCT. i always very tired most of the day and my muscular endurance was bad. i got bloodwork done while on clomi tamox, ZMA and other test boosters and my test levels were like 1500 or something. But my energy was still shit. Wasnt in my head or anything. I do have to mention that my acne has cleared up back to normal now. Happy on that. Im just sick of this easy weight gain.
    Anyone out there know this issue? Can help or suggest something to fix this issue? i know u guys arent DR's but i dont have insurance and this is my way of trying not to pay a shit load to see an endo. Looks like i will be seeing one soon. ha

  8. #8
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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  9. #9
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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  10. #10
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    no help? last bump =/ ...

  11. #11
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    did you have your thyroid checked?

  12. #12
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    yeah , results came back fine. could it be my estrogen or cholesterol ?

  13. #13
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    after i got off juice and was in the middle of PCT and still now.. i work out SO hard and do cardio sooo much. i still dont lose anything. Its hard dealing with this when yer working yer ass off and u dont results. when before if i were working out and doing cardio like i was before i juiced. i would lose weight and see results as soon as 2 - 3 weeks

  14. #14
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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  15. #15
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    bump. seeing the endo next week...

  16. #16
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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  17. #17
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    i dont have any advice but when u go to the endo please update us. i never seen this happen to anyone. id start looking at other things that u may have changed other than juice. i had opposite effect after hgh. i couldnt gain weight to save my life. id eat any and everything in front of me all day. i still to this day dont really dont gain weight. it almost sounds like ur metabolism has slowed down. how old are you?

  18. #18
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Sounds like getting estrogen checked would be a good idea.

  19. #19
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    I am 23. i wanna run HGH but i already produce enough GH as a youngin'. So i do not want to mess up anything. But u know what. i Can get it for 120 a kit blue tops. I may try it for a month or 2. I doubt my metabolism slowed down. But i dont know? When i get to 195 when im using clen i stall there. Then usually my 2 weeks is up and i get off the diet and clen. Im thinking i just lose the water and stall @ 195 ( where i was when i started my cycle ) i just dont know. Im assuming its an estrogen issue like u said im83931. But if it is. What can the endo do for that? reccomend something to take? thanks for replies guys! ill tell ya. I HATE This. i have some really nice pics of my core looking realllyy good @ 193 lbs and 3 weeks later ( NOW ) im 212. Cant even see my lower abs. **** MY LIIFE. Endo is 160 bux .... sooo im saving up. hopefully next week ill go to him. ANYONE HAVE ANY INPUT ON WHAT TO EXACTLY TELL THIS DUDE? Im not trying to misss out on anything since i dont have insurance

  20. #20
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    tell him what u did. just like u told us. also im not saying to try hgh, and one month isnt enough any way. spend that money at the doc.

  21. #21
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    haha i hear ya rabid. But id love to be in your shoes. im naturally big with some body fat on top. id love to be down to 180 and lose some a cyclist and i look like a body builder on the damn bike haha. how old r u? id love to take hgh and have your effect!

  22. #22
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItalianPride View Post
    When i get to 195 when im using clen i stall there. Then usually my 2 weeks is up and i get off the diet and clen.
    When I am cutting I never cycle my diet. Maybe I am reading this wrong, but are you getting off your cutting diet every 2 weeks?

  23. #23
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    When I am cutting I never cycle my diet. Maybe I am reading this wrong, but are you getting off your cutting diet every 2 weeks?
    Here. Read this... BEFORE i took Steroids . I could EAT whatever i want! Now ( AFTER ) the Steroid cycle is done and PCT w/e blah blah blah. I eat w/e i want and gain and gain and gain weight. SOOOO to get back to my normal weight and appearance i have to use Clen and diet. If i diet the weight comes off but slowly. Clen... takes about 1.5 weeks. I dont wanna be wasting my money on dieting and clenbuterol all my life to look good. Im trying to get back where i was before i started my FIRST cycle. NORMALLY. not with steroids. Or Clen. Or w/e. Does that make sense? lol

  24. #24
    im83931's Avatar
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    No it doesn't make sense. Not trying to flame you but as you get older you will have to watch diet more closely. I know you are still young at 23 and you may have done some damage running a cycle at that age but you wont always be able to eat whatever you want.
    I was simply asking if you were dieting for only 2 weeks at a time. If so then that may be part of the issue. I agree you should be able to get your weight down without AAS cycling or clen or any other compound. My point being try cutting for at least 6 weeks.Aim for 500 calories under maintenance.

  25. #25
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i know, i experienced that at age 18. but u gotta realize. i didnt change my diet or anything. i train SOO hard and it still doesnt come off. then i used steroids ...nows its amazing hard! so thats why i turn to clen . u see, lots of ppl that use roids r genetically skinny. so when they shoot up they r just gaining muscle and muscle cuz there metabolism is soo fast...genetically. They r shooting up b/c they wanna be bigger to look better and cooler idk w/e... but me. i used b/c i wanted to get stronger. not be BIGGER. i wish i personally was 170 - 180 lbs all muscle 2 - 3 % BF and strong ! but nope i used roids prop / var and i wasnt shredded @ all like ppl say would happen. now im ****ing looking fat. .loll

  26. #26
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    Using testosterone prop and the anavar tabs screwed it up. i dont think my metabolism slowed down b.c id be gaining fat. i dont think its fat. then the clen wouldnt even knock of the weight that easily and quick. pretty sure im gaining water. should i try this liquid stane ( aromasin ) and see if it helps? i got a full vial.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItalianPride View Post
    haha i hear ya rabid. But id love to be in your shoes. im naturally big with some body fat on top. id love to be down to 180 and lose some a cyclist and i look like a body builder on the damn bike haha. how old r u? id love to take hgh and have your effect!
    30. did hgh when i was 28ish

  28. #28
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    are you eating every couple hrs that will prob help you. not a lot but something every 2 hrs, this help speed metabolism up.

  29. #29
    kbsportsnut's Avatar
    kbsportsnut is offline New Member
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    Did you ever get your estrogen checked? And are your test levels back to a normal level now?

  30. #30
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kbsportsnut View Post
    Did you ever get your estrogen checked? And are your test levels back to a normal level now?
    havent got my estrogen checked yet. test levels when i was on PCT and natural test boosters. now that my body has settled ill get that all done this time.

  31. #31
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidsquirrel View Post
    are you eating every couple hrs that will prob help you. not a lot but something every 2 hrs, this help speed metabolism up.
    yep, i actually eat every 2.5 - 3 hrs.

  32. #32
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    are you on any compounds now?

  33. #33
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    umm...just multi-vitamin, vitamin c and i take melatonin so i can sleep @ night cuz steroids also ****ed up my sleep...thats all im on. im excited to get this blood work done. thanks for the replies guys.

  34. #34
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    Its gotta be my estrogen. When i shot up the first 3 times i gained like 5 - 6 lbs while on a great diet. Could this be the cause of weight gain? Estrogen is messed up so im holding the water from the high sodium meals?

  35. #35
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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  36. #36
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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  37. #37
    ItalianPride is offline Junior Member
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    bump! anyone else think anything of this?

  38. #38
    dirtybrd's Avatar
    dirtybrd is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds like the gear messed you up. Hope you get it fixed and I hope other guys under 25 read this and understand that you and they are to young to cycle. Best of luck to ya though!!!!

  39. #39
    kwabby6 is offline New Member
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    I understand what you're saying but its kinda hard to associate the gear with this abnormal weight gain he is talking about. no doubt im sure it had something to do with it but there is no direct correlation...

  40. #40
    kwabby6 is offline New Member
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    REGARDLESS make sure to bump this when you get the results back. I would like to know how they come back as well

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