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  1. #41
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    x4 the "Older guy".
    I´m depressed now.
    Doesen´t take much in PCT.

  2. #42
    DeniZen's Avatar
    DeniZen is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by apex87 View Post
    Gear ??

    Great site; I’ve been reading posts for 5-6 weeks and though I’ve learned a lot I’m still somewhat confused on certain aspects of AAS use.

    My buddy got me interested in using AAS, he’s on his 5th cycle, first 3 were just sust250 1 pin per week for 10 weeks, no PCT other than Gaspari novadex, his fourth and current cycles are sust250 2 pins per week and deca still no real PCT. I’ve encouraged him to research this site and to at least use real Nolvadex /clomid.

    In any case his goals and mine are not the same. My goals are speed, strength, endurance and lean retainable mass. Total lean mass gain 10 to 12 pounds. Not looking for lots of size, just additional muscle for real use as well as vanity. And its ok if it takes couple cycles to get there, I’d rather go slowly than gain all in short time, if that is helpful. I have an active job and play sports regularly.

    I’m 42 6’1” 185lbs 15-17%bf been training off and on since mid 80’s have been my current weight give or take a couple pounds for 15years. Had a physical 2 weeks ago with full blood work, excluding checking test levels. Everything is normal, BP is about 115/65, liver enzymes are all normal. Total Cholesterol is 182 HDL/LDL are both in normal range. Not sure about test level, perhaps I have some symptoms of low test however libido and Johnson works perfectly.

    Ideally I’ll begin my first cycle late August or early September.

    Currently I have 1 vial of sust250. It has an animal on the label that sort of resembles an elephant with a large horn. Same stuff my buddy has been using so I assume it’s real.

    From research here Anavar looks appealing although I have checked price and its expensive but if that’s the best option for me then so be it.

    I’d like your advice on first and second (if needed) cycles complete with what to use, how to use and full pct; keeping in mind my objectives.

    Thanks to everyone
    I just finished my first cycle at 54 years old. Just Test E 500mg EW for 12 weeks and nothing else. Nolva and Clomid on hand. IMHO complicating my first cycle by adding compounds and other shit seemed like a waste of money and energy. I have enough challenges with diet, workout and injecting properly. The Test E only delivered what I wanted.
    Last edited by DeniZen; 06-28-2011 at 10:06 AM.

  3. #43
    apex87 is offline New Member
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    I've had those pins for a few weeks now, and could of swore they're 1 inch only noticed 1/2 inch last night when addding to this post; also i believe 30 gauge is too narrow.

    @first timer42, i'm not following your statement " doesn't take much in PCT"

    anyone used from this lab?

  4. #44
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by apex87 View Post
    I've had those pins for a few weeks now, and could of swore they're 1 inch only noticed 1/2 inch last night when addding to this post; also i believe 30 gauge is too narrow.

    @first timer42, i'm not following your statement " doesn't take much in PCT"

    anyone used from this lab?
    Emotional going through PCT. However, just kidding.

    Those needles u got are for subcutaneous injections (fatty layer under your skin)
    Used to inject HCG and HGH.

    U need to get some 1 1/2" 23/25 gauge needles for your ass, and 1" 25 gauge for your Quads and Delts.

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