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  1. #1
    kinderbueno is offline New Member
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    May 2011

    18 year old, first cycle realisation.

    I have come to a realisation in the last couple of months.
    I am 18 and I wanted to do a 12 week cycle of Test C, with Nolv and Clomid with HCG for PCT. I was advised multiple times not to do steroids because I was too young and the risks of dangerous side effects were much higher. I even made different accounts lying about my age in order to get the information I was looking for.
    I visited the Doctor to ask if he would monitor my cycle, he said no, but would meet for general health check, I changed my Doctor and have a meeting at the end of this week.

    I was talking to a friend yesterday and I had the evening to myself to think, and then, along with the last two months debating whether I would or wouldn't do a cylce, I realised that I wanted to do a cycle. But for all the wrong reasons.

    I am a fairly confident person, good grades, I do fine with girls, I have a pretty good body for my age and a good set of friends.

    But recently, because of exams and things, I haven't been socialising that much recently and my confidence with girls and meeting new people has decreased. I saw steroids as a way to 'bring more girls' into my life, as a way of being more confident in myself and getting that attention from people that I haven't really had for a while.

    But all of these things don't really have anything to do with my body at all, the only REAL way to change that is to go out more, to meet strangers on the street, to talk to the hots girls in the clubs again like I used to and gain more friends.

    Doing steroids would just cover up the cracks in my personality, but not fix the root issues. So that is why I decided not to do steroids, I may do one day.. I may not. At 5'7" I only need to be about 80kgs @ 10% bf to look amazing. I'm 65kgs @ <10% bf now. And I sort of enjoy training natural.

    I will probably still post in the steroid section because I find it all fascinating, I have learned so much about these amazing drugs in the fast few months.. A LOT!!

    I want to take this opportunity to apologise to all the members I argued with and called names because they wouldn't (quite rightly) give me information on how to do steroids at 18, without them I would probably be on a cycle now and only realise this and it be too late.



  2. #2
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm not aware of your previous posts. But from what Iv just read your pretty switched on so I'm sure you will be more than capable of achieving your desired 85kgs naturally. There's still plenty of ways you can increase your size by changing around your training, diet and supplements. Good choice mate...

  3. #3
    yehkbrah is offline New Member
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    you have to remember it is all up to you and the decisions you make you will have to deal with for the rest of your life.

    good luck op with your cycling goals of the future

    and just wondering how did the doctor respond to your request? do you think he would have responded differently if you were older or the same?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    damn,i just read a similar thread on another forum lol

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    There is no reason to leave. We have LOTS of members who are all natural, members who have not used, members who made the mistake of using to young and now are back on course until they are ready. There is plenty to learn even if you have no interest in doing aas. As I'm sure you have been told 1000 time Diet is key and there is no better place to learn about diet for working out than on this forum in the diet section. Other diet forums SUCK and do it completely wrong.

    Trust me/us, you can easily reach the same goals, same size, same look just be learning what to eat and how to work out properly using this forum and have no worries about being able to perform with the ladies down the road.

    Good choice so far. Yes it's HARD to change your mind or let someone else talk you out of something you want to do but that is part of growing up and maturing, realizing that what you think is the right thing to do is not always the best choice.

  6. #6
    apacheman75 is offline Junior Member
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    Glad you made the right decision!! Now just keep working and eating and you will hit your goals.

  7. #7
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    I second Lovbyts' entire post.....

    You definately made the right choice but there no reason to not hang around. Theres lots of advice here for diet and training..... just because you aren't going to cycle doesn't mean you can't continue to make progress. If anything..... you're building a better foundation for yourself down the road.....

    The way you look has a lot to do with confidence IMO..... but that doesn't mean steroids are a crutch for a shitty personality lol. Keep training natural but stick around and keep learning..... you have nothing to lose!

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  8. #8
    kinderbueno is offline New Member
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bullseye Forever View Post
    damn,i just read a similar thread on another forum lol
    Yes, I browse a lot of forums. Steroid .com,, ************.com, (before I got banned) and /fit/.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    There is no reason to leave. We have LOTS of members who are all natural, members who have not used, members who made the mistake of using to young and now are back on course until they are ready. There is plenty to learn even if you have no interest in doing aas. As I'm sure you have been told 1000 time Diet is key and there is no better place to learn about diet for working out than on this forum in the diet section. Other diet forums SUCK and do it completely wrong.

    Trust me/us, you can easily reach the same goals, same size, same look just be learning what to eat and how to work out properly using this forum and have no worries about being able to perform with the ladies down the road.

    Good choice so far. Yes it's HARD to change your mind or let someone else talk you out of something you want to do but that is part of growing up and maturing, realizing that what you think is the right thing to do is not always the best choice.
    Yeah, I really do like the diet section on here, especially all the recipes for keto diets and bulking. I will stick around, post my progress pictures and LEARN LEARN LEARN!!! Haha

  9. #9
    lc1213 is offline Associate Member
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    you made the right choice for waiting to start a cycle. i waited til i was 36. as for leaving the forum, why? the guys on here give some of the best advice for training/diet and are willing to help with a lot of things. stick around, absorb all the information you can so you can make an iformative decision on what and what not to do. but for now, give it another 6-8 years before starting a cycle. your still young and your still maturing. the results you are wanting to obtain can be gained through proper training and diet. good luck

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